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"Okay stop.." I squealed feeling Jungkook's strong arms strengthen around my waist as he leaped me up into the air.

"I hate Ballerina...Jungkook!" I whined looking down at his dreamy brown eyes shining under the moonlight. My hands gripped his shoulders firmly heaving my weight on them so I won't fall.

"It's okay, I was giving you a bit of a fairy tale touch!" He chuckled with a smirk. He let me go mid-air causing me to fall with a little scream of joy only to be caught again by him just as my feet hit the ground.

I giggled hugging me close. Jungkook sighed closing his eyes burying his face in my neck, his breath brushing my skin causing goosebumps to rise all over. "Having you here is the best thing ever..." he mumbled kissing a delicate spot on my neck. I clutched onto him tighter as if this is the last time we'd ever be together.

He swayed our bodies lightly reminding me of that lame prom dance they have in movies, movies that portray irrevocable love stories. That's why I hated romance, because in reality not every story has a happy ending....but with Jungkook, I really thought I'd have mine.

That fairy tale happily ever after.

"How come you like me so much?" I asked standing on my tippies to reach his shoulder where I placed my head staring at his side-view.

"Difficult question.." he hummed stroking my hair.

It's not the first time we are this close, but every single time it gets my heart beating fast. My skin turns red, he makes me blush...I never thought some guy would make me fluster like he does. I never though some guy would arouse undefined feelings in my gut, arouse me to do the wrong's that felt right, compel me to break rules and stay by his side.

We were sneaking out at late, forget the professor I knew Jin hyung would break our legs. The thought made me chuckle.

"What?" Jungkook whispered pulling away a little. "Nothing," I smiled shaking my head lightly, "Can we take a seat...this atmosphere has be sleepy."

"You want to go back?" he asked alerted fully dethatching himself from me but still holding my hand. I shook my head instantly, sure I was tired, but I wanted to be with him more. God knows how things might turn out when we go back, everyone knew him as the hot Kingka of the school and I was the nerdy stump who may or may not exist. God knows how my mother would take this relationship.

"Baby, tell me what's wrong?" Jungkook asked moving his hands to my face cupping my cheeks in his palms while stroking my skin lightly, he leaned his forehead against mine imposing pressure on my body that caused me to move back until I was up against a tree.

"Why are you upset?"

"I just..." it was hard to break my network of feelings down into a sentence without making it sound cliché as heck. Jungkook's questioning and worried eyes bore deeply into mine, even when I won't answer he got the slightest hint, "You worried about us?"

I nodded holding onto his forearms hoping he won't move away, hoping he'd stay that close to me, because I never knew how much of him I wanted, how much more of him I needed until we were inches apart.

"Why? You think I'd leave?" He whispered leaning down. His minty breath fanned my lips, "You think I'd leave you? Just now when I had you after such a long time?"

His tone was merely above a whisper however, his words were on the edge, sharp and composed, meaning was crystal clear, he wasn't lying and he let me feel the honesty and empowerment of his latent promise drowned under a hiss.

"I'm not leaving you!" he said, "Not now, not ever, not because of anyone or for anyone."

A silent whimper escaped my lips, not only because of his dominance, but because his words had me weak. How was he able to say that? With such ease not knowing how wildly it was affecting me. I wasn't used to such a love, I didn't even know what it feels like....is this it? Is this love?

"J-Jungkook.." I whispered taking my eyes away from his, his eyes a blaze of compassion, I didn't have the courage.

"Do you feel that way?" He asked.

"Feel what?"

"Feel that if time calls for it, you'd....you'd d..."

"Do anything for you?"

My finish to his sentence left him in shock? His eyes met mine once again, "Yes Jungkook, I'd do anything that I would. Anything that would make you happy, or comfortable." I smiled stroking his cheek lightly.

For the first time ever, I had that feeling of empowerment over my thought. The feeling that justified my heart. I was really willing to do anything for him.

Without any wasted words, Jugnkook kissed me.
I could feel the difference, the heat, the passion radiating from him. The way he pressured my figure between his and the tree, the way he was holding on to me so tight as if he was going to loose me, the way he moved his soft lips against mine with a promise. A promise of love and sincerity.

How was he able to lure me like that, I didn't even realize.
But maybe that's just what love is, you fall in love without knowing what hit you unless it happens. You don't find love, love finds you.

And Jungkook found me first, so if anyone was going to leave, it'd be him...and I'd stay drowning in disparity of someone who was once upon a time mine.


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