Chapter XXI

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Sighing, Faith wondered what would happen when her memory was wiped. She couldn't imagine her thoughts not ever straying to William or his twisted world for a day, let alone not remembering it forever more! In five short, short days, she would be back to boring old Faith, working too hard and stressing over a boy who wasn't worth it, and a degree that would take her in the direction of a life she did not want. The whole thing was rather morbid. She wondered if she would dream about William sometimes, or remember snippets of their time together, but she had a feeling that the slate would be wiped clean and she truly would not remember a thing.

Although Faith missed dancing under the twinkle of a thousand fairy lights, the feel of wet grass beneath her feet, and the crisp salty air swirling through her hair, she had grown to feel comfortable with a simple life hidden from humanity. She never liked people that much anyway. Also, vampires weren't all that bad. Of course, it was always daunting, but she had never felt too unsafe. Especially when she was with William.

"Faith? Faith! You're zoning out again." Hope chastised whilst braiding her sister's hair.

"Oh, sorry Hope." Faith chuckled guiltily.

"Are you worried about the meeting?" She asked.

"A little, I guess." Faith shrugged.

Today was the day she was to meet with the Hunters to try to demonstrate that humans were not under threat from vampires. She was the bargaining chip in the fight for peace. Faith was not sure what the outcome of her appearance at the meeting would be, but she was determined to do her best to prove that vampires were still vegetarians (of a sort). Faith was dressed casually in blue jeans with a cream knit jumper, and her comfy white trainers, which were slightly greying with age.

Keegan – or Sir Hartley as she now knew, knocked to collect her a few minutes later, and she gave Hope a huge squeeze as a good bye. Keegan had a grim yet determined look on his face, and Faith guessed he was as uneasy as everybody else had been those past few days. William informed her that Keegan and a couple of guards would be taking her to the event, as there was no-one William trusted more then Sir Hartley to ensure Faith's safety. Of course, Faith blushed profusely as he said it.

"Are you ok?" Keegan asked as they left her bedroom, heading to the elevator.

"Yes... slightly nervous but it will be fine I'm sure."

"Don't worry Faith. Soon you will be safe and all of your problems will be over." Keegan murmured cryptically.

Faith assumed he was trying to tell her he had great faith in her to help the situation, and that she could be the missing piece in coordinating peace.

As they reached the elevator, Keegan apologised and made Faith wear a blindfold. It was mildly unsettling, but she knew she did not have a choice. She guessed they were simply making sure she did not have the means to escape in the dead of night. Keegan had his arm around Faith, leading her through the corridors somewhat awkwardly. Faith didn't feel like she could melt into his touch – no, only William had that effect on her. After five minutes of walking, they stopped and she could hear Keegan fiddling around with something, before a heavy mechanical noise hummed in front of her. Even with the blindfold on Faith winced as a bright light was gradually unveiled, and she realised she was finally at the gateway to outside. The noise then stopped and clicked into place, and wasting no time, Keegan took Faith's arm and led her outside.

Faith stumbled after him, revelling in the way she felt warmth – real warmth – on her skin and the wind flitting through her hair. She loved it! Keegan allowed her to peek through the blindfold to see the sun casting its last golden rays upon the clouds of billowing smoke, turning them bright red; fire red. For a few precious moments, Faith found herself lost in the beauty and captivated by the rhythmic percussion of waves lapping at the sand. Suddenly it became apparent that she missed being outside more then she had realised, and was dreading the moment she would have to re-enter into the caves below. She had fooled herself into thinking being with friends and family was enough, but she knew in the moment the blindfold slipped back over her eyes she needed a life – a real life.

"Ok, good luck Faith. I hope everything goes to plan. I'm putting you in the car now." Keegan explained softly as he helped Faith into the car.

"Goodbye Faith." He said as he shut the door.

Faith took her blindfold off to see he had already gone, and she was in a car with tinted windows and two beefy looking bodyguards who were yet to make eye contact with her. Faith sat awkwardly for the whole journey, unable to look out to see where they were going, and too uncomfortable to talk to the bodyguards. Eventually they pulled to a stop and her door was opened, a piercing light making her squint and rub her eyes. A hand was then placed on Faith's knee, making her jump, yet she somehow knew it was William. Squinting at him, he helped her without words out of the car after the bodyguard.

Her eyes quickly drew accustomed to the light swinging from the roof as William lead Faith into an old building, which looked like it ought to be knocked down and built afresh. Faith was wrapped up in William's strong arms, and he held her in such a territorial way it sent Faith's heart racing.

"You know I don't want you here Faith... are you sure you want to go in? I can't guarantee your safety." William warned - his expression as cold as ice.

"...I know William. But I trust you. And I want to help your world in any way that I can..." Faith whispered back.

William's father interrupted them from their tender moment. He was dressed smartly like a businessman but with an air of danger, warning you not to cross him. It was strange for Faith seeing William and his father together, as they looked so similar.

"Ah Faith, it's good to meet you again. If you go in there and explain your story – but leave out the kidnapping part mind you – then hopefully they'll agree to sign the contract to peace between our kinds." William's father spoke drily, obviously not liking the situation.

"It's good to see you too sir. I will try my best." Faith uttered nervously.

"That's all we need dear." The King smiled kindly.

"Right I guess it's time. Remember; just explain your story, nothing else and then you are going home, ok? I'll talk to you about it later." William mumbled tiredly, planting a sweet kiss on Faith's forehead in support.

Faith was plastered against William's side as her nerves skyrocketed. They began moving towards a door a raucous of noise was exploding from, the very essence of arguing. Faith was more then anxious, but with William beside her, she felt safe. She knew deep down he would try as hard as he could to protect her if things went south. The bodyguards ahead of them opened the door as the King nodded that it was time, and a room full of rowdy, deadly looking individuals was revealed to them. Faith's heartbeat pounded in her chest as she knew it was time.

As they entered into the room, everything went unnaturally quiet.


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