Chapter 13

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What on Earth just happened? I have no idea all I know is that I now have a fuming she-wolf pacing my living room and an impatient male glowering at the eastern boundary of my cottage because a certain Alpha can't seem to stop pissing around my borders.

"I'll take his fangs and wear his fur if he does not stop marking what does not belong to him." Micaah growls and I can literally feel the tension rolling off his shoulders as Harlem's stench wafts through the window.

"I'll help you." Alexa growls and I could laugh at this moment. I could have sworn these two hated each other's' guts but here they are united in picking a fight with a mutual wolf. Then again it doesn't surprise me that the thought of drawing blood from another wolf would bring these two together.

I quickly shut the windows and douse the inside with some long lasting air freshener to help eradicate Harlem's stench. Both heads snap to me and I could have giggled when both their noses twitches like bunnies.

"What?" I shrug. "It helps with the stink." I giggle and Micaah smiles slightly and Alexa bursts out laughing.

"Ha! I always told him he had a stink about him." she drops next to Micaah and I stand before the two.

"Alexa..." she glances up at me and the silent questions that are attached to her name.

"I don't know Dawn. I don't know what's next." she scratches at her temple and looks down at her legs. "I finished school so at least I can get a decent secretarial job or something." she shrugs and Micaah sighs.

"That'll be great Alexa." I try to say with fake cheer. "What about your things?" I ask and put on the kettle.

"Fuck that." Alexa curses and I shake my head in displeasure at her cursing.

"You can stay here with me, Alexa but you need your personal items." I say in a more diplomatic tone. She stares at me and I stare back.

"Fine." she sighs and I smile slightly when Micaah's eyebrows shoot up. Alexa sticks her hands in her pockets and went out-to her parents' I'm guessing.

"That was something. I never expected her to back down." Micaah chuckles and I pour the water into two cups for the making of hot chocolate. It's a hot chocolate moment for sure after that shitty party.

Micaah's nostrils flare and I smile seeing the way his chest puffs up. I can see the slight shake to his entire being and then I smell it. Rogues.

"Stay inside!" Micaah growls and I frown hard.

"I'm helping Micaah. I'm part of this pack-"

"You're not part of this pack Dawn! They don't want you in their fucking pack and I'll be damned if you get even a scratch on your body defending this bunch of assholes." Micaah says and I tilt my head.

"I am a part of this pack Micaah, whether they or you accept is or not. Wolf or not." I grit as I step pass Micaah to head for the door.

"Dawn..." Micaah stares at me for a second and I stand my ground. I'm not letting him go out there alone. "Fine but stay close to me okay."

By the time we make it to the center of the settlement there were wolves fighting in every available spot. Micaah let out a growl and out of nowhere two wolves come charging and my siren perks up. Micaah goes for the bigger one first and I tilt my head at the smaller wolf charging at me. My siren had complete reign.

I slash at its throat and it falls dead at my feet and I shake off the excess blood from my fingers. Micaah stares at me and I shrug. I am capable in a situation such as this. It's why I was whipped and shunned in the first place.

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