3 ~ July

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Zara pulls up into an empty space, turning the car off as I sit up, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

"Sleep well?" Georgia grins at me and I groan, undoing my seat belt. I grab hold of my bag and open the door, stepping out into the hot breeze. "It's packed!" Georgia scowls as she looks over at the beach, every section taken up by crowds of people.

"What did you expect?" Zara opens the trunk of her car, pulling out three foldable chairs. I reach out and take them from her as Georgia puts her sunglasses on and pouts at us.

"One day I'll be rich enough to have a private beach." She responds and I smile.

"And I will be there every weekend." Zara retorts, snorting.

"Me too." I agree as Georgia waves her hand at us, turning away as she begins to walk towards the beach. Zara takes a chair from me to lighten the load, throwing her rucksack on her back before we follow Georgia.

"Where do you want to go?" Georgia calls over her shoulder and I look around, glaring at the crowds.

"Anywhere we can find a space."

We carry on, weaving through the crowds, desperately searching for some spare sand.

"I can't even see the ocean!" Zara calls out from behind.

"I'll get closer!" Georgia responds, throwing herself between the ranks of various people, sliding past them with ease. I wish I had her grace and etiquette. I'm struggling against the wall of people, shoving them out of the way and profusely apologizing as they glare down at me.

"Here!" Georgia calls and I crane my head, noticing a small area of untouched sand. Georgia plants her chair down and collapses onto it. I sigh with relief and place my own next to hers, Zara following swiftly behind.

"I needed this!" I smile, sloping down into the chair.

"Me too!" Zara smiles.

"This is what Summer is for!" Georgia giggles and Zara nods.

"If only we didn't have jobs!" Zara rolls her eyes and I nod in agreement.

"I wish."

"I bet Ashley doesn't work." Georgia snorts and I can't help the small smirk that appears on my face.

"Absolutely not." Zara agrees. "She spends her Summer at the salon or the mall."

"Or out getting the perfect tan." Georgia counters, shrugging as she takes a drink.

"As long as she isn't here, I'm happy." I pipe up, placing my sunglasses on as the sun breaks through the clouds.

"Summer is definitely my favourite time of year." Zara breathes out, shutting her eyes as she looks up at the sky.

"What about the snow in Winter?" Georgia counters. "All wrapped up in front of a fire."

"We never get snow here in California." Zara scoffs and Georgia shrugs.

"True." I can't help but agree.

"Trust me. When we go to the Alps in the holidays, it's amazing." Georgia tilts her hat away from her eyes, grinning at us.

I notice Zara's smile slip slightly as I take a drink. I know that Zara's family have never been able to afford a holiday anywhere, let alone Europe.

"Summer is good. But I do also love wrapping up in comfy clothes in the Winter." I pipe up, smiling as I try desperately to be the middle man, hoping that the conversation will move on.

"I agree." Zara nods, "There is so much pressure for a Summer body."

"Good thing I've got one then, ay girls!" Georgia winks at me and I can't help but let out a giggle.

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