Chap. 86: We Need To Talk

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(Picture of the Eaton family above)
*Katie's POV*

             Last night was long and full of heat. Chris and I had a our first date in God knows how long. It felt good to be alone together for once without a little munchkin snooping around.
Speaking of little munchkins, Chloe is traumatized by what happened a Couple nights ago. Apparently, while Andrew had Chloe as Chris and I had sexy time, she had peed the bed because she dreamed someone was hurting me. Yeah, I know. So Chris and I decided that we needed to have a talk with her. To make sure she understands what happened without actually telling her the PG-14 part.
Chris and I walk to Chloe's room, where she is now. When we walk in, she freezes. She's playing with her legos. Chris and I sit down on the bed, being closely watched by Chloe. My child was not like this before that night.
"Hola, Bebe." I say to her sweetly, smiling.
"Hhhmmm." Chloe hums, slowly going back to her legos.
Chris clears his throat. "Chloe, you're Mama told you Hola."
Chloe hangs her head, pouting her lip. "Hola."
"Bebe, we need to talk." I say worriedly, "Can you please put the legos down and talk to us?"
"Why?" She says in her adorable child voice.
"Chloe." Chris says firmly, making her look at him. "Put the legos down. We need to have a talk as a family."
Chloe pouts her lip, her head hanging. She stands there like a statue. Why is she so shy around us? We're her parents! Is she scared of Chris? Does she think he was hurting me? That he'll hurt her? Chris shifts beside me.
"Chloe Ann Eaton, get over here." Chris says annoyed, "Now."
Suddenly, Chloe begins to softly cry. My hand grasp his wrist firmly, making him jump.
"Chloe, put down the legos and come over here." I say softly, trying to not be so firm and scary to her. "Now, young lady!"
Chloe slowly walks over to me, putting her little hands on my knees. Her head is still hung with her lip pouted out. I wipe her tears with my sleeve.
"Stop crying." I say softly, "You're not in trouble."
I grab her and put her between Chris and I. She hangs her head even more. Is she scared of Chris? Or does she hunk he's mad at her? Or both?
"Chloe, look at me." I say firmly, she slowly looks up at me. "Tío Andrew told us what happened last night. You peed the bed like a baby."
"I'm not a baby!" Chloe says angrily.
"Hey!" Chris and I both say to her firmly. "That's enough."
"Are you scared of your Papa?" I say curiously, but more worried.
Chloe frowns, giving me a look. "No?"
"You do understand that Papa would never hurt you or Mama, sí?" Chris says a bit firmer than I think he needs to be
"Sí." Chloe nods shyly.
"Then why are you scared?" I say softly.
" 'Cause—cause Papa was hurting you." Chloe says softly.
I sigh. "Chloe, Papa would never hurt you or me. Never."
"But—but you were screaming and crying." Chloe says in her baby voice.
Chris and I look into each other's eyes concerned. Chris scratches his beard and then lightly puts a hand on Chloe's arm. Her shoulder moves up.
"Princess, Papa was not hurting Mama." Chris says in a much softer voice, his normal tone that he uses when he talks to her. "We were having Mama and Papa time."
"But—" my child starts.
"Chloe, listen to us." I say to her, pulling strands of hair out of her small face. "Don't worry about what happened that night. Papa was not hurting me and he would never hurt you or me. Sí? Those were happy tears."
"They were?" Chloe says confused.
"Yes, Papa was making Mama VERY happy." Chris says proud of himself, smirking.
I glare at him. We are talking to OUR FIVE YEAR OLD CHILD CHRIS! I pull her in for a hug, not reviving one back. Chris pulls us both in and hugs us tightly. Chloe squeaks and wiggles between us.
"You need to knock next time okay?" I kiss her forehead, receiving a kiss on mine from Chris. "Sometimes Mama and Papa just need to be alone."
"Why?" Chloe is at the stage where all she ask is why.
"Because sometimes we just need to spend time alone together." I pull her hair back out of her face, remembering that I used to hate that when I was little. "You can be quite the handful."
Chloe grins, giggling. I don't think she understands what I said but at least I got her to smile. We all hug once again. Chloe squirms and whines, only making Chris and I squeeze harder. We both kiss her face and tickle her, making her squirm and kick. She burst out with giggles and laughter.
I beam down at her. "See? Now there's my little Bebe."
Chris stands up and starts to walk out. Confused, I stop tickling Chloe.
"Where are you going, mi amor?" I say softly.
"To put a lock on our bedroom door." Chris says, making me tense up.
I don't like the idea of Chloe not being available to me at all times. It scares me. What if someone broke in—chills run down my spine and I shake my head.
Chris nods to me, looking down at his boots. "I know, Sweetheart. I know."
Chloe wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me down onto the bed with her. She squeals happily.
            "Mama, lets make a castle for my Barbie!" Chloe says excitedly.
            "Oh, joy." I say sarcastically.
            "Oh joy." Chloe says cheerfully, grinning from ear to ear.
             We get down on the floor and begin to make a lego castle that gets torn down by hyper Copper.

this is a birthday present for @MagnificentGirl 🥳🎉

Hope all my readers enjoyed and it was well worth the read. Have a wonderful day and remember that you are all loved by someone.

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