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Third Person POV.

"Okay who the hell undid the folded clothes?" Hoseok emerged from behind the wooden doors of his room with rage written over his.

Taehyung sank down in his seat, Namjoon coughed awkwardly raising an eyebrow at Jimin. Hoseok took that as a sign, "Park Jimin! Explain yourself!"

"CAN SOMEONE CHORD OUT THE TV, IT'S FREAKING ANNOYING!" Yoongi yelled from the other room.

"IT'S NOT THE TV IT'S HOBI!" Jin yelled back from the kitchen making the others titter while Hoseok passed him a glare.

"WELL THEN VOCAL CHORD HIM OUT!" Yoongi spat walking into the living room with eye bags under his eyes.

"Hyung, have you been sleeping?" Taehyung asked sitting up straight.

Yoongi was famous for his immense talent as a heavy sleeper, day or night, dusk or dawn, the guy would fall asleep anytime anywhere. He wasn't of the best health either, in his early teens he suffered from obesity and later in attempt to loose weight he under went eating disorders. He was the leanest member of the group, and if he was sick, tired or agitated, it would show in his features.

Yoongi was never the sort to lay open what was in his heart, if he'd be ill, the other members would have to figure it out by themselves. He was the sort to not give bother about anything, for him life was just a never ending ride and as long as the other members are aboard, he'd want it to last forever.

Now things were tense, even when a girl had something to do with it. Yoongi adored all of the members, he didn't have any younger siblings. He loved the members a lot, the same went for Jin although he was more expressive unlike Yoongi who was more like a distant person physically yet not emotionally.

"You expect me to sleep with whatever is going on?" Yoongi asked in a monotone. Jimin looked away in slight guilt while the others were shunned silent. Yoongi sighed ruffling his hair in attempt to remove the bed head look however he ended up messing it even more.

"How are you all not talking about this?" He asked sitting down on the carpeted floor grabbing Namjoon's PS controller and switching it off.

"Because it's none of our concern!" Namjoon retorted leaning his back against the couch leg.

"Really? So we just watch him ruin himself?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, this is related to his private life, he needs to watch out and solve his issues himself now Yoongi. He is grown enough!" Jin sighed carrying the bowl of freshly baked cookies out to the table. Taehyung immediately grabbed one cookie making Jin give me a side eye, "Manners." He mumbled placing the bowl on the table.

"He needs to man up in my opinion!" Hoseok said shrugging leaning himself against the wall, "He messed things up."

"For God's sake, this is his first time!" Yoongi spoke sharply on behalf of the maknae.

"Hyung, you were the one who was very rough on him," Hobi mumbled looking away from the Yoongi's hollow look.

"Okay maybe I was, it's just knock some realization in his head!"

Jin and Namjoon gave each other a look before turning towards Jimin who was sitting with his head dropped low.

"What's wrong with you?" Taehyung asked elbowing his side. Jimin looked up pushing his bangs off of his face, "Nothing, where did Jungkook go?"

Hoseok tilted his head in confusion and Yoongi blinked. Ever since Jimin and Jungkook had a fight, neither of them spoke a word regarding each other, they treated each other as if the other was invisible.

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