Chapter 6

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This male is getting on my last nerve. This King Harlem is making me lose the little sanity I've gathered since moving to this pack. He makes me want to challenge him for Dawn's hand though it's no use as he has already chosen that bitch to be his. He should remember he holds no claim over Dawn, not anymore and never will again. Not if I could help it.

He slinks around yet he's bold about it. Pissing around Dawn's cottage and watching him while in his fur. I smell him and feel his covetous eyes follow our every move. I can feel him burn holes in me whenever I'm close to Dawn. Like now while I have Dawn in my arms, lips waiting for my kiss his eyes bore holes into me from his hideout.

I want so badly to acknowledge him, to snarl and flash him my teeth. Answer his silent challenge but I don't. I won't. He has no right to claim Dawn in any way or disrupt this magical moment we're sharing. He's fucked up Dawn's life enough as it is.

Dawn, in his own skin or shall I say scales-who knows, but as he is now in his true form-just the way he was made, he was fucking beautiful-so gorgeous. He makes me feel things. Things a lone wolf like me has never felt. The prospect of a mate shakes me to my core every time my nose trails his scent. My inner wolf wants to rip into his soft flesh and mark every inch of him as mine. Mine alone forever.

I take in his scent, along his jaw, nipping at his cheek bone up to his temple where I place my lips instead. My hand trembles as I swipe my thumb over his lower lip wishing I had tasted his mouth.

I gently push his hair to the side, off his back so that I can look boldly at the scars I glimpsed earlier. His battle scars that make him even more beautiful to me. My lips touch one line of the puckered, rough flesh and trace it, every single sink and bump I taste knowing the kind of pain he must have went through.

We all have scars but his are so visible and I am positive there are some that are invisible. I want to hold him tightly, kiss his lips and love his body so desperately. Make him forget these bastards ever touched him with silver. Make him forget he ever could have belonged with another, to another wolf. The urge to sink my canines into him overwhelms me for a second.

"I'm going to make us breakfast." I whisper instead while I desperately reign in my need of the pliant Dawn in my arms and walk back to his cottage ignoring that male's testosterone on the wind.

I busy myself in our meal preparation and try to keep my beast at bay. I would never force Dawn into anything against his will. I'd rather die than to ever take away his choice from him. I know too well about having no such thing as a choice.

Just as I placed the bread in the toaster the door opens and my chest swells with pride seeing Dawn in my shirt. He smells even better mixed with my scent. I dare to wonder how delicious he'd smell with me on his skin, in his blood, emanating from his very pores.

We eat in silence, just smiling at each other over our breakfast plates like love sick juveniles who have tasted life and love for the first time.

"Hey would it be cool if we took Wren for ice cream later?" Dawn asks making me stop dead.

"You really want to take Wren for ice cream?" I ask in disbelief. None of my interests ever- well had interest in my blind brother.

"Yes." Dawn replies with a frown at my appalled tone.

"I like Wren. He's fun, he has the weirdest poetic memory which I love and I promised him." Dawn responds with a little smile.

"And how would you know Wren recites poems just to make people bleed from their ears and when did you make such a promise?" I enquire. Dawn hasn't been by his mom's since our first meeting.

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