Chapter XIII

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The next day Faith awoke to a cold, empty bed. She had had many ghastly dreams the previous night, circling around her sister and someone she would rather not mention. It took her eyes a couple of moments to get accustomed to the darkness, before she realised what had awoken her in the first place – a knocking at the door. She knew it couldn't be William – the knock was very dainty and delicate, the work of a woman. Faith recalled William mentioning something about a sister yesterday, and she had no power to stop whoever was coming in anyway, but still she felt nervous, daunted even. This was the first person who she officially knew to be a vampire (besides William) that she would be in contact with.

"Erm, come... come in." She called out, gulping slightly and sitting up in bed.

Almost immediately, the door was flung open, causing Faith to jump, and a young girl came bounding in, sucking on a lollypop. Her shape already had the beginnings of womanhood, yet Faith doubted she was more than half way through her teens. Chestnut brown hair with blonde highlights lay on her shoulders like a waterfall flowing mildly; flaming as bright as a sunrise. Her eyes were amber, shining like delicate orbs in the night. Below them was a nose so freckled that the brown splotches overlapped like autumn leaves after harsh winds blew. Her smile was wide and warm, excited even, as she hurried over to Faith like she was her new toy.

"Hi! You must be Faith! It is so nice to meet you! I have to admit, when William first announced he brought a girl home I was in a state of heavy denial, since I've never seen him talk to one for more then ten minutes – well, apart from me and Kathy of course – but now I've seen you it's official! Oh my word this is so exciting! Oh, where are my manners? I'm Florence! William's little sister." She giggles, talking incredibly fast.

"Erm... hi..." Faith chuckled, not feeling threatened at all by Florence. She reminded her of a child.

"Oh, have I told you how excited I am to see you? Kathy just knows we are going to be best friends! Oh, I forgot – are you hungry? Would you like food? Of course as I am a vampire I don't really eat food... well, only red meat really, and lolly pops! Gosh, I love lollypops, don't you? Anyway, sorry if I'm rambling, I can get our cook to prepare anything you like!"

"Erm, I'm ok at the moment. I usually eat later on in the morning." Faith admits.

"Oh that's fine! Would you like a little tour of the palace? I assure you it will be so much fun!"

"Well... I would, but do you have any clothes? Also I don't think I'm allowed to leave this room." Faith sheepishly reveals.

"Oh of course, silly me, I forgot! We can go to my bedroom and play dress up! Yes, and we can do makeover's and all that fun stuff. Nonsense, you are not a prisoner! You're a guest. My home is perfectly safe – as long as you're with me. So, shall we go?" Florence asks, smiling at Faith and holding her arm out for her to take.

Slowly Faith slips out of the bed and links her arm around Florence, allowing her to pull her out of the room. The whole journey Florence wouldn't stop talking, going on and on about a variety of different, non-consequential things. Faith felt exhausted, but also endeared, as Florence reminded her of her own sister, although colder to touch and slightly more bubbly. Faith is shocked as they come to the end of the hallway and Florence presses a button for an elevator! Considering they were deep underground, you really couldn't tell, as there were proper walls and floors, and a working elevator between the different levels. Faith averted her eyes as Florence scanned her thumb and typed in the password to the elevator, taking them below to the double floor where the royal family resides.

As soon as the elevator opened, there were two guards outside, who narrowed their eyes at Faith, but let her through when Florence explained she was with her. The benefits of being a Princess, Faith supposed. Florence's room was even more extravagant than Faith's, complete with a swimming pool for a bath tub, and two story closet holding thousands of clothes, shoes and bags. Every thing was designed by master craftsmen, from the finest diamond chandeliers to Persian rugs, and antique paintings probably costing more then Faith's house.

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