Chapter VI

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Faith's hands shake uncontrollably as she wanders up to the door of the vet. Inside nothing has changed; it's the same lobby, same people, same pictures... but something is different. It somehow is not as bright as it was before... well, before. Gulping nervously Faith stumbles towards her desk, feeling like a fragile piece of china and slightly sick. This is it... the place of her nightmares. Surely it was just a dream, but Faith could not shake the feeling that something had changed... nothing was the same now. She was more acute to her surroundings, seeing and hearing things she had never done before.

"Ah Faith how're you feeling?" Faith jumps out of her skin as one of the vets, Andi, greets her. "Whoa, you're jumpy aren't you? Well it's not a surprise considering... Anyway, are you sure you're feeling ok? You don't need to talk to anyone? You look pretty pale and tired." Andi frowns.

"I... I'm much better. Just in a jumpy mood." Faith mumbles cautiously.

"That's good to hear, if you need to go that's fine, we can always call Nancy in as an emergency."

"Ok... w-what about C-Cynthia?" Faith asks, feeling fear grip her heart again with just the thought of seeing the woman.

Andi's features harden for a moment before she relaxes. "I'm afraid Cynthia had a family emergency. We do not know when... or if she will ever be back. Don't worry Faith, you'll be ok." Faith could not help but wonder if Andi knew something... but that was impossible seeing as it was a dream. Stop lying to yourself... her conscience taunted her.

"Thanks..." She mumbles tiredly.

"Well, if you need anything just call. I have my next appointment now. Take care Faith." Andi smiles sympathetically before turning on her heel and leaving.

Shakily exhaling, Faith decides she just needs to get on with it. No matter what might have happened, and no matter how suspicious things may seem, she was determined to bury her head in the sand. At least until she saw Cynthia or William again and could confirm the fact that it was all a hellish nightmare.

Faith next saw William a week later. In that week her sister kept bothering her, asking her why she was tiptoeing around everywhere, and why she looked so disconcerted all of the time. Faith did not want to burden Hope with her crazy stories and theories about dark creatures, so she blamed it on a nightmare about their parents, which of course Hope sympathised with. Nevertheless, she did find herself examining the people around her. Some were so pale, without the rosy hue that comes from warm blood running through your veins, and cold to the touch... it was so... odd. Another thing was their eyes. They were vivid and multi coloured. She also found the whole vet clinic odd. The town was not big by any means, and yet they were usually always busy. Faith wasn't sure there was enough animals for the demand they kept up with. But if they weren't coming in for animals, then what for? Why was everything so confusing now? Suddenly she felt like Bella Swan solving the mystery of the Cullen family, but that was ridiculous of course.

She found herself dreaming of William at night, and craving even just a glimpse of him in the day. She couldn't work out what was wrong with her! Why was she craving his presence so much? Of course, she was... mildly attracted to him before the incident that wasn't real, but ever since then she feels like his presence is a drug she needs like air to live. She wanted him as hers... but why? Why? The million-dollar question. The only way for her to get answers would be to talk to him.

However, that was near impossible since he seemed to have made it a game to avoid her.

Faith did not know why the thought hurt her as much as it did. For reasons she could not even begin to fathom, she wanted him to want her and need her, as she did him. Sighing, she tried yet again to forget about William and her troublesome thoughts. She wasn't so sure how she was going to face her boyfriend later on that day. It was his birthday, and no matter how much she wanted to cancel, she knew she could not. She had to go and support him; show him that even though she had moved far away, she was still his girlfriend and she liked him a lot. She was not ready to let go of him just yet.

Cynthia's temporary replacement, another cold female named June, allowed her to leave early so that she could meet her boyfriend for drinks at the pub. It was going to take almost three hours to get there, so she was thankful for the time off. Hope helped her to choose an outfit – mainly composing of her clothes, that makes Faith blush every time she thinks about it! Hope forced her to wear a pair of ripped skinny jeans, torturous high heels, and a skin-tight black crop top exposing some of her tummy, which is all pulled together with a camel coat. She did feel pretty, but was much more comfortable when dressing conservatively. Faith didn't know what was wrong with wearing sweat pants on a daily basis, but Hope was a fashion queen and if she thought Faith looked 'hot' and Sampson would like it, then she would just have to trust her.

Faith was getting ready in the disabled cubicle, trying to stuff her feet into Hope's tiny skyscrapers. She had washed her hair the night before, and allowed to Hope to straighten it that morning, meaning she only had to run a brush through it now. For makeup, Faith only had time for the bare basics, using concealer to cover her dark circles, blusher and bronzer to give her some colour, mascara to make her look more awake and a seductive red lipstick to accentuate her pout. She had to admit... she did feel nice, although quite self-conscious. Checking her phone, her eyes nearly bugged out of her head as she realised she has been in the toilet for half an hour! She hoped nobody realised she was in there! They might think she has chronic diarrhoea or something equally as embarrassing. Collecting her bags, slightly flustered, she hurled out of the bathroom, realising she was leaving late when she crashed into a hard wall. The wall managed to catch her as she began to fall, securing her in its arms. Her cheeks flamed when she thought how lovely the wall smelt, and became even hotter when she opened her eyes and realised it was not a wall at all.

It was William.

As soon as their eyes connected the air thickened around them, making Faith forget everything apart from his touch and the bold roaming of his eyes. There it was. The fire, the intensity that only ignites in Faith's cells when she is around him. She's feels safe and secure in his arms, but then again feels as though she is drowning in the depths of his eyes. William takes a moment to allow his eyes to wander appreciatively down Faith's body, leaving a fire everywhere he looks, causing Faith to shiver.

"Hello Faith." William drawls, causing her insides to melt.

"H-hello..." Faith stutters, unable to take her eyes away from him. He was so enthralling to her.

"Where are you going?" He asks, the question making Faith snap out of whatever spell he managed to put her under.

Faith's eyes widen as she steps away from him whilst trying to calm her racing heartbeat, causing him to let go of her arms unwillingly.

"Err... I, I... My boyfriend... It's his birthday." Faith uncomfortably reveals, whilst one hidden voice in her yells for her to take it back, and let William knows she is his.

"Your boyfriend?" William snaps, his laidback attitude gone in the blink of an eye.

"Err yes. My boyfriend Sampson. We're going to the pub." I reaffirm, unable to look into William's sinful eyes.

Sneaking a peak at him, she stumbles backwards when she sees William's eyes are considerably darker then before, and his jaw and fists are clenched. Is the same thing that happened to Cynthia happening to him? Is it a disease?

"W...what's wrong? Faith gasps, getting ready to run.

"Nothing. I hope you have a lovely evening." William snaps, making Faith relieved that he is still human, but confused as to why he seemed so angry. Was it something she said?

Before she has a chance to ask, he brushes past her and stomps off down the holiday. This infuriates Faith, who has been ignored for most of her life.

"Wait a minute William; I just wanted to ask..." She starts, determined to remain polite, when he enters into one of the surgery rooms and slams the door shut, making her jump in surprise.

Well, that was certainly very rude. Who is he to ignore and demean me? As much as she wanted to go after him and give him an earful about manners, Faith knew she had to get going now, otherwise she would be stuck in rush hour traffic. William could wait for all she cared. 

We're nearly at 100 reads! Thanks guys xoxo


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