Chapter XIV

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William left after his tantrum, casting a dark cloud on the mood. Florence apologised for his behaviour, but it wasn't what Faith wanted to hear. Faith felt that if he was actually sorry for his treatment of her then he should have apologised himself. Sensing she wasn't in the mood to talk, Florence ordered breakfast in bed and switched her telly on, allowing Faith to choose a movie. They were halfway through the timeless Pride and Prejudice when there was a timid knock on the door, and William poked his head in, requesting to talk to Faith alone. Florence rolled her eyes and told them to play nice, before leaving the room and causing an awkward silence to grow.

"Hi Faith..." William began, swallowing loudly. "Are you ok? Well, of course you're not. I am really sorry about what happened earlier – I was just worried because I thought maybe someone with less then honourable interests took you, and then I was angry because I thought you ran away from me. There is no excuse really, but I'm sorry for scaring you."

"Ok." Faith sighs, endeared by his apology but not quite ready to forgive him yet.

"Hey, come with me... I have a surprise for you. Well, I hope you'll think of it as a good one, but with you I'm never sure how to act, so it might be bad." William chuckled awkwardly.

Knowing that she didn't really have a choice, and was at the mercy of her kidnapper no matter what she did, Faith nodded sullenly and slinked out of the bed, following the excited William. She wasn't sure what to expect, but her scared little sister certainly wasn't it.

"Hope? Oh my goodness, what are you doing here?" Faith shrieked, rushing into her arms as soon as she saw her.

"Faith! Oh, I was so worried about you! I knew something was wrong – you'd never leave without saying anything, right?" She asked timidly, holding her elder sister close.

"No of course not! I'm fine though – don't worry about me. Are you ok?" Faith asked earnestly, oblivious to everything else.

"I am now that we're reunited! But what the hell is going on? You went out with your boyfriend and didn't come home, which by the way, you know I need the juicy details later, and then the next day I am told you're on a course for two weeks? I went to your work and the lady there confirmed it, and I kept calling you but it said your phone was out of service, and then I couldn't sleep all night! Then this morning these two massive guys who look like they eat steroids by the hour arrived at our house, then said if I wanted to see you I had to go with them! I was so freaked out, but I was more worried about you so of course I came, even though they could have been serial killers – thank goodness they're not, right? And then they blindfolded me and half an hour later I'm here!" Hope rushes out, holding onto her sister in the dark room she was seated in.

"I'm afraid that's confidential. You must stay here for a couple of weeks to keep your sister company, and then you will be let go to continue on with your lives." William butted in, alerting the girls to his presence.

"What do you mean? What about school – well not that I care that much about it, but seriously! We're prisoners now? Why?" Hope exclaimed, confused and alarmed.

"I found out something I shouldn't have... and the punishment is I – well, we now, have to stay here for a couple of weeks." Faith blurts out. "You just have to trust me, ok Hope? Don't ask questions I can't answer at the moment. It will only worry you."

"...Ok, I guess." Hope frowned, noticing the bodyguards glaring at her from the doorway, but planning to bug Faith about it later on. "Just tell me this, are you part of a mafia?" Hope asks William cautiously, which he snorts in response at.

Faith held her sister close, as William left them to it with a smile on his face and allowed Hope to be acquainted with Florence. Faith had mixed feelings on the whole thing though. On the one hand, she was relieved to have her sister in her vicinity at all times; knowing that she was safe and with her made her a lot happier. On the other hand, though, she hated that Hope had been dragged into this mess. She knew Hope inside and out, and knew she wouldn't stop pushing Faith's buttons until she snapped, and told her what was really going on. Also, she didn't really want her little sister's mind messed around with, although she wasn't sure how to get around that.

She also wasn't sure how to feel when Hope and Florence met each other and instantly hit it off, which wasn't surprising since they were very similar, but Faith kept a close, watchful eye on them both as although Florence was lovely, she was still a vampire. Who knew what could happen to make her suddenly flip, as Cynthia did? Florence offered Hope her own room next door to Faith's, but Faith was relieved when Hope instantly turned it down and said she would sleep with her sister. No matter how different they were, they were always on the same wavelength. Hope was astounded when she saw Faith's accommodation, saying she would marry the room if she could. Faith wished that one day she would be able to make enough money to buy her sister all the things she wanted and desired, but at the moment, it just wasn't possible.

Florence suggested they go to her room, as she had a TV, so they took the journey to the Royalty's level, but not before Faith double-checked she had alerted William to her plans. On the way to the elevator, they came across someone who wasn't afraid to look or talk to them. No maid, guard or random person Faith had so far come across would look at her in the eye, dedicatedly training them at the floor or scuttling off.

"Hello ladies, you must be Faith and Faith's sister, I presume?" He asked charmingly.

"Yes, this is Faith and her sister Hope. How are you Keegan?" Florence asked with a giggle, while Faith and Hope muttered 'hi'.

"Very well thank you Princess. I must be off now, but it was a pleasure to talk to and meet you all." He says with a smile.

"Oh, isn't he dreamy?" Florence sighed as he turned around the corner. "I've had the biggest crush on him since forever, but I'm starting to think he will only ever see me as his best friend's little sister." She pouted.

Faith could definitely admit he was a handsome man, passing a clear head higher than most people she would consider tall. Somehow he wasn't lanky though, with muscles beneath his crisp suit. A charming smile and auburn curls captured attention, but not in the same heart-stopping manner William's presence always seem to provoke. This Keegan seemed like a nice fellow to Faith, although she wasn't naïve. He was most likely a vampire, and Faith knew she would be a fool if she trusted anyone apart from Hope.

I don't like this chapter... but I owe you an update! Sorry it's taken so long I went on holiday! xoxo


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