Chap. 20: Anytime

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(Picture of Katie's apartment from outside Above)
*Katie's POV*

When noon came around, I finally got out of bed and made some chicken noodle soup with ritz crackers. I started looking through my job options that doesn't involve Chris's company.
           After applying to several different places ranging from book publishers assistant to a janitor at a daycare, I finally finished my soup and tried to take a nap. All I could think about was how I was going to pay my bills now. My car, my apartment, my water, my groceries—I can only miss one months rent! And the least but still another downfall is that Chris probably won't want me now that I don't have a job. All I can say now is that I have more time on my hands.


           After tossing and turning, I was about to fall asleep when the sound of someone banging on my door broke my sleepy state. Annoyed and angry, I got up from the couch. I curled up in my blanket and stumbled over to the door.
             "WHAT DO YOU—" I swing my apartment door open angrily, freezing when I see Chris standing there with a big box of donuts. "—Chris?"
             Chris wears a nice suit, his light brown hair slicked back with gel as usual. Then here I am in sweats, haven't even combed or showered in a day and a half. Chris looks worried, concerned. He's never seen me in sweats before, neither sloppy. I'm embarrassed.
          Something doesn't sit right with me. How did he know I would be home? Unless... NOOOO! If that blonde bakery owner told Chris about my situation, I am going to use my spare key she gave me to trash her house. And I'm stealing her last bag of Doritos!
         "Can I come in?" He says worriedly, his voice soft.
          Nodding, I stepping aside for Chris as he takes a step inside. His cologne fills my nostrils as he walks by, making wish I could drown in his scent. Suddenly, I can't help but realize how messy my apartment is compared to his house. Or at least what little I saw on our first date. I immediately begin to pick up my bowl of soup and ritz.
           "I brought you special donuts instead of tulips." Chris looks around, making me feel insecure about my messiness. "Where can I put these?"
             I quickly clear the living room coffee table so Chris set the donuts down. I can see from the cute black and white checkered box with the pink and blue logo that it's from Tara's Sweet Treats! Chris moves my ugly pillows that I found at a garage sale and sits down, he pats the cushion beside him for me to sit down. I plop down next to him.
         "So, what brings you to my—this in the middle of the day in the middle of the week?" I say curiously.
          Chris sighs, opening up the—OH MY GOD! How did Chris know that I liked white iced donuts with coconut shavings and almond slivers? Then it dawns on me once again. TARA. LOU. JAMES!
"Wow—my favorite?" I say suspiciously.
"Yeah." Chris puts on a fake grin, "I wanted to surprise you, Katie."
I force a toothless smile. " succeeded."
Chris kisses my cheek sweetly, wrapping his arms around me. He pulls me into his chest, rubbing my chilled bicep. I would kiss him but I haven't brushed my teeth today either. Yeah, I know. I'm gross.
I cut straight to the chase. "Tara spilled the beans, didn't she?"
Chris sighs, kissing my forehead. "Yes, but I'm not supposed to tell you that SHE told me."
I bury my face into his chest, embarrassed that he knows of my complicated situation. He holds me tightly, his hand holding my head close to him as hid lips rest on my forehead.
"Tell me what happened." Chris says almost—protectively? "What did Hannah do to you?"
The memory of yesterday fills my mind and leaves me with small tears. I stood up for myself but now I am jobless with bills to pay. I'm still debating on whether it was the right choice.
Chris holds me ever so tenderly in his muscular arms. "Baby, please tell me."
             I stare at Chris in shock. He just gave me a pet name. An overused, sexual pet name. But it still makes my heart pound. We both begin to blush.
              Chris frowns. "I don't like that nickname for you. I still have to work on it."
               I bite my lip. HE may not like the nickname for me but I know what his pet name will be. Chris continues to give me worried, concerned looks.
               "Hannah's personal errands made me sleepy and I accidentally took a mini nap and she came in and began to scream at me. I couldn't help myself so I stood up for myself for once and she fired me. But not after giving me an earful on what she thinks of me."
                Chris opens the box of donuts—OH MY GOD! The smell of those delicious, sugary donuts fills my nostrils. My stomach growls and I grab a donut and begin to pig out. Chris chuckles, kissing my temple. I smile at him, feeling the white donut glaze on the corner of my mouth. Chris reaches into his pocket and takes out a pretty blue, silky handkerchief. He begins to wipe my mouth, holding my face as he cleans me up.
             "You don't have to clean up after me." But God somebody needs to, considering my laundry basket exploded all over my apartment. "I'm trying to find a job anyhow."
                "What about my job offer?" Chris says curiously, taking a donut into his hands and tries to shove it all in his mouth.
                 I sigh. "I can't take it. If we got serious and then broke up, it would be too awkward and I wouldn't feel comfortable working for you."
              Chris nods. "I understand that."
              "But I don't know what I'm going to do." I can in a low voice, sad.
               "Have you applied anywhere?" Chris asks, wiping his mouth with his handkerchief. "I can help, if you wouldn't mind me to".
               "I applied for an assistants position at a book publishing company and if that doesn't work, there's always the janitors position at a daycare." I look away from Chris, continuing to eat my delicious donut in shame. "I understand if me not having a job or having a low quality job is embarrassing and you don't want to see me anymore."
               Chris gives me a 'aww' look. You know, where his eyes go wide and soft. He slightly tilts his head down as his lips form a small smile. Like looking at a child who told you they hid your car keys because they're scared they'll never see mommy or daddy again. That look.
              "Katie, I like you for you. I don't like you for your money or the fact that you're gorgeous." Chris says gently.
             I force a laugh, half offended. "Well thanks a lot."
             Chris chuckles softly. "Anytime."

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