Before You Begin!

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Hey guys! Author here! I highly recommend you read what I have to say first before diving into this story, or else you will get confused, and I am kinda tired of dealing with confused comments.

First off- this book is Mpreg! Has that mpreg tag and everything. If you're not into that type of story, then I'm sorry. There's nothing I can really do for you.

Second- This book is indeed a SEQUEL! It follows my other story titled "Running" and it's about the main characters (Liam) parents. They are both GUYS. But he refers to them as mom and dad. I don't want to get you guys confused like I do with the "papa" and "dad" stuff. So yes, Liam's Mom is a HE. Great, glad we got that cleared up.

Third- I used to have face claims throughout this book, but as time went on, the less I liked them. Also some comments weren't so kind about the people I was using for reference, and that made me feel just completely paranoid. It's really not anyone's fault besides my own for feeling like this, so I'm sorry.

Fourth- in a chapter I ended it in an authors note asking for no constructive criticism on my story. (Wattpad won't let me delete it haha...) Ultimately I have been met with comments saying things like "well it's going to happen because this is Wattpad, just deal with it." And I understand, but I'm purely writing just for fun. I'm not trying to be a professional author or writer in any means, and I know I am far from that. Also some comments can get really mean, which is why I no longer read through the majority of them. I still appreciate all the love and support however.

Fifth- people have been saying this book is a lot like 365 days. Please please note that this book was written before I knew the books existed, and that the story was finished January 2020, before the movie even came out. So I am by no means trying to copy that storyline :)

Last one- I do NOT like to write smut. It makes me feel so uncomfortable and I can guarantee you I will constantly think of deleting the chapter if it has full on smut in it. (Aka that one chapter in running) so if you came purely for smut purposes, I'm very very sorry. I just want to feel comfortable with what I write and how I have it up. But if you're still interested in the story, please continue! And if you're not interested anymore, I'm sorry to disappoint. It's still a good book, and I like to show that a relationship can be more than just sexual.

Thank you all so so much for reading this entire disclaimer thing! I really debated on not publishing it, but I think it's very needed.


❤️ Sunny

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