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Jungkook's POV.

"So Park Y/N is a friend?" Yoongi hyung asked while staring down at his phone as we made our way to the music class.

"Yeah, we were made lab partners and worked on a project." I replied keeping it as simple as that.

"So is she really that smart that she got into a senior class?" He asked silently, even when his motion was sloppy and lazy, I could sense from his questions that he wanted to know more.

"I didn't get a hold of anything to clarify that, she is very sharp though..." Yoongi hyung nodded closing his phone shoving it into the back pocket, "What type of a girl is she?"

I thought for a while, thinking of Park Y/N lit up many adjectives in my not-so-good-in-english head. It was a bit shocking, the way I could describe her in multiple ways. In my head I prepared a full paragraph but for Yoongi hyung I just prepared a simple sentence, "Soft spoken and well-mannered."

"Then what the hell is wrong with Jimin? Is his inner gay awakened?"

I literally choked on my spit looking at Yoongi hyung with baffled eyes, his eyes as usual were blunt and face expressionless. It was so easy for him to say even the most absurd things with such confidence as if they were a certified fact.

"G-gay?" I stammered pausing in my tracks, the hallways were empty since everyone was hanging outside near the bleachers before the bell rang.

"Yeah, you never show concern for women, now that you have he might think he'll loose you to Y/N.."

I let out a baffled laugh, sarcastic and disbelief, "That is the literal bull-crap!"

"Just a point, I don't see any other." He shrugged casually moving forward continuing his walk to class leaving me shook in the hallway.

"If they make us sing, I'll cry." Y/N mumbled stooping her head low. I chuckled ruffling her hair making her shoot a glare at me.

"Why? Are you not confident?" She vigorously shook her head, "Do I look like that?"

I chuckled leaning down next to her, again Y/N planned to hit to the very last bench in the class and I planned to keep her company. Needless to say, she was already getting looks of hatred. Rumors are already starting, 'is he dating her?'

It's annoying, just because I like hanging out with her does not make me like her. She is radiant, but I don't know her a lot. She kept her head resting in her arms placed on the desk facing away from me, and I stared down at her. She looked bored, to be honest I actually wanted to sing. And I hoped that if they make me sing, I'll pull Y/N with me. The way she cooes of whines when she's annoyed makes her voice sound so smooth and velvety, I can almost bet she's a good singer just needing to find her day in the sun.

Today, hopefully I'd give that to her.

"So we have an interesting game; I will choose a person, they can select a duo partner and the chosen one has the option to reject and accept, clear?"

"NAYY!" the class agreed in chorus. Y/N and I gave eachother a knowing look with tiny smiles already knowing who'd we pick.

"Okay, Sohun?" Aw Shit!

Sohun, the bitch who dated Jimin just to get close to me. Even if I was on bad terms with him, he was still my friend who got hurt by her. It disgusted me the way she looked at me with those tiny black beads of hers that shot me a flirty wink, "I'd go for Jungkook."

"And I'd go for rejection!" I rolled my eyes. Y/N tittered a bit shaking her head in disbelief, "Wow.." she whispered, "You roasted her."

Sohun scoffed, "Fine! Mark?"
"Oh Yessss..." the Mark guy fist pumped the air before him and Sohun began to treat the class with their not so harmonic voices.

"You and I will role this class!" I whispered to Y/N with enthusiasm. "Jungkook, I can't.." she said shakily. I grabbed her hand giving it a light squeeze, "You'll be fine, you have me." I smiled assuring her. I felt her ease a bit however she was still agitated, I kept my hold on her, not knowing why I loved the feeling of her tiny fingers intertwined with mine. Our hands fit like the perfect puzzle, it made me smile.

"Alright, thank you Jason and Dua! ( JASON DRUELO AND DUA LIPA LOLZZ ). Now next, Jungkook?" Madam looked at me. I nodded standing up pulling with me a timid Y/N, "I choose Y/N!"

The class gasped. "J-Jungkook." Y/N whispered moving a bit closer to me. I held her hand tighter, "Come on.." I said leading us to the very front.

"What do you want to sing?" I asked turning Y/N to face me, her eyes were covered by the hoodie. I used my free hand to pull it down revealing her dark orbs filled with fear. "Sing with me..." I whispered to her staring into the Kingdom Come hidden in her beautiful doll-like eyes.

"I'm scared.." she spoke in a low tone.
"Don't worry about them, just look at me..okay?" she nodded.
"What song?"
"Lovely..Billie Eilish?" I nodded. "Let's do it!"

While Y/N and I sang, I kept her shaking body close to me, her fingers tightly wrapped around mine. As expected, she left everyone astounded. Her voice was as smooth as butter, it was beautiful. Throughout the song she kept her eyes at me, other times she'd look away shy, then when she feared the judging looks she looked back at me.

She looked at me, as if she found inside me a trusted friend. And I was glad to be her first.


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