104 ~ May

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My head is pounding so hard, the ringing in my ears making me feel dizzy. I can't feel anything, I can't think where I am or what I'm doing. Am I waking up in bed? This doesn't feel normal...

Slowly I become aware of a cold, harsh surface beneath my face, sharp talons digging into my cheeks. I think my fingers are splayed over it too and I try to wiggle them, scraping them along the gravelly surface. It's definitely not my bed.

I scrunch my eyes shut as hard as I can, the pain in my head dulling slightly. The feeling is slowly returning to my body, I'm lying on my back and can feel the harsh coldness underneath my torso and legs.

I crashed the car.

I crashed Brett's beloved car.

It takes all of my effort to peel my eyelids open, immediately faced with the dark evening sky. Moving my head, I gently try to maneuver myself up, placing my arms on the ground and rolling onto my side.

With a grunt I place my hand over my bump, feeling a tiny flicker from inside. I gasp slightly at the sensation despite the pain reverberating around my skull, my baby quickly shooting another leg into me. The first kick could not have come at a better time, letting me know they're still okay in there after I just threw them in harms way.

My elbow holding me up, I let my other hand slip from the bump as my eyes somewhat adjust to the darkness, focusing on the tarmac beneath me, the grass at the edge of the road, the trees lining the street.

Glancing towards the left I take in the outline of metal against the tree, the impact of the car hitting the tree clearly not huge, but enough to have knocked me out cold.

How did I get out here?

My eyesight is still blurred and I attempt to blink it away, trying to focus on the vehicle. A slight movement has me narrowing my eyes, the shadow of a figure moving from the other side of the car, the sound of sloshing liquid hitting my ears.

"Wha...?" I manage to mutter out, reaching up and furiously rubbing my eyes before a strong stench suddenly invades my nostrils and I suck in a large breath. Did I rupture the gas tank?

Looking down I concentrate on quickly pushing myself up into a sitting position, the resulting head rush almost causing me to pass out.

"Shit." I grunt. My eyes wander back up, a dark, orange hue appearing beside the human shaped silhouette before it's thrown towards the car, the dark evening instantly lighting up.

It's a fire.

"Who?" I call out, the fuzziness in my eyes slowly fading, flames licking over the hood of Brett's car as I scoot back, as far away as I can manage. I'm not silly, I've seen the movies - a car on fire is not a good thing!

The silhouette finally turns and I'm able to make out the tall, broad shape of a man as they begin advancing towards me. I watch wide eyed, unable to tear my eyes away, their face eventually being lit up by the dancing shadows created by fire.

"George?" I splutter.

"Savannah!" He smiles, lowering himself beside me.

"Have you called Brett?" I ask quickly, "Why did you set fire to the car?" I yell, glancing past him, "I know I crashed it, but it's probably fixable!" I say, panicked, "Brett will never forgive me!"

"It wasn't your fault you crashed it." George replies softly and I grimace, looking down at the ground. It's nice of him to say that, but I was the one driving it, I'm the person who lost control.

"I don't know what happened." I admit, biting my lip as a wave of frustration courses through me. I wasn't driving at an unsafe speed, I tried to brake... Is it because the car is so old?

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