Chap.73: Gender Reveal (2/2)

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(Picture of Above)
*Katie's POV*

          My mouth drops open, my eyes wide. There stands Lauren dressed in jeans and a dressy blouse. Steven holds a gift as does Loni and Ian. Uncle Joe holds an opened bottle of rosé champagne, his face full of disgust. Chris's hands hold onto my waist tightly.
            "What the hell?" Chris says under his breath, but out loud. "Did you invite THEM?"
          Tara and Kayla exchange a look, looking back at him confused. A sharp pain shoots through my back. I lean on Chris for support. I really need to sit down!
           "Hey, I wasn't in charge of the invitation list." Kayla holds her hands up in defense.
             Tara gives Chris an almost scared look. If I wasn't in pain, I would almost feel bad for her. Scowl Chris for raising his voice at her.
          "I didn't think I sent them an invitation? I know Katie said that there's conflict between—" Chris storms towards his family, I grasp onto the table for support. I am beginning to feel so weak. "—and he's gone."
         Kayla looks to me. "Are you okay?"
         I shake my head, tears swelling up in my eyes. "I need to sit down."
          Kayla rushes and grabs a chair for me to sit in. Tara helps me sit down, holding my hand. Andrew suddenly appears, his eyes full of concern.
           "Are you okay?" He says worriedly, "Do we need to take you to the hospital?"
            I weakly shake my head. "I'm...fine."
            "We need to get her inside for a while." Andrew says seriously, "She's getting too overheated! Chris is going to freak—Oh shit, mom's here!"
             Andrew quickly helps me into the house, where Chris is yelling at his mother. When they see me, Chris is at my side immediately. I hold my hand up to stop him.
            "I'm fine." I sigh heavily.
            Andrew sits me down on the couch. I huff and puff for air, sweat rolling down my temples. Loni plops down next to me, making the couch lightly bounce.
           "Wow, you're flapping sweetheart." Steven says with a huge smile, "You're so beautiful."
           "Steven, that's sweat." Lauren rolls her eyes at him, turning back to me. "Even after 3 children and a doctors degree as a pediatrician, he still doesn't understand that glow is sweat."
             "Do we need to take you to the hospital?" Chris says nervously, "Honey, you don't look too well."
           I glare up at him. "Thanks a lot, Jerkwad ."
            "Well, I can see her hormones are already out of range." Lauren sighs, "I came here with a peace offering."
Chris scoffs. "You shouldn't have bothered."
"Chris!" I scowl him, "If she wants to make admins and try to be apart of our lives, let her!"
Whoa. What am I saying? This woman HATES my guts and I'm defending her? Maybe my hormones are out of wack. Geez. Lauren nods to me, crossing her arms.
"I want to be part of my first and probably last grandchild's life." Lauren says coldly, "Even if I have to tolerate the embarrassment of your marriage to this gold digger, Christopher."
"Mom!" Loni says surprised.
I roll my eyes at her annoyed. "Maybe you should leave."
"Who ordered for all this? Who is paying for all this?" Lauren puts her hands in her hips, "Convince me she is NOT a god digger."
"Katie's friends, Tara and Kayla, did EVERYTHING. It was Tara's idea." Chris says annoyed, "And it's none of your business whose paying for the party."
"I never wanted a party, period." I shrug, "I don't feel much like partying."
Lauren gives me a scowl like expression. "You are so ungrateful!"
"Mom, just get out." Chris says angrily, "If you're going to be this way to my pregnant wife, then you need to leave."
              Suddenly, Tara cones bouncing in with Kayla being dragged behind her. She grins so wide it's annoying. What? I can't be the only one who thinks that? Ian casually slinks over and puts an arm around their shoulders.
             Tara quickly removes Ian's arm. "Time to reveal your baby's gender!"
               UGH! I have to get up. Chris and Andrew help me up off the couch. We head outside with Tara and Kayla.
                "Everyone please gather around!" Kayla and Tara shout to our guest.
             Chris holds me close to him, kissing my temple. Tara hands us two confetti cannon. Everyone gathers around, all excited and happy for us. Chris gives me a kiss on the lips before he gets ready to pop the cannon. I take in a deep breath and hold up the cannon with Chris. We both let out shaky sighs before the crowd starts to count down from 10.
         "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2–"
         My hands pull the string—OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! THE COLOR IS....

Ha! And you all thought I wasn't going to leave you on a cliffhanger 😏😏😏

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