Chapter XIX

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William wasn't happy with Faith's choice, but almost everyone else agreed that she could help the situation, and they needed as much help as they could get. John was in the process of setting a peaceable meeting up with the Vampire Hunters, which was putting everyone on edge. Faith had been trying to calm Hope down all day, who was not taking the idea of being trapped among vampires very well. She had taken to barricading the bedroom door, and went through a series of crying, screaming, and rambling. Faith didn't have the heart to tell her that vampires had super strength, and could open the door equally as easily with the wardrobe now dumped in front of it. Faith wasn't sure what to do; she had never seen her little sister like this! Usually the cool, open and tough one Hope had had very little freak-outs in her life. Of course, Faith understood her fear, but she wasn't sure what to do to calm her down.

She wasn't sure if anything could be done!

Eventually Faith was done trying to coax her into serenity, and led her into the bathroom, turning the shower on with clothes and all. The shock of the water jolted Hope out of her brain, who squealed at the sudden coldness. After a moment of shock, her tense self melted and she started crying again, falling into Faith's arms. After a while Faith turned the water off and led Hope out of the bathroom, helping her into some comfortable clothes whilst she did the same. She then sat Hope down at the vanity, and retrieved the hairdryer, whilst she sat numb.

There was a knock at the door but Hope didn't seem to notice, before it opened slowly, the heavy wardrobe being pushed out the way as it did. Faith met Florence's eyes as she peeked through worriedly, obviously understanding that Hope may not be so receptive to her now. Faith would not have been surprised if Florence and everyone else had heard her meltdowns earlier. Carefully Florence tiptoed into the bathroom, hands deep in her pockets and a glum expression, which was highly unusual on her. When Hope saw her through the mirror she tensed, and her mouth fell open in an open scream, before she snapped her eyes away and remained silent.

"Hi guys." Florence started, gulping nervously. "I just wondered if you were... ok?"

Faith knew Hope would not answer so she did for her. "We're ok now Florence. Are you?"

"I've been better..." She chuckled miserably. "You know Hope, I may be a vampire but I have never and never will want to hurt you. I only had human blood once to be honest, when I was turned into a vampire on my 18th birthday. That was eighty years ago Hope... I swear I will never hurt you. I know you're not only worried about that, also my whole existence... but when you're ready I promise I'll explain everything to you."

After a couple of moments, Hope allowed her eyes to meet Florence's, seeing the raw honesty and sadness there.

"O-ok. If you promise." She whispered.

"I'll pinkie promise you." Florence insisted, holding her pinkie out to Hope who slowly offered hers in return.

After that, things started to turn to normal, Hope and Florence talking on the bed whilst Faith dried her hair. Once she was finished combing her long silky locks, Faith entered into her bedroom to see Hope and Florence talking normally, but there was an air of mistrust and distance between them.

"Hey Faith, Florence has offered to take us to the beach for an hour – William said we can get out of here!" Hope exclaimed, a happy smile on her face.

"Really? That is great Hope... why don't you two go ahead and spend some time together whilst I get organised here? I want to do some research in the library." Faith revealed, secretly wanting Hope and Florence to clear the air between them and wanting to do some research on the history between vampires and humans.

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