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"Everyone," Mr. Gill Sung clapped his hand on the desk drawing attention from the students. "I have news for you."

I pulled out the research work from my bag and placed it on his desk while heading down to my seat. Jungkook was sitting with Jimin today and the rest of his friends. When I passed by him he gave me an apologetic smile. I mouthed him an 'It's okay' and sat down to the row opposite to his.

Following Jungkook's gaze all of his friends turned to look at me. I gulped hating the attention. The guy beside him with dark hair gave me a scowl before turning away, next to Jimin sat a dark orange haired dude who was possibly the most handsome guy I'd seen so far ( APART FROM JUNGKOOK ), next to him was a tall dude with purple hair, he gave me a slight smile popping out his cute dimples and the guys at the very end; there were two, one of them with a bright smile and the other with a sly grin. I bowed slightly looking away.


"You all have submitted this research, now we'll take it to field work. We're going to have a camping trip."

As soon as Mr. Gill finished the class burst into cheers and laughs. I covered my ears annoyed by the screams and yells and the hooting that rounded the atmosphere. A school trip? With strangers? With people who find fun ridiculing me? Oh hell no. I sighed sadly closing my books.

"Sir may I be dismissed early?" I asked walking over to him. He looked over at me with piercing eyes through his glasses, "Sure, however Ms.Park, would you be joining?" I shook my head, "Maybe not.." he nodded understanding while passing me the permission slip, "Kumapsamida (Thank You)!" I bowed before leaving, from the corner of my eyes I saw Jungkook looking at me with concern.

Throughout the day I didn't see much of Jungkook, nor did I see any of his friends around. Perhaps he must be preparing for the trip, we left after 3 days. I stared down at the permission slip sighing. Why did I even take it, I'd never go. Neither will my mother ever let me off nor will I even agree.

"Y/N?" A familiar voice called snapping me out of my daze.

"Jungkook?" I asked turning around. He smiled sitting down on the step beside me, "I didn't see you after class? Where'd you go?" he asked in a tone full of concern and security.

"I just wanted to be alone..." I said quietly. Jungkook saw the slip in my hand, "Why haven't you signed it yet? Are you not going?"

I shook my head looking down. "Y/N, why?" He asked shaking my side. I didn't answer instead kept staring at my hands that rested on my lap. "Y/N I asked you something.." Jungkook's tone got a bit stern. He grabbed my hand forcing me to look at him, I wonder how'd he find it so easy to compel me to abide by his words.

"I don't want to go Jungkook." I sighed planning to make family issues an excuse, "My father is hardly home and my mom is alone..I have to stay with her."

"Your mom is a grown woman, she doesn't need your company Y/N."

"But she does.." I argued looking at him as he raised an eyebrow questioningly.
"She's sick, she might get an asthma attack and faint, I need to be there."

"You don't faint in asthma attacks."

"But she does!"

Jungkook chuckled softly shaking his head making me gulp nervously, what sort of a stupid excuse was that. I could definitely do better but sitting under his interrogating gaze, with that stern look on his face I got nervous..a lot and ended up making meaningless shit.

"Y/N, what are you hiding?" he asked looking at me with sincerity brimming in his dark doe eyes. I sighed knowing that it was absolutely useless lying to him, he'd figure it put, he'd figure me out.

"I just..I know I won't have fun." I admitted looking away from him. I didn't notice how his hand was still holding mine, I felt his thumb gently stroke my skin as he spoke.

"Why not?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"Because I don't have any friends." I sighed shaking my head. Jungkook let go of my hand. "Oh.." he whispered scooting away a bit. I felt the atmosphere shift, it became awkward and weird.

"Jungkook-ah?" I asked quietly turning to him, his lips were formed in a frown and he looked upset and offended. "What happened?" I placed my hand shakily on his shoulder trying to calm him down, he was agitated and tense.

"Y/N, am I not your friend?" He asked looking at me with hurt eyes, "Do you not consider me as a friend?"

"No no Jungkook," I shook my head grabbing his arm scooting closer to him, I had no idea why I was acting that way, why I was feeling so bad looking at his hurt expression, "You are my friend, but you have other friends too..who don't like me a lot. And since you are my only friend who'd be busy, I'd have no one else...." I explained feeling a bit down.

Jungkook shook his head, "Forget them, they do like you, they just don't know; Y/N you really should come, we'll have a lot of fun together!" He grinned widely grabbing my hands again in excite, he held my hands a lot and for some reason, I liked the feeling of his large hands grasp mine in a soft and gentle manner. I never liked any physical contact with anyone, heck I never let my own parents hug me mostly because I never trusted anyone tha....

Wait, am I saying I trust Jungkook? Just when I met him? Something about his adorable smile, the sympathetical tone of his voice and his respectful body language made me comfortable, like he'd never do anything bad to me.

I looked at how happy he was, how bright his smile was now that I've agreed to go to the trip.

But there is one more thing Jungkook, I don't want to be ignored by my only friend.


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