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Oh my God!!!!

What do you even know about him Park Y/N? What do you know about him or the type of person he is? Just because he's good looking you got dazed an......
Oh no, no no no!
I am not ruining this new-found friendship with Jungkook. I should stop being awkward, I am acting just like those good-for-nothing girls who spend most of their time gawking at guys rather their own selves...Y/N GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF.

What should I wear? Do I have my upper-lips done? Did I shower? Is my hair conditioned?

All these thoughts running in my head got me frustrated and I ended up stomping my fist on the table making mom and dad jump. Dad dropped down his fork in shock and my mother nearly chocked on her wine just when she was about to lecture me on table-manners.

"Ow.." I groaned looking down at my hand that had a tint of red shooting pain across my arm.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Father asked looking at me with worry. He picked up his fork cleaning it up with a napkin as his eyes stayed glued on mine for some reasonable answers. What am I supposed to say, your daughter is going over to a boy's place so she's freaking?

"I-I just have to visit a friend for some project work, I'm nervous hehe.." I chuckled awkwardly shifting uncomfortably at my mother's curious gaze, "That's reasonable, your first friend at Gwaenchan High..I'd be nervous too." She shrugged.

"But, why such a reaction? Is my precious bean being doubtful?" Dad cooed leaning forwards to pinch my cheek. "Appa!" I mumbled slightly pulling myself away.

"Did you pick something to where?" Mom asked cutting her chicken. Her tone was so sovereign, almost as if she was just doing her job rather than putting any real feel to it. Like she was compelled to ask that since she was my mom..and that made me angry, posing affection. If you have none, then just don't try.

"Good question!" I spat standing up pushing the chair back, "I should pick something out." I smiled sarcastically at her before leaving the dining hall.

No, I wasn't going to worry about my attire. I thought to myself while plopping down on the bed. Who am I supposed to dress up for? Jungkook? Why? It's not like he's my crush or something, yeah okay he's soo handsome with his strong built and towering figure with that emo look but I am clever enough to keep my heart from wriggling behind any hunk. I was careful enough to choose between attraction and love. And based on these crazy logics of mine, I showed up at his place at the given address in an oversized white sweat shirt that had 'Leave Me!' plastered across the chest paired with dark skinny jeans and flip-flops.

"I must be crazy.." I muttered pulling out my phone to text Jungkook I was here.

"Oh Y/N, hey!" He greeted opening the door after a wait of 3 minutes. Yep just three minutes.
"Were you cold, did I take too long?" He asked worriedly grabbing my arm and pulling me into his house.

"N-no, it's good." I managed nodding at him with a smile. He sighed escorting me inside.
"It's not much, but it's home."

I looked around admiring the royal texture, the neat setting, the expensive drapery and pictures hanging on the wall. Yes it wasn't much, it was a small and neat space. Sophisticated and comfortable, it was perfect.

"I'll bring my work downstairs, let's study here." I nodded settling myself on the couch while Jungkook headed upstairs to get his books.

"Do you want anything to drink or eat?" He asked coming downstairs carrying his books.
I shook my head.

Jungkook seemed to be a really nice guy, he was simple and well mannered. For someone like his looks, I expected him to be arrogant and rude since apparently that's how handsome jocks like him treat people like me.
But looking at him now, in a simple shirt and sweatpants with his dark hair cascaded over his forehead, he looked like an ordinary kid with the burden of school and life. It made me feel a bit at ease, made me feel that for once I was blending in and it was with him, it was because of him.

"So I did some research on Amiphelia, it's a chemical that can corrode glass so it's kept in metal coating.." he began showing me his research.

"Oh wow, they really give beginners to work with that?" He nodded just as amazed.
"Amiphelia's reaction with an Alkali metal might be too vigorous.. we have to check in the transition metals and since there cannot be any experimental observations we have to present reasons." Jungkook noddle leaning over to grab a note pad, my breath hitched as I felt the slightest weight of his body pile on mine as he grabbed the book.

"I'll make the reactions with Amiphelia, you just write stuff down okay?" He asked looking at me. "No, that means you having a difficult scoop, it's unfair!" I rejected shaking my head.

Jungkook chuckled softly inching his head forward to be at my level, "Sorry sweetie, I'm the older one here.." he teased poking my forehead making my head bobble.

"So we're age judging now, okay then Jungkook oppa!" I chuckled looking back at the research. It got silent, "Hey, are you mad?" I asked looking at his serene expression. "Ya, I just don't like being called oppa," he pouted, "I'm saving that pet name for my...."
"Girlfriend?" I asked raising my eyebrow, he nodded smiling shyly rubbing the back of his neck.

"That's adorable, I'm sorry.." I apologized looking at him. He shook his head, "It's fine."

"Back to the topic, Jungkook I don't want you working with Amiphelia alone!" I pouted shaking his arm. He was writing down keys while smiling as I was gripping him like a baby whining for candy.

"Okay okay chill out Y/N.." he chuckled shrugging me off gently causing me to let him go but he prevented that, before I pulled my hand back to my side he grabbed it pulling me close to him.

He angled his face just reaching my level that I felt his minty breath fan my bangs, I fluttered my eyes taking in the reality of this situation.
"Hey little one," he began softly tilting his head, his thin lips curled up into a little grin but still holding onto that seriousness of his words, "I don't want you getting hurt."


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