Chap. 44: Caught Bed

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(Meme of Chris Evans Above)
*Katie's POV*

          Chris's fingertips trace my back as I lay on his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat. He holds me close to him—Ooh! I shiver as Chris's fingertips trail up my spine. He chuckles at what he did.
          "You're mean." I pout.
          Chris mocks me in a baby voice. "You mean."
            I playfully smack his chest, causing him to chuckle. He kisses my forehead, his thumb rubbing my arm while the other continues to trace my back. My lips peck above his heart.
            Chris sighs as he begins to grin. "Gorgeous, what am I going to do with you?"
I continue to peck his chest, my hands rubbing up his hairy abs and chest. Chris leans his head up, his lips puckered out. I lean up and give him several kisses, the sound of our lips smacking makes me giggle.
"You're so cute." I giggle.
Suddenly, there's a distant sound. I sit up, alarmed. Was it thunder? An earthquake about to hit?
"What is it?" Chris sits up, his joints popping and him lightly grunting.
"I thought I heard something." My hands fiddle with the sheets as I bite my lip anxiously.
"I didn't hear anything." He kisses my shoulder, his hands effortlessly pulling me into his arms. "It was probably the neighbors getting home. Their garage is just past my fence. Or Copper in there causing trouble."
No, it sounded more—like a clang sound. It wasn't a garage or thunder. Maybe it was Copper. But the idea does not satisfy the feeling inside.
Chris kisses my neck. "It's okay. You're safe here, Sweetheart."
I slowly nod, still weary of what I don't know. Whenever I hear an unusual sound at my apartment, it's usually Mrs. Walters looking for her missing cat throughout the entire 5 story building (she doesn't have a cat). But I still peak out the peak hole to make sure. And here I am without my trusty baseball bat in case for emergencies. Oh, dear me. Chris pulls me back down in bed. He kisses the top of my head that rest on his shoulder and intertwines our fingers. I have to say at least one thing though, I do feel safer that Chris is with me than if I had my trusty baseball bat.
            "You're safe, Princess." Chris says softly, kissing the top of my head again. "The only ones who can get in through the gate have a pin and key—"
              Suddenly, the bedroom door opens. A familiar female voice fills the air. I jerk up with Chris behind me, his hands already pulling the sheets above my lacy see through chest area on my red nightie.
             "Chris, Sweetie, are you sick? Why are you in bed by 8:3—" Lauren walks in through the bedroom door, her hazel eyes stopping on us in bed "CHRISTOPHER PAUL EATON, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!?"
Chris's father, Steven, appears in the doorway. When he sees Chris with his arms around me and the sheets pulled up over our semi-nude bodies, he blushes red and starts to awkwardly smile at us.
"Well, now we know why he came home early, Lauren." Steven turns and starts to leave, "Come on, Deary. Give the kids some privacy."
Lauren, who still stares at us in horror, whips around to her husband. "AREN'T YOU GOING TO DO SOMETHING?"
Copper runs in and jumps up on the bed. He licks my burning hot cheek. He starts to grab the sheets but Chris lightly pushes him away.
"Yeah," Steven says simply "I'm going to go eat the lasagna you brought."
Then Steven is gone. But guess who appears? Loni and Ian. Yep. They both give us dirty, smug looks. Especially Ian, aka the Devil himself. My cheeks blush red with embarrassment.
"Get out, all of you!" Chris shouts at them, "Get out!"
"Gettin' some of that Mexican booty, huh Chris?" Ian does a surfer hand sign. You know, the pinky and thumb is the only fingers up and you spin your wrist.
"I SAID GET THE F**K OUT!" Chris screams angrily, swatting for them to leave "ALL OF YOU! GET OUT NOW!"
They do go. Lauren has to be dragged out of there, still gawking at us in horror. When the bedroom door closes. Chris lets out a bunch of air. I begin to tear up. I'm so embarrassed! I wish I could just disappear! This is awful. Chris pulls me close to him.
"I am so, so sorry, Princess." Chris says in my ear, "Are you crying?"
"I'm so embarrassed." My breathing is uneven, I cover my red lipstick smeared face. "I could just die."
Chris's makes me look at him, wiping my tears away with his thumb. His blue eyes are filled with concern. He nods to me.
"Katie, Honey, I didn't know they were coming." Chris says gently, "I'm so, so sorry."
I sniff, wiping my nose with the crook of my wrist under my thumb. "I have to go."
Chris's hands grab me firmly, effortlessly turning my body so I am facing him. He holds my body close to his nude one. He runs his hands through my messy hair, his eyes soft and worried.
"You can't go." Chris stares deep into my eyes, "Not after we made love like that. Babygirl, you can't go."
           I squirm, kissing his thumb as my eyes flicker towards the floor. Copper pants  loudly in my ear. Tears gently fall down my cheeks, I'm so embarrassed.
           "Please." Chris begs softly.
           God, I can't stand to see a grown man beg or cry. I reluctantly nod my head. Chris wraps his arms around me, burying his head into my messy hair.
           "But Chris, I can't face them." I say in his ear as he holds me, "Not after they caught us in bed together like this. If they didn't like me before, they certainly don't like me now."
          Chris gives me that look, brushing the hair out of my face sweetly. "Don't worry, okay? I'm right here."
            Chris's firm hands move down to my waist, holding onto my soft curves. Or at least that what he called them during sex. Our noses bump against each other.
            "What about my clothes? I don't have a bra and—where's my panties?" I look around frantically.
                  I paid 13 dollars for those! I'm definitely not the richest person in his house right now. I'm as cheap as I feel. Yikes. I slip out of Chris's reluctant hands. He holds out for me, wanting me to come back. I find my lacy red panties on the floor. I pick them up and slip them on. Chris sighs loudly on the bed, nodding his head as he gets out of bed.
         "You're going to have to leave some clothes here, Honey." Chris says as I head into the bathroom, "I have a spare drawer if you need it."
           My heart begins to race. Oh, my God! A drawer for me? For what? When his parents catch us in bed together again? The thought terrifies me. I quickly get dressed, unable to get the embarrassment out of my head. Chris appears, leaning against the bathroom doorframe in his black sweatpants and a tight white t-shirt that shows off his muscular chest. He's so sexy with that on I could just drool!
             "Why would I need to leave clothes over?" I say confused, brushing my hair. "In case of a period or chili spilling accident?"
Chris chuckles. "No, in case you stay over."
My head whips around to Chris sharply, I almost get motion sickness. My eyes bulge out of my head. Stay over?
"Stay over?" I say confused, a little scared.
"Yeah?" Chris chuckles.
"Like, over night?" I feel tense, cornered.
"Yes?" Chris walks over to me, putting his big man hands on my hips, "Is there a problem?"
Okay, so this came out sounding a lot more like a junior high schooler. Is that's a word?— I stare blankly in Chris's eyes.
I deadpan. "I've never been allowed to stay over night at a boys house before."

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