Chapter 4

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His scent is pure, ripened virgin.

I love it. That natural perfume makes me want to press my nose to his neck, that place a mark should be. I wish I had waited until I met someone like him instead of spilling myself into faceless mouths. One after the other practically lined up, all wanting a taste of me.

Thinking that maybe, just maybe, one of them would be more than a wet willing mouth to me. Maybe one of them will fill that void inside me but it seemed every time each got off their knees, my essence lingering on their tongue, they took from me without giving me anything.

I could tell the moment King Harlem's scent hits him. Nails dig into the sides of my car seat sure to leave holes. His breathing picks up as if he's been running the entire day.

"Take as much time as you need." I murmur and look on as he struggles to hold his emotions in check.

"If you want we can go back to your cabin." He shakes his head no. I can literally see him pull himself together. He breathes in deeply for a second and holds it. Let the scent of that wolf wash over him and then he does it a few more times.

"Ready?" I ask after a few moments of him getting used to the strong scent of that male who's broken his heart.

"As I'll ever be." he smiles, crooked but brave.

He keeps a respectable distance away from me, head high but eyes down. Tension rises, filling the pack square. The former King and Queen bristle slightly. The present King posture in Dawn's direction seeming to want to rip me from his side and kill him all at the same time.

Kerissa is staring daggers at him when it is he who should look upon her with such contempt as she grips her replacement's wrist. Her little bitches surrounding her, enclosing her in false protection. If Dawn wants to rip her and that pup to shreds I would help him. It is his right, at least where I come from he could.

"Do you want a beer?" I ask lowly when we find a relatively empty corner of the square. My lips are almost brushing his ear, my chest a wisp away from his. I'm letting every wolf here know I'm interested.

"Sure. Corona." He replies with a one sided quirk of his lips I nod and walk to the coolers taking my time. I pass the royal family only sparing them a glance. Harlem's chest rumbles but not loud enough for me to take as a challenge. He knows I know no boundaries. I'd take his throat without a second thought of his bitch and that bastard pup inside her stomach.

Scoffing just loud enough for him to hear I relieve the cooler of a Corona and a Guinness. The wearers of red posture to me, making sure I see their availability, each hoping I pick them tonight in hopes that they'd get further than their knees for me. I know it's in response to my red bandana on display. I ignore them as usual, there are a few who passes by trying to touch me, take up a moment of my time. I have none for them, all I can see and smell is Dawn.

"Thanks." he smiles again, the deep blue of his eyes contrasting starkly with the light blue shade of his shirt. Our fingers brush while I hand off his beer to him, both of us jolting slightly from that spark. Our first touch. He almost drops his bottle, eyes look away from me to our fingers pressed slightly together.

He takes a deep breath; a growl has both of us looking to our left. I can see the change in him when he pulls his hand away first breaking our connection. I want to grab his hand back and entwine our fingers together.

I want to answer that rumble with a growl of my own. I can take that male on. I can shred him to pieces right here, right now for making Dawn's eyes dim. Instead I glare at him while his female glares at Dawn. Can she not see Dawn wants nothing to do with her male? He's a damned bootleg copy that she wishes was real.

Love Wins (lgbtq+)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora