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Junkook's POV.

I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason


"Are you going to send that?" Taehyung asked quietly coming to sit next to me on the staircase. We had come back from our trip about a day ago. Things have been rough, especially for me.

"I.." I looked down at my phone again, like she'd ever forgive me based on this shit! Y/N won't even talk to me, she won't even look at me. I tried to convince Na Eun to go and talk to her, to tell her that everything was nothing more than a huge mis-understanding.

No one was ready to stand by my side, no one was going to defend me.
Namjoon and Suga hyung were the worst of all, Namjoon hyung saw her on our last day of the trip and no matter what I say, no matter how much I'd ask, he won't tell me.

Na Eun had left, like left the seven of us. Earlier today, she had a huge argument with Taehyung. She was mad at us, at all of us. She blamed me for loosing her best and only friend, I didn't know when they got that close but I did know that Y/N had refused to keep any links with us what so ever. She won't talk, won't look at us, pretend we aren't there anymore. She once again became the blended one, the back bencher on whom everyone picked on, everyone ridiculed and bully....and this time I wasn't there to protect her, I wasn't allowed to be there for her.

Everyone had made me the bad guy.

"Jungkook, did you try to talk to her?" Taehyung asked looking straight ahead. I knew he was upset with me too, everyone was. Suga and RM hyung won't talk to me or if they would they'd answer in simple sentences, Jin hyung would give me apologetic smiles if he caught me looking at him, Hoseok hyung had obviously lost his beaming smile.

All of them can go ahead and show how mad they are at me, but no one would even try to understand what agony was I going through.

I but my lip looking down at the marble stairs, no matter how much I'd try to convince myself for going to her and say sorry, I couldn't do it.

"I really hurt her?" I gulped, swallowing the growing lump in my throat. My voice cracked making Taehyung turn to look at me.

"Did you really love her?" he asked.

"Does it matter? It's all over!" I spat bitterly holding back the tears.

Taehyung sighed looking down at his hands, "Why'd you accept the dare?"

I let out a cold laugh, "You're really asking me that?"

Taehyung nodded, "Explain your reasons to us, so you can explain it to her as well!"

"She doesn't need to hear...."

"YES SHE DOES!' Taehyung spoke sharply, I rolled my eyes.

"Jungkook you have to listen! It doesn't matter what or how you are seeing this situation, try to see what impression has it given!"

I had no choice but to listen to him. No matter how close and intimate we were, he was still older than me and very smart in stuff like this because unlike me, he has a sister and so does RM and Hobi hyung. They know women emotions better, they can understand them, know their needs and predict their thoughts.

"I'll admit..." Taehyung began, "We never saw Y/N coming. Never though you still had it in you to begin to like someone Jungkook. You always hated the idea, you never watched movies with us, never read books touching the theme of romance, we never thought you'd grow to have feelings for someone again. Even if what happened to your mother was completely different from what we're dealing now, you were always so poisonous to such things......this was never expected."

I sat silent listening to him.

"That's why I accepted the dare hyung," I began in a hushed tone. Connecting my heart with words was never an easy thing to do, I never felt ease in communicating my feelings. Even with Bangtan having members who practically raised me, sharing my feelings was never easy and maybe that's why I lost her, maybe that's why I lost Y/N.

"What?" he asked looking at me with a questioning look. I sighed staring at my feet, "I wanted to protect her, the protection dad was never able to give to mum."

Taehyung blinked, then looked away, I knew he knew this wasn't easy for me but this time he didn't stop me from speaking because he knew this time it wouldn't hurt me. It wasn't about mom anymore, she wasn't alive anymore. It was about Y/N, who was still here..who I can still win over, still protect and love.

"I could see the terrible past in the crinkles on her forehead, she told me about how she's ill treated back home by a scam of a mother and a father who can't defend his daughter. I see her at school being picked on and ridiculed, and then that camp fire incident."

Taehyung looked down rewinding all the terrible things that could have happened to Y/N that night, "I'm still upset with Na Eun since she left her side..." he mumbled.

"Imagine what would have happened if I didn't go there on time. That's when I decided, she was too vulnerable and broken to protect herself, and even if she was strong I knew I'd do a better job. I took that dare just for the sake of being with her, so I could protect her. About liking her, that has nothing to do with the dare!" I said sharply.

Taehyung nodded, "I could tell."

"But...none of it matters anymore." I sighed holding my head between my hands, it was part to point a finger on what hurt me the most. Y/N's decision to ignore me, thinking what we had was a lie, thinking of my feelings as a scam...these were painful thoughts.

"She's never coming back to me," I whispered to myself feeling as defeated as ever, tears began to lure out of my eyes dripping down on the cold floor.

"I've lost her."


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