37 ~ September

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Walking into the lecture hall, I play with the hem on my sleeve, nervous about the start of college life. This is what I've worked for, what I've been aiming for. To actually be here, starting my degree has rendered me speechless, my eyes taking in the modern fixtures, the white walls. It's not Stanford, but I'm happy.

I make my way up the stairs, sliding into a seat a few rows back, not wanting to be right at the front, in the direct aim of the lecturer. I carefully place my bag down, digging out my first notebook of college and opening it to a blank page.

I am conscious of the seats around me filling up and keep my head down, my blonde hair creating a curtain, protecting me from the unknown. I've grown it out throughout the last year and it now rests roughly halfway down my back, creating a far more protective wall from the world. I've grown to love it, Elle constantly complimenting it, advising that it looks more and more like Mom's gorgeous long blonde locks every day.

"Hi I'm Polly!" I'm startled by the hand thrust on top of my notebook. Looking up at the petite, fair haired girl who is grinning at me I cautiously smile, taking her hand in mine.


"Oh ma god!" She exclaims loudly and I raise my eyebrow at her reaction. "That's so funny." She squeals, "I'm from Savannah." She explains, "In Georgia."


"Well now I know you 'nd I are gonna be great friends." She nods enthusiastically, her tight curls bobbing along, "I never thought I'd be this lucky to find someone I liked already."


"Thanks for sitting wi' me girl!" She exclaims and I nod, no words leaving my mouth. I'm fairly certain I was sat here before her. "I'm so excited to finally start learning again. I took a year out, 'nd now I gotta come back my Daddy says, I can't just travel round the world forever." She rambles as I watch her, speechless. "Apparently if I don't do nothing wi' my life he'll cut me off!" She finishes, wide eyed.

"I see." I let out, as she smiles.

"Oo look, is that the lecturer?" She points towards the front as the middle aged man walks in the door. "He's tall." She notes and I look back towards the front, wondering how I attract these people. I mean Zara is pretty normal if I'm honest, she was always pretty grounded, concentrated on her studies. Becky was less normal - more wild than crazy, constantly leading me down dangerous roads and daring me to take part in her ridiculous ideas. And Georgia, I mean she was the craziest of them all, a screw definitely loose in her brain. There's no other explanation for what she did to me. Absolute bitch.

The lecturer sets his bag down before calling for attention. Thankfully, Polly quietens down, turning to the front and pulling a tape recorder out of her bag before sitting back with a coffee. I immediately begin scrawling on my pages; the lecturer's name, the assessments for the first term, the topics we are going to cover. I'm intrigued by the different books that are on the reading list, smiling wide as I notice that it is not just the classics. Surprisingly I enjoy the first lecture, and I find myself drawn into the lecturer's ramblings from the second he starts to the minute he calls for it to end.

My eyes widen as the students jump up, grabbing their bags and shuffling out of the lecture theater as fast as they can. I stuff my notepad away, following Polly down the stairs to the exit. As the students from my lecture are leaving, new students begin to bustle in for the next one. Catching the familiar flash of pink as she enters, I smile and wave, desperate to make amends and not leave a bad impression during my first week.

"Laura!" I exclaim. She grins, stopping and pulling me off to the side quickly, her pink hair piled up on top of her head, her eyes lined with black eyeliner. I notice Polly watching us, her expression intrigued.

The Test of TimeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz