Chapter 11

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I am up early the memory of last night seeming like a dream. My siren took control last night doing what I thought we'd never be able to do. I sigh in contentment as Micaah's soft breaths hits my cheek and I blush a bit remembering his words spoken to Harlem.

"I will be the one he leans on. I will be the one that loves him. I have chosen him."

"I love you, Dawn."

I remember him telling me of his past and my heart constricts for him and Wren. They've been through so much. But despite it all I want him. I love him just as he is. Emotionally disconnected as he can be sometimes he's unique. My unique wolf.

I smile snuggling closer to Micaah remembering him saying he wants to claim me. My siren reminds me I need to check on each pup before the day ends just to ensure all was well with their births.

"Micaah." I whisper gently shaking him awake and then my siren smirks when I wonder why I'm whispering when I want him awake.

Leaning close to his ear I screamed his name and laugh when he flies up and stare at me in shock.

"Good morning." I smile innocently.

"Good morning, Dawn." Micaah says getting himself more composed.

"I have to check on the new born pups before evening." I inform him and he nods.

"Let's have some cereal then and we can pass by each?" Micaah asks rubbing away the sleep from his eyes and I can't help but think about how sexy he looks on his knees, muscles bunching when he moves.

"I can smell you, Dawn." Micaah says lowly. "Your want of me." and I go pink. I know I'm broadcasting my sexual urges but it's purely unconscious of me.

"Maybe I want you to smell me." I respond boldly ignoring the heat in my cheeks, the lie not helping my case at all when he smirks.

"Soon, Dawn." is all he says before going into the bathroom. I listen as the shower comes on and my gut clenches at the unbidden thoughts of him wet and dripping just a door away.

We have our breakfast after I too take a shower. Then we go off to see the little ones my voice sung into the world. My heart pangs knowing I could never have that with Micaah. I could never carry his seed to term and give birth to a legacy for him.

I visit all the pups leaving Kerissa's for last. So far all have been well only Raul, a former friend of mine had a bit of a problem where he's not producing milk. He was stressed that he won't be a good parent to his pup and the stress stopped his milk production.

"Why are you here?" she asks with such malice you'd think she'd be grateful after all that I have done for her.

"Watch your tone, female." Micaah says calmly and smirks slightly at the way she bristles. I can tell her fur wants out to challenge me for what she took. I almost laugh. Ironic really, that she has all that was supposed to be mine and still feel as if I have claim to it. To him.

"I only came to see the pup. Nothing else." I say quietly letting my eyes take her in. I smile nervously, wanting her to understand that I want not what she has claimed.

"She's inside with her father." Kerissa says after a few tense moments. Had she been his true mate she could have let him know he and the young was needed instead she takes out her cell phone and dials him.

When Harlem comes out with the pup swaddled in a pink blanket I smile, my heart clenching at the sight he makes holding onto his precious bundle so carefully.

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