Author's Note!

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      Hey Guys! Today I had a day off from school (college) and I had a brilliant idea for a new story...only, I don't know which title I should name it. Here is my summery that MAY or MAY NOT be used:

            A part time pastry decorator/chef  (Hailee Steinfeld as Kandy Cook) has always dreamed of opening a Bakery ship and mangling it on her own. She is as funny, feisty, and sweet as the goods she baked at the Bakery Shop she worked in part time. And also a bit spicy as the restaurant dishes she cooked on the weekends. One day, a handsome cousin (Scott Eastwood as Shawn Fancy) of an engaged, rich business man (Chris Evans as Mr. Christian Fancy) comes in to order the wedding cake and asks her to be his date. Taking this opportunity to get more noticed as a professional baker or chef, who hadn't gone to college or any educational experience, Kandy jumps on the offer. But what happens when the Bride (Jennifer Lawrence as Emile Ball) runs from the alter and Kandy wakes up in bed with the groom (Chris Evans as Christian Fancy) the next morning? Rumors are spread that Kandy was the cause of the runaway bride. How will Kandy get out of this sticky situation? Can she handle the awful rumors that now effect her career and how customers see her? Will a new reputation ruin her dreams of becoming a business woman and owning her own bakery shop? What happens when she is hired as the business man's new, personal chef, only for her to fall madly in love with him? How will it all end?


        Is it good? Should I name it Sweet Dreams or maybe His Delicious Lips? Maybe even Sound Of His Voice or Oh That Smirk? PLEASE DO NOT USE THESE TITLES AS YOR OWN! THAT IS PLAGIARISM PEOPLE! I've been focusing my titles for my love stories as attractive things that have to do with a man. Like, for example, IN YOUR ARMS or THOSE BLUE EYES. Maybe you guys could suggest a clever/catchy title that has to do with an attractive body part (ex: lips, voice, smile, smirk, kiss, height, face, etc.) and adjectives that could describe Chris Evans or his character (ex: sweet, delicious, tasty, sexy, hot, protective, etc.). It would really help me out a lot and I WOULD GOVE YOU CREDIT BECAUSE I DO NOT PLAGIARIZE FOR THINGS THAT ARE NOT MINE! We're doing a whole essay on plagiarism in my classes and let me tell all of you something, I would not want any of you to steal my words or ideas for your own so I won't do that to you. I will give you credit. The story will be mine but the title, if I don't come up with it on my own, will be given credit to one of my readers who gave me the title idea. I may change character names or details but this is my idea so far. I will notify all of you when I publish my first chapter and get everything set up for my newest love story.
          Comment and tell me what you think. Should I write this story? Is is interesting? I am still going to write and end IN YOUR ARMS story wayyyy before I fully focus on this story but it's still something I want to think about. Tell me what you think and give me ideas please. You are all blessed and loved! ✌🏽❤️🙏🏼

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