30 ~ August

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"I'll see you later Ann!" Elle yells as she races for the front door, late for work, again.

"Yeah, see you later!" I call after her, piling my books neatly before standing up as she slams the door closed. I've always been organised, but after my Dad died I became even more so. Our Father was a compulsive tidier, nothing could ever be left out of place. In the weeks that followed their death I spent my time tidying every surface, making sure every picture frame was straight, every sock was paired up before it was placed away. I had to do it, it was what he would have wanted and as I got older the habit was embedded into me.

Walking to the kitchen I grab a cloth, wiping the surfaces down and placing the boxes of cereal and pasta back in the cupboard where they belong.

I love my sister. But she's without a doubt the messiest person I've ever met. She doesn't mean to be, she's as ditsy as Mom was. Working shifts all the time exhausts her, and I know that cleaning the apartment doesn't even cross her mind.

I pick up the old magazine that she's had lying around for five weeks and chuck it into the recycling before washing up the pans left over from last night's dinner. Looking out of the window above the sink, I watch as the trees blow in the gentle breeze, the sun shining brightly. It's been a good Summer this year, and I've been so lucky to spend my free time with my three best friends. I smile, brushing off my hands as I move on to wipe the dust. I clean the table and the chest of drawers before picking up a photo and carefully wiping the frame. 

It's my all time favorite photo - the family photo of my dreams. My parents stand behind Elle and I, all of us grinning at the camera, Elle and I dressed as Ariel and Ursula. I remember that I was the most excited of all of us, clinging on to my parents' hands as the photo was taken.

I'm mildly disturbed by a knock at the front door, ignoring it as I trace the outline of my Mom with my finger.

"You should lock this." Brett's voice calls out, hearing his footsteps as he approaches.

"I knew I was going out." I reply, turning to see him enter the room. He's wearing a plain navy T-shirt, wildly different from the usual red Letterman jacket.

"Nice place."

"Don't mock me." I scoff, shaking my head as he looks around.

"I'm not," He defends before his eyes fall to my hands, "Is that them?" I bite my lip as I look back down at the picture.

"Yeah." I reply, as he walks over. "It's my favorite picture of all of us." I smile, running my finger over the glass once more.

"You look happy." He says softly, wrapping his arm around and covering my fingers with his own. I feel my heart jump at the sudden touch.

"We'd just been to Disneyland." I mumble, leaning back onto his chest.

"Every kids dream."

"Every kids dream." I echo.

"It's a lovely picture." He places his hand over mine as I grip onto the frame. "Are you the villain?"

"Ursula was my favorite character." I smile sadly, pulling away from his touch, and placing the frame back down.

"Hey, are you okay?" He questions, his eyebrows furrowing at my glum expression.

"Yeah." I manage a small smile. "It's just hard sometimes."

"I know." He replies softly, "But it's okay that it's hard."

"If they were still alive it would be so different." I exclaim, a single tear escaping down my cheek. He steps forward, placing one hand on my waist and using his other to gently wipe my cheek.

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