Chapter XXX

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Being unable to sleep seemed to be a reoccurring theme in Faith's life. It was a sign of guilt. However, that night was especially bad as it was the night before the ball. Guilt and nerves weren't the best mix of emotions for an unblemished nights sleep. Hope was sleeping soundly, taking up three quarters of the bed, but Faith just could not shut her mind down. She realised there was no reason for her to keep pretending to be sleeping as she obviously wasn't going to drift off anytime soon. Getting up with a tired sigh, she slumped on her dressing gown and then made her way out of the room and to the library. She was glad William had stopped locking her door.

She was on her way, trudging like a zombie through the hallways, when she finally arrived at the library. But as she went to push the door open, it was yanked from the other side and she fell into someone's chest. She immediately realised it was William.

"Oh, Faith! Are you ok?" He questioned as he steadied her on her feet, his brows creasing in the adorable way Faith had come to love.

"Oh yes, fine, just fine. You?" She asked as she took a step away from him, not liking how her body melted into his touch so wantonly.

"Ok. Trouble sleeping?" He guessed.

"Yeah... you could say I'm... nervous for tomorrow."

"Hey, do you want to come somewhere with me? I promise you won't regret it." He asked her, the awkwardness of meeting like secret lovers in the dead of the night seeming to have been forgotten.

"Erm, ok. I don't have anything else to do." She shrugged.

William curled his arm around Faith's waist, loving how perfectly her body moulded to his, and manoeuvred her towards the elevators. Instead of going down to his floor, they went up to the commercial one. But instead of heading into the market area, Faith tensing when she remembered Miss Hattie, they headed right - down a darkened passageway. There were no lights and Faith felt on edge as a cool chill swept through the tunnel.

"This isn't where you're going to kill me, is it?" She asked, only half joking.

"If I wanted to hurt you Faith I would have done so already." William murmured.

Faith was not sure whether that was supposed to comfort her or not.

The ground crunched under her feet until William came to a stop and scanned his thumb on a piece of metal jutting out of the wall. The wall in question was then sucked in to the right, revealing some manufactured steps carved into the stone. They were quite thin so they had to go up one at a time, feint torchlights leading the way. Faith jumped as the wall slid back into place behind them as they entered through. Eventually the steps levelled out onto a flat platform; another dead end. In the wall though, there was a hole big enough for a child to slip through, showcasing the moon and beach below.

"Wow..." Faith gasped.

The waves looked silver in the moonlight, gently washing up against the beach of black stones. The night sky looked like velvet, as if it had been thickened somehow. It was the most beautiful art, alive with raw energy, and a song for the eyes. Stars lit the sky like snowflakes in the night, yet appeared still - like an old photograph. Faith smiled, feeling the wind blow her hair into a tousled mane. The air was so fresh and salty, a delight to her senses as her eyes fluttered closed and she enjoyed the moment of tranquillity.

"I had this built so I always had somewhere to come and enjoy one of nature's gifts to man." William hummed quietly behind her.

"It's stunning." Faith whispered.

"It is. It's also incredible in the day, the sky a blanket of blue and the golden penny sun illuminating the crystal waters. I can't go out in direct sunlight because my skin is too sensitive – burns very easily. That's why our coven's here, in one of the rainiest places on Earth." He chuckled.

"Do you miss it? The sun?" Faith asked.

"Sometimes. I am used to it though. You must be excited to get back out there in the sun Faith." William commented, making the atmosphere tenser.

"I guess." She shrugged. "I doubt anyone missed me though."

"Don't say that. I'm sure everyone at work will be happy you're back... and your boyfriend will be happy to see you." He added stiffly.

"Who Sampson? No, it is over between us. I completely forgot about him whilst I've been here." Faith commented.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that Faith." William murmured, although as Faith turned to look at him she caught a triumphant smile on his face.

"I just can't believe that soon I will have forgotten all of this." Faith sighed gloomily. "Do you like being a vampire William?" She asked as she spun round to face him.

"It depends on the day Faith, and I'm sorry it has to end like this."

"It doesn't have to end at all. William, I don't want to forget." She stressed, stepping closer to him.

It had only been a week and a half, yet his family and he were already embedded in her heart. It caused her physical pain to think she had to forget him.

"Faith... I don't want you to go... but maybe it will be for the best."

"William... please I'm begging you." She pleaded, thinking that if he trusted her and accepted her into his life for real this time, she would be able to warn him about the hunters.

She was pressed right up against his chest, clinging on to his jacket to try to make him see reason.

"Oh Faith..." William groaned, cupping her cheeks in his hands. He wanted to kiss her so badly, and claim her as his, but he couldn't. He had pilfered enough of her life; he couldn't steal the rest of it and her humanity too.

"I'm sorry Faith, I just can't. You'll be going home tomorrow." He forced himself to act coldly, pulling away from her and stumbling away.

Her crestfallen expression broke his heart, but it had to be done.

I hope you enjoyed this update, there's only 6 chapters and the epilogue left! xoxo


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