Chapter 12

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He's an angel. That's all I can say about Dawn as he keeps in touch with the parents of pups he's helped birth. He's doing it again at this celebratory cook out the pack is having for the pups that were born.

It's been a month now and it's getting hard to leash the beast when he wants to run after Dawn. I catch myself staring at him the entire time I'm on watch and I can't help but savor his scent on the wind.

I really, really want to mate Dawn but there are other factors I have to consider before taking that leap of faith again. Where would we live? I don't like Dawn being so close to Harlem, I get the feeling that one day the King won't be able to keep his fur at bay when it comes to Dawn and I would have no other alternative but to take his throat-King or not.

That female Kerissa is staring down Dawn while he flits about checking up on pups. He smiles so gently and gives sound advice to the bearers even if it's just to tell them what a good job they're doing so far. My lips quirk up slightly at the puffed up chests of the males that receive praises for taking such good care of both pup and bearer giving their mates and young kisses.

I growl lowly making sure it travels on the wind to Kerissa's ears. She looks at me in disdain but I see the jealousy in her eyes as she stares down my claim while her chosen tries but fails miserably to keep his peepers on her, only the pup can keep his attention off what's mine for more than a second.

"Micaah the juveniles are at it again." Lorry says nudging me on my side. I huff in annoyance as she smiles. There's a reason she doesn't get in between the pups because she will surely maim the little beasts if she gets too close to them. Lorry a lone wolf like me but she's also has some deep seethed hate for pups. I roll my eyes and peel myself off the chair I'm in. I'm tired of having to only warn these pups.

They've surrounded someone, each nipping and yipping at the poor thing. I don't take too kindly to bullying. I take long purposeful strides toward them. They chose a good spot I muse as they're practically hidden from the gathered adults, off to a far side of Neil's tent. Good strategy as nobody likes processed foods and the wolf can't seem to get enough GMOs in his diet.

I push through the horde of juvies only to find none other than the young Princess receiving the brunt of the young wolves' attacks. I growl in annoyance. I've come to like this she-wolf and I don't like to take sides but I really have no other choice since Dawn likes her too and she's a nice young lady with a sturdy head on her shoulders so by my guest-imation Alexa is not in the wrong.

"What's going on here?" I ask and juveniles' eyes find me dead center of their fracas. I look at each juvenile waiting until one brave enough speaks up.

"She's been hanging around with the abomination." a blonde she-wolf says pointing an accusing finger at Alexa. Others nod their heads and made sounds of approval at the little wolf's accusation.

"He's not an abomination." Alexa says earning a glare from the blonde and her hand goes to strike the Princess but I stop the blow.

"Touch her and I will teach you about violence." I snarl and she cowers, the way she looks at Alexa is oddly familiar.

"It's fine, Micaah." Alexa pipes up standing next to me, close enough that our shoulders could touch.

"She's just jealous that her sister is not as beautiful as Dawn and he's a man." Alexa snarls and then I see it. The resemblance is kind of uncanny when you know they're blood related.

"He's a fucking abomination!" the little blonde screams launching at Alexa but I catch her by the back of her neck, holding her suspended in the air while she snarls and twists her body every which way to get out of my hold.

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