Chap. 42: I'm Right Here

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(Picture of messy bedsheets Above)
*Katie's POV*

        After 45 or so minutes later, Copper's ears perked up. He jumped off the bed and ran into the hallway. I wonder where he went. Footsteps echo in the hallway.
"Hey Bubba." The sound of Chris smacking his lips as the footsteps get closer, "Where's Princess, huh? Is she sleeping?"
Chris steps into the bedroom, freezing when he sees me sitting on the edge of his bed. He isn't smiling. In fact, he has apparent sweat rolling down his temples.
"Did they leave?" I say softly.
Chris leans against the bedroom door frame, scratching the tip of his nose. "Yeah, Honey, they all left."
"I didn't want a fight." I look down in my lap sadly, "That's one of the reasons why I didn't want to tell you."
Chris walks over and sits next to me. He puts an arm around my body, pulling me closer to him. He kisses the top of my head. I feel like it's my fault. Small tears escape the corner of my eyes.
"Stop it." Chris says to me in a soft but commanding voice "Stop crying, Beautiful. Stop crying."
"It's all my fault." I sniff, "Now you lost all your friends because of me. That's not what I wanted! It's unfair to you, Baby!"
Chris gives me that look again. The look that a parent gives their child when their child explains why they took their car keys, because they thought they would never se their parents again. THAT look. His face goes soft and he holds me tenderly in his arms. He brushes the hair out of my face, his fingertips lingering on my skin. Then I realize that this is my moment.
I gently press my cherry red lips on Chris's. He kisses me gently while I heat it up a bit. He holds my back firmly, his other hand in my hair. I slip my tongue—Chris pulls away completely. He lets me go and sits up straight.
"God!" He wipes his mouth with his wrist, "I'm sorry, Katie, but I don't feel like making out right now."
My heart crumbles, suffocating me. No no no no no no! And I had just got the confidence too. Suddenly, tears are splashing down my cheeks. I cover my face in embarrassment.
"This is so stupid!" I cry out embarrassed.
Chris gives me a confused look. "What's stupid? Me? The guys?"
"No, Baby, not you." Tears fall down my cheeks, "I wanted to make it up to you for lying and ruining your plans last weekend. I went out and bought something for you."
"Well, maybe you can come over sometime later this week and you can show me what it is. I have a surprise for you too." Chris pulls a strand of hair behind my ear, "But there's nothing I want, sweetheart. Only you."
"Actually," I blush down into my lap, choking my words out "I'm wearing your surprise right now. U-Under my clothes."
     Complete silence. I slowly look Chris up into Chris's blue eyes that are unclear. Blank. I bite my lip. I feel so stupid. Embarrassed.
      "I just wanted us to be alone so I could surprise you and get you to have sex with me." I sigh, looking down in my lap. "I didn't know you were going to have them over—"
"Are you sure?" Chris interrupts me, his voice firm. "Because you don't have to if you're not—"
I look him dead in the eyes with what little confidence I have left. "I am, Chris."
"Then give me half an hour." Chris says suddenly, something thick on his voice. "Can you wait in the living room?"
I slowly nod, standing up. No longer than I step out of the bedroom, Chris slams the door shut. My heart hurts and yet still races. What was that about? Why does Chris want me to wait in the living room? Why did he shut me out? Maybe I should have thought this all the way through before pursuing this idea.


So I waited in the living room with Copper for the longest time. He panted heavily as I scratched behind his ear. He put us paw on my lap. I shook it, giggling. Footsteps echo down the hallway. I turn to see Chris enter the living room. His cheeks are pink, his hair gelled back. I can also smell his cologne from here. It overpowers my sweet perfume.
"Hey." I say to him, petting Copper some more. "I think Copper needs more water—"
Chris walks to where I sit. He holds out his hand to me. I look up at him unsure, my heart racing. I bite my lip as I gently take his hand. Chris effortlessly pulls me behind him as we walk through his house. My heart races a mile a minute. Oh my God. Is it happening? Am I finally going to do the one thing that has been on my mind since Chris kissed me in the hallway in front of my apartment after or fourth date at the rolling rink?
         Chris slows down as we get near his bedroom door. I bite my lip at the anticipation. I'm finally going to lose my virginity! Chris stops at the door, his hands beginning to shake. He slowly opens his bedroom door—OH MY GOD! Rose pedals scattered on the bed, the lights dim, a towel placed specially on the bed. Chris has done this before, it shows. How did he get the rose pedals so fast? Did he have a jar of them laying around? Iblush red as Chris guides me inside his bedroom, shutting his bedroom door behind us. Probably so Copper won't run in and interrupt us.
           Chris suddenly, faces me. His eyes staring down at me warmly. Lustfully. He leans down to kiss me.
             "I have to do something first." I interrupt our almost kiss, "Where's your bathroom?"
            Chris nods. "In there."
           My blood is rushing and crashing inside my veins. I think I ran into the bathroom. I don't know! Everything is going so fast and my head is already spinning. I quickly strip to my red nightie, feeling slightly insecure about Chris seeing my naked body for the first time. I pull half my hair up into a half up half down ponytail and redo my red lipstick. Staring into the mirror to gain my confidence, I take deep breaths in and out to relax me. It doesn't work.
         Chris knocks on the door. "Katie, Sweetheart, are you okay?"
          "Y-Yeah! I'm just getting ready." My cheeks blush red as I mentally ready myself.
            With my heart racing and my nerves on edge, I slowly open the bathroom door. Chris sits on the bed, staring down at his bare feet. When Chris looks up, his eyes stop on my red nightie. Chris's quickly rises to his feet, obviously interested in what I'm wearing.
"F**k...." Chris says softly but out loud, his blue eyes raking down my body slowly "you're so—"
"—hot?" I mock him, trying to ease the tenseness I feel.
            Chris smirks at my comment, his eyes flickering from my face to my nightie. "Gorgeous, actually."
I bite my lip. "Really?"
"Perfect, even." Chris smiles to himself as he stares around my chest area.
I fidget, unsure how to keep my hands still. "Well, I didn't know if you'd like it or not. My friends debated on what I should have got."
Chris gives me that look again. You know, that look that a parent gives their child—you know what? That's not important right now. Chris slowly walks towards me, making the blood in my face drain. He's closing the gap between us and it scares me a bit.
"I love it." He says softly, his eyes still staring at my body and nightie, he looks back up at my face. "Katie, I'm not going to pounce on you."
I nervously chuckle, looking down at my feet. "Really? Because I think that would be easier."
Chris chuckles at me, pressing me into the corner of the doorframe. My heart is pounding and I can feel it in my ears. I even hear a distant ringing sound. I shyly smile up at Chris before blushing back down at my feet.

~~~~~~~~~~(to be continued)~~~~~~~~

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