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Jungkook's POV.

"OKAY WHERE DID MAH GUTCHI BELT GO!" Taehyung yelled barging into the room. Jimin and I gave each other a tired look.

"Jin hyung took it to beat his ass!" Jimin smirked knocking my side. I slapped his arm making him wince. Taehyung sighed, "Na Eun and Y/N...they are cooking.."

"Really?!" I sat up astounded.

"I know..something will burn now!" Jimin sighed, "No dinneeerrrrr...."

I slapped his arm once more, this time putting in real effort making him jump, "What the fuck!"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Jin hyung gasped popping his head through the door with furrowed brows. I sat back with a smirk and Taehyung instantly ran outside the room.

"I uh..what the duck?"

Jin hyung eyed him suspiciously before retreating back to the living room. Jimin let out a relieved sigh, "Damn..."

I shook my head smiling to myself hopping up to head to the kitchen.

The sweet smell of cookies mixed in with the scent of butter coming from the chicken made my stomach grumble.

"Okay if you're going to do some PDA tell me to leave.." Na Eun snickered making Y/N burst into flames. I smiled ignoring her snide comment.

Y/N was busy massaging the chicken to make it tender, Jin hyung standing in a distance over Namjoon hyung's head who was struggling to chop onions.

"WHY WON'T THIS CUT!!" he yelled out.

"BECAUSE YOU ARE USING A BUTTER KNIFE!!" Jin hyung yelled back yanking the knife away and replacing it with a chopper.

I chuckled making my way over to my adorable girlfriend. I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind placing my chin on her shoulder. She jumped turning her head to lock her eyes with mine, "You scared me..." she whispered. I smiled kissing her nose, "Really?"

She nodded rolling her eyes playfully, "I am all chicken like, you better leave.." I shook my head hugging her closer, "Don't want to."

Na Eun grumbled pushing the cookie tray into the fridge before turning to throw daggers at my back, "Let her work.." she hissed folding her arms.

Y/N gave her a thank you look making me hug her tighter in response, I loved the feeling of cradling her in my arms, she was so adorably tiny, her head fit perfectly into my shoulder. Y/N winced lightly tapping my arm, "Jungkook-ahhh.."

"DID YOU MOAN?!" Jin hyung gasped. My head fell into the crook of her neck as I groaned. Y/N hung her head low again in embrassment.


"SIR THIS IS A MC.DONALD'S DRIVE THROUGH!" Jin hyung spat. Y/N began to laugh making me smile.


"Is that a threat, and you think it works?" I asked letting Y/N go and turning to look at the two.

"HOW DARE YOU! MY FACE!!" Jin hyung gasped making Yoongi hyung snort before he gave me a wink, "Continue."

I blinked watching him carry Jin hyung out, "What the...never mind."

Turning back to look at Y/N, I fell in awe of how grumpy she looked. Her cheeks were the of a chilli, and so was the aura surrounding her. She bore her eyes into mine, "You always do that!"

I chuckled, "Do you not like me being close?"

Smirking the slightest I walked up close to her staring her down. Y/N tried her best to keep a poker face on but just as my sloppy grin dropped the shadow of seriousness, her hands slowly rose in defense when I spread my arms on either side of her caging her between myself and the kitchen counter, "Do you not like this?" I asked mustering the raspiest voice I had.

She gulped, "N-no.."

I leaned down on her, Y/N closed her eyes immediately pursing her lips.

"Maybe you should re-consider making dinner baby.." I smiled staring at her teasingly. Her eyes fluttered open, "Meaning?"

"Your chicken is going to burn!"

Y/N gasped using her full strength to push me off, she grabbed the pan with a cloth pushing it off the stove, "You jerk!"

"Correction; your jerk!"

She rolled her eyes smiling a bit, "You love the idea of you and I don't you?"

I nodded, "I want dinner first."

--Time Skip--

"THIS IS GOOD!" Taehyung moaned closing his eyes while chewing onto the chicken.

"Of course, Y/N made it." I smiled proudly at my talented girlfriend, she smiled back poking onto her piece of chicken, "Open up.."

I was shocked a bit and turned as reflex to Namjoon hyung who was frantically slicing the chicken, "Wow Y/N ain't it too soft? Cuts easily!"

"THAT'S BECAUSE IT'S A KICTHEN KNIFE!" Hobi hyung marked dropping his fork to facepalm himself.

I shook my head, leaning over to taken the piece Y/N offered. She smiled cutely once I winked at her, "I'll meet you in the room."

"Some of us are eating!" Na Eun coughed eyeing the two of us.

"Then some of us need to mind our own business!" Yoongi hyung subtly sliced into the atmosphere.

I smiled to myself, earning his support made everything feel so complete. Yoongi hyung was the most protective one of the hyungs; he was very critical with an indisputable sense of judgement. We all knew that getting into relationships and gaining his support would be hard, he wanted the best for us and sometimes we'd mistake it and he'd know.

When night further fell and everyone retreated into their rooms, I found Y/N sitting down on the porch swing rocking herself back and forth by kicking her feet.

I watched her for a while through the window feeling like she needed to have some time on her own, things hadn't been easy on her. No matter how tough she liked to appear, she was a human being.

My heart ached to see her like that, I wanted to do anything I could, anything in my power to make her happy..sometimes I wanted to take her away from this mess and out into the open where it'll be me and her alone...that way she'd be happy and I'd rejoice in her happiness.

Her figure appeared like a latent shadow under the driving darkness of night highlighted by the glittery moonlight. I sighed finally opening the door and stepping out to see her, as if judging my presence Y/N scooted and allowed me to sit.

Just when I settled myself, she slowly reached for my arm without looking at me while I studied her for some answers. She wrapped her arm around mine leaning her head on my shoulder, as a reflex, my head dropped to the side resting on hers staring out ahead at nothing but the gate.

"Promise me you'd never leave, promise that you'd stay." She whispered, her voice shaky making my heart clench.

"I never will.."


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