Chap. 7: I'm Not One Of Those Girls

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(Picture of Chris Eaton Above)
*Katie's POV*

All afternoon, Chris tried little by little to give me a kiss. I continued to find excuses not to, but I do have to give him credit for trying as hard as he did. He tried to to lean in and steal one while we were watching the dolphins. They ended up spraying with him water, which I couldn't help but laugh at. He then tried to pull me close when we were looking at the endangered sharks—which gives me chills after watching 47 Meters Down and The Meg. But thankfully a kid screamed and I got to dodge his lips. Then at lunch, I made sure to get a strong garlic flavored chicken tenders at the nearby cafe. Nobody wants to kiss anybody else who taste like strong Garlic. I wouldn't.
              So other than trying to dodge Chris's plump lips, I had fun. I took lots of pictures and Chris got me a plush Dory. Come to find out, he is a HUGE Disney fan. He knows the Little Mermaid songs word by word because he grew up with a little sister. He's the oldest out of three. He has a gay brother, the middle child, who is a Nurse Practitioner for babies and children ages 3 months to 17 years of age. You know, I used to have one of those. His father is a certified baby doctor, which made me feel out of place considering his family has a lot of money. His mom used to be an actress on Broadway until she met Chris's dad while in college. And then Chris happened. She apparently quit and became a stay at home mom. And his sister works on all types of cars. I thought that was pretty cool considering most females I know don't know much about cars. Halee and Tara sure doesn't. Hannah obviously doesn't. She just thinks their, and I quote, 'pretty'.
           Chris drove me home after I told him that I rode the bus there since my car is "in the shop". He rode the elevator all the way up to my floor, walking me to my apartment door. We stand here at my doorstep awkwardly.
           "So, this is it?" He is the first to speak.
           "Yep." I nod slowly, "Thank you for taking me somewhere new. I hope I didn't bore you today."
             Chris smirks. "You're definitely not boring, Katie."
             "Thanks." Now what should I say?
             "I'd like to do this again sometime." Chris smiles lightly, looking at his boots. "Are you free anytime next week?"
Blushing, I smile. "I have to look at my schedule."
"Just call or text me when you're available." Chris says softly, "I actually had a nice time. It's been a while since I had a date like this."
"Not wearing a nice but snug suit?" I say lightly.
"Not trying my all to impress you. We got in for free and our lunch cost 7.24. Plus 3 dollars for Dory." He smiles distantly, "I've never went on a date that cost 10.24 cents."
Shrugging, I chuckle. "I came for the company, not the money. I don't like fancy dresses and ridiculously expensive dinner like my Boss does. I'm a simple person who enjoys doing normal things with her friends."
God, I need to shut up. Chris is going to think that I think he's a snob. Crap! Honestly, I don't care about money. It's nice to have but it's not the most important thing in the world. Chris scratches the back of his neck, his muscular arm bulging. His nervous chuckle gives me a mixed feelings. Half calm, half anxious.
"I guess a nice dinner date would be too fancy, huh?" He sighs.
God, why did I open my mouth? Ugh! I quickly shake my head. I have no idea how to date and it shows.
"No, no! We can do that if you'd like." I say quickly.
"But you said—" He starts, confused."
"Yeah, but if you want to go out—" He cuts me off.
"I'm confused." He narrows his eyebrows, shoving his hands in his blue jean pockets. "I thought you said you didn't like fancy dresses and expensive dinners? If your not, then just say you're not."
I shake my head, pinching the bridge of my nose. He is trying to trip me up and it's annoying. Making me angry, if nothing else.
"I just don't want you think that I'm after your money, Chris." I look him dead in the eyes, annoyance in my voice. "If you're looking for THAT girl who wants you to buy her lots of diamonds, expensive shoes, and vehicles she only knows how to pose in front of—I'm just not that girl Chris. If you want to go to the movies or to the beach or zoo or whatever, that's fine. If you want to go out on a fancy dinner date, that's fine too. If you don't want to go out again, then okay. But I'm not expecting more than just your time and your attention. If that's not what you're looking for, then this was nice."
Chris stands there staring at me blankly. Am I being rude? Am I being too aggressive or too offensive? I don't know. I bite the inside of my cheek, nodding at how awkward this conversation is now. Not caring who started it.
"Well, I'll call you when I get my schedule." I look away, he continues to stare at me blankly. "Or maybe you don't want me to. I don't know how this really works, but, um? I had a nice time. Thank you, Chris. Goodnight."
I nod to Chris, who remains quiet. I quickly retreat into my apartment. Locking the door nervously, I quickly strip down and take a shower.

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