Chapter 8

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Anxiously, I followed Moretti into another unfamiliar room. But the more I looked around, it seemed to be his office.

I awkwardly stood by the door that he just barely previously shut and locked. He made his way to his desk, and leaned on it.

He didn't say anything, and just stared at me. I didn't say anything either and stared back at him.

Both of us didn't make a move to begin talking for a minute, before I finally caved in.

"Staring is rude, you know?" I place my hands on my hips.

He hums. "To bad i'm not staring, but rather admiring." he simply says.

I just scoff, and try to hide the fact that my face is slowly heating up. "You wanted to talk?"

He nods, but still doesn't say anything.

I just purse my lips when nothing is said between us, again.

Goddess, how painful was this going to be all the time?

"I'm going to explain to you something that can never leave this room," his deep tone was cold and serious.

I gulped, wide eyed.

"And if you say a word about this to anyone, I will have to do something I would rather not. Understood?" He left no room for argument.

I tried to swallow my fear, and narrowed my eyes. However, I was sure he could smell it rolling off of me.

He approached me, and I held my ground.

Until he literally grabbed me by my neck and pushed me against the wall.

"I said. Understood?" He growled, his mouth right next to my ear.

I panted heavily, scared of his large hand on my neck, being able to squeeze any time and take my life away.

I just nodded, and he released his grasp on my neck.

I gasped for air and coughed, not sure what just happened. I put my hand on my chest to calm myself down or something. I'm not sure why I do that.

"Now that we're on the same page, let's begin."

He went back to sit in his seat behind his desk. He beckoned to a seat in front of him.

"We're supposed to be mates, not business partners." I cross my arms in front of me, not sure where exactly all this pride is coming from.

He just stared at me for another moment, before shrugging.

Goddess, his mood swings are giving me whiplash.

"I'm sure you have heard rumors about this pack. And about me. And I'm going to clear them up."

Grabbing my attention, I tilt my head. But I still don't sit down.

"First off, I don't tell anyone my name. There's only two people that know it besides myself. Next, I have also lived for a very long time. I was cursed to live a very long life because I was an idiot. I was told the end of the curse would be close when I would meet my mate. And here you are."

I bit my lip and got lost in thought.

How long exactly has he been alive then? And why was he cursed?

Most importantly, why was I involved in this?

I scowl. "Why exactly are you telling me this? Because if you want me to warm up to you, this isn't how it's done."

He growled. "Because you are involved. Whether you want to be or not."

I shrugged. "I don't see what I can do to help you, not that I want to anyways. The only person who has been remotely kind to me so far is Malik."

"That's because he's friendly." He simply put.

"So friendly, that it bothers me."

"He hasn't always been friendly. In fact he was just like me. However, I saved his life, and he's been different since."

I purse my lips.

"Is he like this to all the people you kidnap?" I remark.

"I did not kidnap you."

"Oh so, breaking into people's personal rooms, dragging them out of them by force, taking them to an unfamiliar place without telling anyone isn't kidnapping? Because last I checked, it was." I place my hands on my hips.

He stood up from his chair.

"I took what was mine." He said lowly.

I held in a laugh. And then another, before I finally broke into a hysterical fit.

"You think I'm yours?" I laughed so hard tears started falling from my eyes involuntarily.

Moretti just stood there, watching me, clearly unamused.

I stopped laughing and wiped my eyes. "I will never be yours. It's cute that you think so, though."

"Want to know what's cute?" He snapped.

My face fell.

"It's cute how you think you're leaving my pack. When in reality, you're not going anywhere. I'm sure that you wouldn't want to go back to Kyle, now would you?"

My eyes went wide, and anger built up.

"How do you know about Kyle?" I said through gritted teeth.

He didn't flinch at my sudden rise in anger.

"I have my ways." Was all he said.

"Never mention him around me, ever. Do you understand?" I marched up to his giant frame, and poked my finger into his chest.

He just grabbed my wrists and forcefully put them behind my back.

I felt his hot breath hit my neck as I was pressed up against him.

I closed my eyes and focused on not letting the mate bond affect me right now.

"I will do as I please around you. You do not control me."

I struggled against his wrists, but he wasn't budging.

"You don't control me either."

And I did something no one else would ever have the balls to do.

I spat on him.

He growled loudly, and his grip just tightened.

I flinched and tried to get away from him, but I really pissed Moretti off.

He forced me against a wall, yet again.

My head hit the wall so hard, I lost my vision for a split moment.

That split second was enough time for him to dive into the part between my neck and shoulder, and bite down.

He's forcefully marking me.

I screamed at the pain, and thrashed against him.

He held me down until I calmed down eventually.

He pulled away and released one of his hands from my, probably very bruised, wrist. He used that hand to lift my head by the chin to look into his pitch black eyes.

"I control you now. Whether you like it or not."

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