Chapter III

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Faith could not believe it was Friday already! Her first week of work had totally flown by, leaving her wondering what day it was most of the time. She had a concrete relationship with Nancy, and also became friends with Ben and Andi, two of the vets. She didn't get on very well with Cynthia. The mean older lady didn't like Faith at all, and made it clear every time she spoke. Faith often caught Cynthia observing her with those cold emotionless eyes, setting her on edge and making her adrenaline kick in. It was safe to say Faith felt less then comfortable around the bitter woman. She always found a way to insult Faith, even though she thought she was doing well considering it was only her first week of work. Apart from Cynthia, everything was going unusually well for Faith. Even her sister had settled into school perfectly, which was a miracle considering she was nearly expelled from her last one.

Today she was excited to finally meet the head of the organisation, and essentially the owner of the town, Benedetto Demelo. As a very busy and important man, he always had two bodyguards with him at all times. Faith was cautiously eyeing them up and down; afraid that if she even breathed wrong the men would put a bullet through her skull. Cynthia on the other hand was the same as ever, imposing yet professional, used to the dramatics that occurred every time the boss showed up.

Benedetto was currently talking to Andi, the head vet, in the clinic behind the office and waiting room. When he walked in earlier, Faith almost felt like bowing to him – there was just something about him that made him seem powerful and the need to be treated like royalty. He was a handsome man, tall with perfect posture and a gentle smile laced on his lips. Something about him instantly drew Faith towards him – maybe it was his gentle movements, the look of summertime in his smile, or just his gentlemanly demeanour, but Faith could tell he was a very fatherly man. His intricate green eyes took Faith by surprise, as they are the same gems that make William's eyes look so beautiful. Not that she was thinking about William or his dreamy eyes though. However, Benedetto's skin was darker then William's, showing off his pure Italian parentage, and his black hair is speckled with greys, whereas William's had a slightly browner tinge, and looked soft and silky.

"Ah, Faith is it?" A rich voice calls out, making her jump.

Snapping her eyes up, she sees Benedetto observing her, a smile on his face. Faith felt her cheeks grow hotter then the sun as she realised her boss caught her dozing off, thinking about his son, the first time he met her. Nancy doesn't work on Friday's, so she was not there to nudge her back to the land of the conscious.

"Err, yes. That's me – I'm Faith." She stuttered nervously.

"Well, it's lovely to meet you. How has your first week been?" He asked, pleasantly surprising Faith.

"Erm great. It's... yeah great, err this place is great!" She exclaimed, cringing immediately after.

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it." He chuckled good-naturedly.

Suddenly the tell tale sound of the doors sliding open whirls to the left of Faith, pulling her attention to it. As she glanced over her eyes did a double take as none other then William waltzed through the door. The air became thick with electricity, and Faith felt her heartbeat rise and breathing become laboured as he sauntered over, hands deep in his pockets and a lazy smile dancing on his lips. As their eyes connected, Faith felt as though she were struck by a lightning bolt, as a flash of desire ripples through her.

"Faith, I'd like to introduce you to my eldest son, William." Benedetto interrupted, yet again, Faith's questionable thoughts.

"Hello." Faith felt like she could melt at William's deep chocolatey voice.

'How is even his voice attractive?' She screams aghast in her mind.

"H-hello." She mumbles back, a cute flush decorating her cheeks, and her wide hazelnut eyes gazing up at him as if he is a god.

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