Chapter II

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Cynthia promptly turned on her heels and marched out, giving Faith a moment alone to assess the situation. She had learned a long time ago that you cannot make everyone like you, no matter who you are to them, so Cynthia hadn't thrown her. Well, hadn't thrown her much. So after a few minutes of deep breathing and calming thoughts, she exited the filing room with what she hoped was a confident smile.

However, she spluttered to an ungraceful stop as her eyes connected with the most deviously gorgeous man she had ever had the pleasure of laying her eyes upon. His eyes were every hue of the forest, rimmed coolly with moss. Their lightness reminded Faith of summertime, when the sunrays warm each extended leaf. Next to the shade of his hair, the deepest chocolate brown, almost black, he was alive in the same way birds are, casually wild. His other features were just as mind-blowingly perfect, with icy pale skin that somehow radiated warmth, sharp angular cheekbones, a smoothly curved nose and a jaw that could cut through glass. Faith was aghast, blatantly staring at him catching flies with her mouth.

Then their eyes connected in a moment so intense everything else faded to black for Faith. Goosebumps erupted on her skin and she was sure something shifted deep within her. Something whispered to her soul that nothing would be the same now. This thought both daunted and thrilled her. But then reality struck and Faith realised she was very openly admiring this smirking god-like creature, causing her eyes to widen to an anime-like stance, and a heat to envy a fire clustering on her cheeks. She dropped her eyes shamefully to the floor, holding her breath as the man gaited forward and brushed past her, his alluring aftershave causing something to squirm pleasurably inside her. This realisation had her wanting to pull her hair out. A man had never affected her so greatly! Not even her own boyfriend had ever pulled such a reaction out of her. Remembering her boyfriend caused Faith to blush even more, feeling incredibly guilty about her wandering thoughts, as she scurried back to her seat with her tail between her legs.

"So... what do you think of William?" A sly voice purred from beside her.

"Who's William?" Faith innocently replied to Nancy, begging her fiery blush to fade.

"The hottie you just had a staring contest with." Nancy giggled.

"Oh... him." Faith awkwardly replies, thinking how nice William sounded rolling off her tongue.

"So you do think he's hot then?"

"Well... he certainly is... ok looking... but I have a boyfriend, so what I think is irrelevant." Faith stoutly replied, determined to get her emotions in check.

No distractions, remember?

"Well I'm single so I'm not afraid to admit that he's hot. His dad owns half the town, including this vet. He comes from a very wealthy family, as you can guess, but he doesn't just rely on his daddy's money, he actually works hard and manages some of the businesses himself, which only makes him more attractive to the hundreds of girls who call for his attention. Although, I have to admit no one has ever seen him with any girls, which is surprising seeing how eligible and hot he is. No one here is good enough for him apparently, or maybe he is gay? I don't know, whatever the reason is he lives like a spinster. You should go for him." Nancy chuckles deviously.

"Or maybe he's just waiting for the right girl, and doesn't want to mess around with lots of different ones. And I most certainly will not; I'm faithful to Sampson. Why don't you go for him?" Faith quips back, not knowing why she was so eager to defend the mystery man.

"Maybe, and definitely not. No one in this town is my type. Anyway, what about your boyfriend? What's he like?" Nancy eagerly asks her.

"Well, his name is Sampson. My father introduced us at a Charity dinner his law firm was hosting about a year ago. My father approved us together, and we started dating about eight months ago."

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