Chapter 3

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Pacing up and down the small drive-way to my mother's house the following week anybody would laugh at how comical I look. My hands shake, my entire body does in anticipation of seeing her again. If only I knock on the damned door.

Another hour passes me there, still pacing like I'm jacked up on something when I scold myself, force my feet to move further than the brink of the stairs that lead to the porch, make my hand rise and hesitate just a moment.

"Fuck!" I hiss in surprise, my heart slams against my ribcage at the sudden opening of the door to reveal a young wolf. Just out of his juvenile years.

"I was wondering when you'd grow some balls and knock." he says with a laugh. Kind of odd his laugh, sounds like he's wheezing.

"I um... is Willa here?" I ask ignoring his jab at my manhood.

"Yea, she's out back." he points noncommittally somewhere behind him and I notice he's been staring at my chest the entire time. I take a closer look at him, leaned down a bit and wave my hand in front his face. He's blind.

"Come in, have a seat. I'll go get her." he does the same careless gesture of swinging his hand around as if saying 'pick a spot' and then he goes out the living room.

"Um, who to say's at the door?" he stops and asks as an afterthought.

"Dawn." I whisper. "Tell her it's Dawn." the boy nods and feels along the wall until he disappears.

I smell her first, her emotions filling the room, suffocating me. Making me feel as starved of affection as I really am.

"Dawn." she says my name like a prayer and then I'm gathered in her arms; she's holding me like she used to, before I found my mate, before my rejection, before I brought shame to our name, shame to her door, to her.

"Mum." I breathe in her scent, fresh sea breeze; I close my eyes in ecstasy, her warmth surrounding me, covering me till I feel some of my cracks meld together as if there never was any in the first place.

"Mummy." We hold onto each other.

My body tenses when a presence hits me.



A wolf in his prime and he is magnificent. His body, his face, everything screams of sex. Pure sex walking. I look away, cheeks tinting red from my thoughts.

"Dawn." Mum releases me but keeps a hand on my arm. "This is Micaah Brooks and you've met his younger brother Wren." she looks to the males and continues.

"Micaah, Wren, this is my son Dawn." Wren smiles a big toothy grin in my general direction and I smile at him knowing he can't see it. The male called Micaah stares me down and steps closer, nostrils flaring, taking in my scent boldly, chest puffing up with how deeply he breathes me in and I feel like preening under his gaze. I feel like doing a cliché hair and lipstick check never mind I've never worn lipstick in my life.

"I'll take Wren out so you two can catch up." Micaah says causing Wren to frown.

"But you don't take me anywhere." Wren pipes up and his words are meant to hurt. Micaah looks at the boy, his eyes betraying his stance. If he could help it he'd bubble wrap Wren and put him away in a box where the world can't touch him. I look away when Micaah's eerie green eyes snap to meet mine. His eyes are the strangest pair I've ever seen. Exotically shaped and darkest yet brightest green I've ever seen on a man or woman.

"Wren!" He snaps and the boy bristles slightly before sighing and going to his elder brother's side.


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