Chap. 80: No Wonder

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(picture of shirtless Chris above *Warning: sexual stuff below but it's not full on description.*)
*Katie's POV*
~Five months later~

"Chole, stay still!" My baby girl squirms in my arms unhappily. "Chris, a little help?"
Chris takes Chole from my arms, patting her bottom. He shushes her until she calms back down. And then he hands her to me. Chole whines, angry with me for some reason. Today, I scheduled to have a family photo taken with the three of us. But Chole isn't having it for some reason.
I bounce her, shushing her. "Chole, it's okay. Just stop crying for twenty minutes and then you can cry your heart—OUCH!"
I whip around and glare up at Chris. He smirks at his actions, winking at me. He freaking pinched my butt. Chole starts to calm down some, her tears fading. I continue to bounce her, patting her back. Chris clicks his tongue at her, kissing her face. Suddenly, Chole is smiling and giggling. Pff, daddy's girl.
The photographer, Michael, motions for us to pose. We all do—OH MY GOD! Chris just pinched my butt again. I force a smile, annoyed with everyone right
now. Chris fondles my butt, a picture perfect smile on his face—OOH! Now my poor buttocks are being abusively squeezed. What is Chris's deal today? He's been handsy and flirty ever since I got up to nurse Chole.
Michael looks at the picture and frowns. "Mrs. Eaton, a more cheerful smile. Your child seems she may cry at any moment."
We pose ah—CHRIS! My buttocks are being squeezed so hard, I'm sure he'll leave bruises. I try to think of happier thoughts. My wedding night. The first time I told Chris I loved him. The first time Chris said he loved me back. The first time I saw Chris naked...that did it. I'm blushing and grinning for the camera now. Michael snaps the picture a few times before looking at the photos. This gives me a chance to scowl Chris.
"Would you please stop?" I say to Chris through gritted teeth, "That's very distracting.
Chris winks at me. "Relax, Baby."
His hands squeeze tighter, bring tears to my eyes. That's when he lets me go and cups my butt in his hands. My bottom throbs from mistreatment. Why is Chris acting this way?


The warm water rushes over my tired face. What little makeup that hasn't already worn off is being wiped away as I scrub my face with acne wash. For some reason, I'm starting to terribly break out in white heads and it's so disgusting. I'm 24-years-old, I shouldn't have to still worry about acne at this age. It's a major turn off and makeup can only cover so much.
Suddenly, I hear the sound of the bathroom door opening. Chris. He better not use the toilet while I'm showering, I am already so annoyed with him and it's not funny. He sexually harassed me during our first family photo! Then at our dinner with his parents at their house, he decided to play footsie and tried to graze my upper thigh. No matter how many times I told him to stop or pushed his hand away, he kept getting restless. I don't understand his sudden need to get handsy.
The shower curtain is drawn back, light from the bathroom shining into the shower. Chris stands there in a robe, smiling with a look in his eyes. A small smile on his face. He quickly undoes the robe and—HOLY CRAPORITO WITH CHOCOLATE SPRINKLES ON TOP! Chris stands there with everything hanging out. His naked body so gorgeous and sexy, I try not to stare at his even better half. He arches a bro, a smirk on his handsome face.
"I'll be out in a minute." I quickly shut the curtain, my cheeks turning pink.
I stand on my top toes to get the shampoo bottle—the sound of the shower curtain being pulled back behind me makes me whip around. CHRIS IS CLIMBING IN THE SHOWER WITH ME! My first thought goes to Chole. What if she needs us? What if a robber breaks in and hurts her? The thought leaves me shaking.
"What about Chole?" I say concerned.
"I just put her down." Chris says behind me, his voice thick and heavily. "The baby monitor is on the counter in case she needs us."
Chris wraps his arms around my flabby middle. He wipes my cheek before planting a tender kiss. Goodness! My backside is now being pressed into Chris's front. Chris's lips are on my ear, hot and ticklish.
"You're so beautiful." Chris kisses my shoulder, rubbing against me. "I miss being alone with my stunning wife."
Annoyed, I roll my eyes at him. "Chris, I'm trying to shower."
Chris stands up straighter, hands tight on my hips. Well, it's an improvement. I stand on my tippy toes to reach the shampoo, only for Chris to grab it and place it in the shelf. Ugh, I was about to do that! Meanie. Chris pumps shampoo out, beginning to scrub my scalp and hair with my shampoo. It's starting to hurt my—
"Ouch!" I shout, wincing as my scalp is being tortured. "That hurts, Chris!"
Chris chuckles. He puts my head under the water and scrubs the soap out of my hair and scalp. I run a hand over my soapy face, hating how soap feels on my eyes and mouth. Chris reaches over and grabs the bar of soap. Oh no.
"Chris, I can do that myself—" I start to say, but it's too late.
Chris lathers my body up, starting with my neck and shoulders. Why is he doing this? He has NEVER done this before! What is up to? Chris works his way down my body, his hands roaming my body like it's a jungle. A jungle of fat and scar tissue. When he starts to head south, I immediately grasp his hand.
"Chris, please." I say through gritted teeth, "I can shower by myself."
Chris must sense my annoyance because he takes a step back. "Are you mad at me?"
I sigh heavily. "If you keep it up, yes."
"Baby!" Chris says shocked, his hands pulling me close to him.
I jerk away from him. "God! Why are you so clingy? You have been so handsy all day."
    I turn and look at Chris annoyed. He stares at me with sad eyes, a small smile to match. I reach behind me and turn the faucet off.
"I miss the intimacy." Chris sighs softly, putting his hands on his hips. "I miss the sex and you not being able to keep your hands off of me. The way you would climb into my lap and have your way with me because you physically needed me. You don't do that anymore."
Liar! "I have too—"
"Not since Chole was born." Chris says firmly, softening. "It's been six months, Katie. Six months! You haven't touched me or even looks at me since she was born."
I try to recall the last time we had sex, but all I can remember is a few days before I had my emergency c-section. Wait! Has it really been THAT long? Six whole months? Wow. I didn't realize.
I bite my lip. "I'm not groomed."
"Hair doesn't bother me at this point." I can't help but notice how his manhood starts to rise, hardening. "You're just as beautiful either way."
"I'm still flabby." I give him one last excuse, "I'm not physically sexy anymore."
Suddenly, my body is slammed against the shower wall. I shout in pain, my back stinging. Chris's lips smash against mine, kissing me slow and passionate. The kiss has a buttery soft gentleness to it that makes my insides melt. My arms slip under his, my hands holding onto his muscular back. My core begins to throb, making me lightly moan. All my thoughts become unclear and jumbled, nothing but the slowness of his lips makes sense. It isn't until I'm grasping onto the wall for support as he's brutally thrusting behind me, making my feels feel things they haven't felt in a long time, that I realize all he's been doing today was him dropping hints. No wonder.

Hey readers! How did you like the chapter? Give me your thoughts by commenting down in the box below. I'll be publishing within the next day or so.

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