Chapter 8

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Every day for the past two weeks Alexa comes to visit Dawn at the most inopportune moments and it is getting on my nerves. I don't say anything though because I can see my male is happy when she stops over and asks him questions, so many conversations on a wide range of topics and I admire the she-wolf's thirst for knowledge.

"Do you not have normal friends, female?" I ask while we await Dawn's return with her mother. The time is nearing and Dawn must begin getting familiar with the unborn pups so that he can sing them from their mothers' wombs.

"Define normal." she says biting into her fruit greedily. "I don't do main stream. I don't do stupid so I guess the entire pack is out." she shrugs.

I smile slightly, the girl is blunt too as she continues. "So what's your story? I heard that you joined us a few years ago and everyone's afraid you'll go berserk and kill us all." she raises her brows in question, as if accusing me.

"I do not have a story. I just needed a safe place for my brother around wolves that do not annoy me." I narrow my eyes at her and she swallows the food in her mouth loudly. I can see the slight tremor in her arms, the subtle curling of her toes. Her body telling her to run from me.

"You're a scary dude you know that." she says instead and I stare at her fully for the first time. I can hear her heart rate increasing the more I look at her without saying a word.

She flinches when I turn my nose up suddenly catching her idiot brother's scent on the wind. I growl lowly, he's back at it, marking what does not belong to him.

"It's in his nature, you know. His very DNA to search him out. He can't help himself. The beast inside him wanting what rightfully belongs to him." she whispers and I tilt my head at her knowing what she says is truth but it does not hide the fact that what he's doing is wrong.

"I can't say that I understand it as a lone wolf but he has made his choice. He has to live with it now."

"I know." she murmurs. "I know what they're doing is wrong. Blasphemy. But he loves her more than I've ever seen a wolf love another. Enough to go against the Gods." her chin rests on her knees and I want to tell her that she does not have to justify his actions to me but I leave it be. Maybe it's not me she's trying to justify his actions to.

When Dawn returns the former Luna turns her nose up at me and I smile at her showing every intention I have for Dawn as much as she may not like it. I will ask permission to mate Dawn and I will get it even if I have to kill her first born for it.

I smile as Dawn looks at me as if I was the only thing that's making him feel better than he ever felt before. The former Luna leaves with her female and Dawn and I are alone. I chuckle lightly at her sour face before closing Dawn's door. If she only knows what I really think she'd look at me way differently, worse than she already does.

"I don't know what I'm doing." he whispers leaning against the kitchen counter, arms hugging himself and I cross the distance between us and replace them with mine, as long as I'm here, my arms will be the only ones to comfort him.

"I know." I press my lips to his temple, taking in the scent of his skin, his hair. "But I also know you will do your very best."

"Thank you." he whispers and buries his face in the crook of my neck sending chills up my spine when his breath hits my skin. I know he's doing it for comfort but my fur enjoys that Dawn is marking me with his scent.

"I have to visit with them tomorrow." Dawn says pushing his face harder against my skin. I can feel the slight tremor of his limbs, the increased beating of his heart.

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