Chapter XXIV

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Faith had never been so at war with herself. She was in a quandary so confusing she couldn't possibly see the light at the end of the tunnel. Wondering what she should do was whirling round and round her head, leaving her in a constant state of distress. It had been hours since she first spoke with Nancy, who had untied her hands but left her locked up in the bleak interrogation room. She had been pondering on what the right course of action should be, and where her allegiance should lie. She hadn't been able to stop playing with her ring from William, torn between chucking it at the wall and hiding it so they wouldn't be able to take it away.

Betraying William and working with the hunters made her feel disgusted and sick, but she was incredibly hurt thinking that William had lied to her. Nancy had left her with a folder of correspondence from King Benedetto to the Government and other people she hadn't heard of, talking about legalising the drinking of human blood, and they didn't look counterfeit at all.

It was safe to say she had a royal headache the size of Russia.

She was incredibly worried about her sister, the changing tides of the future... and William. She did not want to offend or anger Nancy by asking if William and the other vampires were ok, even though she was desperately perturbed about their health. A little while ago, someone had slipped a tray of food in through the door, but Faith was afraid to eat it in case it was poisoned or drugged. Her stomach was constantly grumbling and begging her to eat, but she didn't trust the hunters. They were unpredictable. The only person she could trust was herself. Even Nancy, one of her only friends in Blackstone had turned out to be a fake!

Suddenly there was a shuffling behind the door, which made Faith sit up straighter. Could William have come for her? However, as the door swung open and Nancy entered into the room, Faith's hope died.

"You not hungry of something? Lakeland's a great cook." She commented nonchalantly, picking up the silver tray of food and bringing it over to the table.

"Well, it's hard to know who to trust these days." Faith replied in a clipped tone.

"Come on Faith, we're not barbarians. If we wanted to cause you harm we would have already." Faith shivered in fear at the bluntness in her tone. "But if you're not going to eat it, I might as well will." Nancy shrugged, picking up half of the sandwich and taking a big bite. "So... what was the plan? You were going to stay underground forever? Never leave?" Nancy asked slyly through a mouthful of food.

"No. William was... going to get rid of me." Faith began, not seeing the harm in telling Nancy about her destined departure.

"Kill you?" Nancy asked, having the audacity to stop eating and look alarmed.

"No, he wasn't going to hurt me. Well at least I don't think so... There is a ball happening this... this Saturday I think... and his friend or someone is coming from Italy, who has the power of wiping memories. He was going to get him to destroy mine and Hope's memories, so we could go back to our old life." She explained.

"Really..." Nancy murmured thoughtfully, setting Faith's half-eaten sandwich down. "Well you know Faith; memory removal is a very painful process. William obviously doesn't care about you if he's willing to put you through that." Nancy explained solemnly.

Faith didn't reply, and instead picked the other half of the chicken salad sandwich up to quench her growling hunger. She couldn't think straight with an incredibly empty stomach.

"Also, did you know that William's still keeping your sister a prisoner? She has begged to be let out to come and find you, but he refused. How cruel. He's not even trying to look for you at all!" Nancy pressed on.

Faith wasn't naïve; she knew Nancy was just trying to get her to turn her back on William. She didn't voice it aloud, but she was pleased that Hope was still with William and his family. She knew in her heart he would let no harm come to her. But was he looking for her? Did he care?

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