Chapter XXXIV

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"Wait, kill them? What about the cure?" Nancy exclaimed frightfully as Faith struggled to sit up with the help of her sobbing sister.

The Emperor snorted distastefully. "There is no cure little girl."

"W-what do you mean? You said – I saw it!" Nancy panicked.

"It was all fake, but thank you for all of your hard work and effort, we really appreciate it." He said as he grinned cruelly at Nancy who looked like she was going to either pass out or have a heart attack.

"But what about my brother!" She cried, looking paler then usual, as her first tears made their appearance.

"He will be dealt with along with the rest of his disgusting kind."

"No! Please!" Nancy cried, realising she had made a huge mistake.

"What's going on in here?" A harsh voice asked from across the room.

Faith turned her head to the side, and was just able to make out Sir Hartley and a few other vampire's forms. How was he still awake?

"What do you mean there's no cure?" A girl, which Faith recognised as one of the maids, questioned. A few of the other vampire's murmured frightfully in agreement.

"He means that we played you into destroying your own race, scum." A man with teeth as yellow as the sun snarled.

Sounds of panic and terror enthused, but as some of the vampire traitors tried to escape, they were shot with the same poison that knocked the others out cold.

"You can't kill all these vampires! They'll wake up soon." Sir Hartley growled furiously, and at that moment, it clicked in Faith's mind that he was a traitor.

"Watch us. We're going to burn the lot of you." The Emperor cruelly remarked, as Sir Hartley was shot with a dart gun in the neck, and collapsed to the floor growling in pain.

Nancy screamed as this happened, trying to fight her way closer to Sir Hartley, but she was unable to as she was restrained by a bodybuilder of a woman.

"No! You promised! You promised you would help him! Don't hurt him, please!" Nancy screamed out as if she was in agony.

Faith realised Sir Hartley was in fact her brother.

"Shut her up and restrain them with the others, let them see first hand before we kill them what happens to vampires and vampire sympathisers." The Emperor spat.

Two man dragged Sir Hartley's writhing body over to where Faith and Hope were sat, as he growled in pain and fought to stay awake. Nancy was also dragged over kicking and screaming, and they tied her hands and feet together and stuffed a cloth in her mouth so she couldn't cause too much trouble. The children, Hope and Faith were also tied up at this point. Although Nancy had been a huge participator in what was happening that night, Faith did feel a little sorry for her. She didn't think Nancy was necessarily evil – she just wanted to be with her brother and seek vengeance from the people who took him from her. Now they might all die tonight. The dizziness from the hit to the head had started to fade, so Faith was able to ask the children if they were ok and hug the horrified Hope properly. The children were distraught as they watched the hunters cruelly drag all of the bodies into the middle of the room, and a couple of them started splashing oil over the bodies and messing around with lighters in their hands, obviously planning to burn everyone. Faith felt sick and scared. They hadn't gone up to collect the bodies of the royal family yet, but Faith had a feeling they had something evilly special in store for them.

"You're William's best friend... he trusts you... how could you betray him?" Faith murmured to Sir Hartley who was going purple in the face.

"And he... he loves you, h-how could y-you betray him?" Sir Hartley grit out in pain.

Faith had no response to that.

If William really did love her he certainly wouldn't when he awoke and found out she was one of the reasons his friends were being burned alive. If he woke up... A voice in Faith's head taunted. She knew she had to do whatever she could to stop this monstrosity from happening.

"Did you really not know it was their plan to kill everyone?" Faith asked quietly as she turned to Nancy who was crying silently. She shook her head harshly confirming she didn't.

"Knew... knew... they kill... K-King... thought s-save else..." Sir Hartley wheezed out.

"Faith... what can we do? We can't just – just sit here and wait for them to kill them!" Hope exclaimed looking distraught.

Any minute now they were going to start the bonfire, and Faith wasn't sure if that would disfigure or kill the vampires. It wouldn't be pretty whatever it was. Looking around, she couldn't think of anything that could help them save the vampires from their destined torturous end. There was only her, Hope, an out of action Sir Hartley, hysterical Nancy and children – and they were being guarded as well! Wait! The children! Faith remembered that those born from royal families are born with powers, although are still technically classed as humans. Faith didn't want to involve the scarred children anymore in this war, but she couldn't think of any other choice.

"Hey! Guys... listen to me carefully; it's all going to be all right. I just wondered... do any of you have your powers yet?" She asked them as calmly as she could muster.

"I d-do." One little boy murmured.

"Me too!" An older girl with big glassy eyes chipped in.

A small smile graced Faith's lips as a couple more children revealed they had superhuman powers. 

'We may have a chance.' Faith thought anxiously.

Shorter chapter today, but the last two chapters are quite long!!

See you soon guys xx


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