Chap. 8: What Happened?

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(Picture of Balsey Quinn Above)
*Third person POV*

        Chris swings his golf club in the air, watching as the golf ball flies far onto the golf course. Chris's friend, Balsey Quinn, has noticed his friends odd behavior all afternoon. The light brown haired man spits onto the grass, wiping his sweaty brow.
        "So, Bro, how did the date go?"
        "I've never met anyone like her before, Balsey." Chris pants, "She's sweet and shy and down to earth—and I totally scared her away. The perfect woman who isn't after my bank account number and who wants nothing but my time and attention, and I scared her away."
               Balsey gives Chris a confused look. "Are you sure she's real? What happened?"
             "She told me she didn't like fancy dresses and expensive dinners and then when I asked if a dinner date was too much, she told me that would be nice." He let's his friend have his turn.
              "Yeah, so? Then what?" Balsey says confused.
              "I tested her since it was too good to be true. All girls say they don't want your money." Chris wipes his brow, taking his hat off to cool the top of his head. "But she just told me off—shocking the hell out of me—and went into her apartment without another word. I feel like an ass."
            "Why? Sounds like she was the ass." Balsey swings his golf club, watching the ball as it flies onto the golf course.
             "Balsey?" Chris's friend looks at him, "I spent 7 dollars and 24 cents on lunch, 3 dollars on a plush toy, and 11 dollars on parking. The cheapest date out of all the women I've dated—and it didn't end with sex."
              Balsey whistles. "Was it even a date? Or were you babysitting?"
               "We talked the entire time and watched the marine life. Tried to steal a kiss or two but shit kept interrupting me." Chris groans, pushing his sunglasses up his long nose.
             "You didn't even kiss her?! I don't think that was a date, Bro." Balsey chuckles as they walk to the golf cart.
              "And I actually enjoyed yesterday. I felt the way I do right now. I didn't have to put on an act, you know?" Chris drives them down the golf course, their muscular bodies bouncing as the cart goes over the hills. "I didn't have to put on an act or flash my money to get her to stay interested. She talked about her dragon lady boss and what she actually wanted to do with her life."
               "And? What stood out?" Balsey says curiously, hanging on tight to the roof of the cart.
               "She wants to write a novel and travel and experience new things and plus, she loves kids. She even wanted to be a teacher but it wasn't her calling as she said." Chris says, "She doesn't know what she wants to do but she hates her job."
             "She sounds normal." Balsey says simply.
              "That's why she's so perfect." Chris stops the cart, getting off. "Should I call her or should I wait for her to call me? She probably thinks I don't want to talk o her again."
Balsey shrugs. "Call her then. But wait for a couple days. Be zen about it too, Bro."
Chris nods. "Be zen? Got it!"

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