32 ~ August

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I'm throwing the trash into the bin when a loud roar from the end of the street startles me. I look up towards sound to see the dark figure coming towards me atop a sparkling motorbike. He stops beside me, my mouth dropping open as he pulls the helmet off.

"What?" I manage. "What is this?"

"You said it was sexy." Brett grins and I shake my head, laughing.

"I mean... you do look..." 

"Come on." He gestures, "Let's go for a ride."

"Do you know how to drive it?" I retort and he smirks.

"I think I've got it figured."

"Elle would not be happy with this." I shake my head, crossing my arms.

"Is Elle home?"


"You better get on quickly then."

"Brett!" I exclaim as he grins at me. I look him over, leaning up against his bike, his arms crossed, a leather jacket. He's like Danny from Grease except he has far nicer hair. And his body is more muscular, more attractive. I tear my eyes away from him as he smirks and can't help the smile that appears on my face.



He turns off the engine and I carefully retract my hands from around his waist, my heart beating ridiculously fast. That was terrifying but also the most exhilarating thing I have ever done. I jump off, stumbling slightly as he follows suit.

"Wow!" I exclaim, taking the helmet off. "Why do you never drive it?" He takes his helmet off too, running his hand through his hair to rearrange it.

"I prefer the car." He explains as I look around at the wooded area, glancing back at him curiously.

"Where are we?"

"Come and see." He replies, holding his hand out to me. I hesitate slightly before I take it and he rolls his eyes. "Still Stubborn Savannah I see."

He leads me through the trees, along the well trodden path and away from the bike. After a couple of minutes he turns off of the trail, reaching up and helping me down the hill. I gratefully accept his aid, smiling as I follow him through the undergrowth, the trees blowing softly in the breeze. As the trees break he stops and I peer round him, surprised by the lake that's in front of me.

"This is pretty." I muse, taking a step around him. "How do you find all these places?"

"You just have to know where to look."

"And how do you know that?"

"Go where no-one else goes." He shrugs.

"That could also lead to you getting murdered." I point out.

"I suppose so." He smirks, "But hopefully no-one else is around."

"We'll just have to hope." I grin, reaching up and kissing him hard. He seems surprised by my forwardness, taking a few seconds to respond before resting his hand on my hips and moving his lips in sync with my own.

He steps back, smiling slightly before sitting down on the ground, pulling me with him. I collapse beside him, falling slightly into his chest. Looking out over the peaceful lake I can't help but think how content I am, how happy I've been this Summer. Brett continues to surprise me, to make my life an adventure.

"Did you hear from the police?" He asks, gently running his hand along my arm.

"Yeah."  I shrug, looking down at my shoes. "He was in debt to a drug dealer."

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