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Third Person POV.

"Taehyung where did Na Eun go?" Hoseok asked looking at the ebony head ducking his head low and keeping his voice down to avoid disturbance in the class.

Namjoon who heard him turned to look at Hoseok, "My question is, where is Y/N?" 

Taehyung looked up with furrowed brows, "She didn't attend class?"
Namjoon shook his head looking back on the board once Hoseok elbowed his side. The professor was giving the group suspicious looks. 

"Anything worth sharing?" he asked looking at them with arched brows and a stern face.
Hoseok and Namjoon gave each other and unsure look before shaking their heads.
"Actually sir, there is a student absent..." Taehyung began raising his hand to get the class's attention.
The professor put down the English textbook replacing it with the attendance sheet examining it closely.

Jimin, who was sitting in the front row, instantly turned to look at the farthest bench in class, Y/N's supposed seat. His heart sank, Y/N wasn't there, and somehow he knew it was his fault. He knew and admitted that he had messed up big time, even knocked some sense into Bogeom for misleading him like that but still that feeling of guilt weighed down on him. 

"You're right Mr. Kim, do you know why?" the professor asking fixing his gaze at Taehyung who shrugged. The professor sighed putting down the sheet, "This girl needs to get more punctual.." he mumbled before picking up the textbook again continuing the lecture.
Jimin, being the nearest, heard him.
'Did she skip before?' he asked himself looking down at his notepad, 'Perhaps since Na Eun isn't here either they would have been together.'
He shrugged off the curiosity saving the thought for later. Meanwhile the group of three at the back had more scuffles. 

"Where is Jungkook?" Hoseok asked. Namjoon scoffed annoyed, "Bro what the hell! Focus on your phoenix!"
"He doesn't take English hyung, please don't worry!" Taehyung sighed rubbing his forehead. 

He was very worried as well, Taehyung was the type of person to weigh down all the worries on his shoulders, he was worried for Jungkook who was slumped and depressed keeping a frown on his face almost 24/7. Taehyung wasn't used to seeing him like that, the teasing always laughing bundle of joy. He was angry at Jimin, more than that he was a bit sorry for him. Whose side to take? Who to defend and who to knock off he had no idea. He was worried about Y/N, nobody had seen her after the trip other than Na Eun but this was again his wild assumption.
Y/N had been skipping classes, Yoongi didn't see her in the music class, Hoseok missed her during Biology, Namjoon didn't see her in English and even Jimin who was surprisingly looking out for her now didn't see her in calculus. 

When the guys met during break, Jungkook would ask them with the glee of hope if they had seen Y/N, how was she doing, what was she upto... he didn't eat in he café trying to save her the pain he had given her, he avoided everywhere where she'd probably see him. He was too guilty and hurt and he couldn't imagine how she would be feeling. He messed up her already messed up life. 

"Hyung? Did you see her?" Jungkook asked jogging up to the group of six. Jimin turned away from him feeling the guilt and regret tower him over. He was far too embarrassed to look at him.

"No, she's been skipping school I presume," Jin sighed shaking his head looking at Jungkook's pleading look. 

"It's okay bro, you just need to talk to her....." Namjoon radiated an assuring smile placing his hand on Jungkook's shoulder. 

Jungkook scoffed shaking it off, "Don't tell me what to do."
Jin lightly pulled Namjoon back, "Give him space," he whispered. Namjoon nodded patting Jungkook's back, "Good luck." 

Jungkook was as rigid as rock, Hoseok and Taehyung refused to say a single word while Yoongi gave Jimin a glance. The dark haired guy had his back on the members pondering at his mistakes, Yoongi tugged his arm, "You need to man up!" he hissed in his ear.
Jungkook had already began to walk away, Namjoon sighed looking at the others, "Let's leave him alone for now.." 

Jimin turned to look at Jungkook walk away. He knew he needed to fix things, he knew it was all his fault for the way things were. He had messed up big time, ruining the love life of his best friend in terms to protect him.
Taehyung glanced at Jimin's expression figuring out what he was thinking, "You thinking to talk to him?" 

Jimin shrugged, "Maybe, he would never listen to me Tae."

Taehyung looked back at Jungkook's direction, he'd already disappeared into the dim corridors.
"If anyone can talk to him right now, it's you Jimin..." he began in a subtle tone, "He's your best friend, you owe him that much." 

"Okay what am I supposed to say? Sorry for my messed up head and lack of judgement you've lost Y/N, he'd punch a hole in my skull Tae!" Jimin screeched moving away from Taehyung. 

"So we let this go on?" Taehyung asked folding his arms looking at Jimin's sulky expression, "This is getting us no where Jimin. Just talk it out and get it over with please!" 

Jimin took in a sharp breath straightening his shoulders, "That's my only option?" 

"To set things right? Yes," Taehyung nodded. 

"What if he doesn't listen?" 

"I bet he will." Taehyung assured. 

"Can you come with me?" Jimin pleaded holding his arm, Taehyung gave him a weird luck, "No gay shit dude!" 

Jimin scoffed before laughing along with Taehyung. 
"Okay, here's to getting Jungkook and Y/N back intact!" 


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