Chapter 37

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Waking up, I noticed I was alone in my bed, and Ansaldo was gone. I see a note from him on his pillow laying next to me. I yawn and stretch before I flip my hand over to lazily grab the piece of paper. Hey, I don't have much motivation in mornings, don't judge me. I open the note, and smile as I read it.


I have gone out to oversee training and overlook a few meetings. Your mom agreed to make everyone breakfast, so when you wake up it should be ready.

Today's going to be a wonderful day, and I love you.


I chuckle when he wrote the nickname I use for him. He knows me way too well.

Getting up, I go and take a quick shower to get ready for the day.

I set out a navy blue shirt and black pants that actually fit me. I don't bother with my hair other than to dry it and take the curled just a little. Quickly putting on my clothes and my same black adidas shoes, I went downstairs to see most of my family in the kitchen.

"Hey li! You're awake!" My mom gets a plate and puts an omelet on it, along with hash browns and sausage. "Thank you." I gratefully tell him as I take the food.

I went to sit down by the table with Kaydence, Cameron, and Kyle.

"Where's everyone else?" I take a bite from my omelet.

"They're with your mate. He's showing them how things operate around here. It's really intense." Kay chuckles, and sips her coffee.

I nod. "And I thought our pack was secure."

Kyle lets out a small laugh. "Yep." Is all he says.

We all continue to eat and enjoy our breakfast together, everything alright in this singular moment, forgetting about the threats that look ahead of us.


My eyes skimmed over the pages of the Mystery book.

I sat alone in the library, just wanting a moment alone.

But the book had me thinking. How did Elizabeth know what was going on in the house? How exactly does she figure out everything we try to keep hidden?

It can't be possible unless she has someone doing an inside job for her, in the pack.

Like a spy?

Rolling my eyes, thinking I sound ridiculous, I close the book with a sigh.

I hear the library door open, and Ansaldos scent flooded my senses.

I see him appear around the corner of a bookshelf, smiling when he saw me.

I open my arms, and he speeds up, quickly letting me wrap my arms around him as he pulls me onto his lap, and I chuckle as he brings to pepper my face with his lips.

Eventually his lips find mine, and I'm captured in yet another amazing kiss.

I pull away, and tell him quickly "I love you." Before he can take my mouth again.

We have a heated make-out session for a while before eventually we both lay down, me being a little on top of his chest, on the library couch.

"What are you reading?" He asks me.

I lean over to the table and grab the book I had set down before he came in.

"Just some murder mystery book. It isn't really my type of thing to read, but it's good." I shrug.

He takes the book, and opens to the first page, where he began to read out loud. Enjoying his voice telling a story I wasn't really that far into anyways, I let him read as my fingers found their way into his soft brown hair, and play with it gently.

He gets about 12 chapters in the story when my mind starts to go off in space, thinking just about anything.

My family, my pack, random tv shows and books, how my life is now, just anything. Even to baby names. I decided on one name that was for sure going to be our daughters middle name, and I can't wait to see Ansaldos reaction when I tell him for the first time.

I come back to reality when I see Ansaldo staring at me, like he just asked me a question.

"sorry, what?" I blink.

"I said, marry me." He softly tells me again.

I laugh, thinking he was kidding, but when I saw that his expression was serious, and it hasn't changed, I quickly get up from laying down on him, and prop myself up with one arm.

"Wait, are you serious?" I feel my heart pound.

He props himself up on his elbows, and nods. "I probably should've asked at a better time and place, but yes, I'm serious."

I narrow my eyes, wondering where this was all suddenly coming from.

"I've known for a long time that I wanted, wait, let me rephrase that, I needed to marry you. We've been together for about 10 months now, and I can't wait any longer." When he finished, I could tell that he was trying to hold back tears.

I don't think I had ever seen him cry, and frankly, I don't want my heart to break to see him do such a thing. I quickly lean in and brush my lips over his, before finally letting in.

I feel one of his hands travel up my back and stay there comfortingly. I pull away, and rest my forehead against his.

"So, is that a yes?" He whispers.

I laugh, now just feeling happy tears rolling down my face. "Of course it's a yes."

He sits up straight, and I am somehow straddling him on his lap.

"I'm the worst, because I don't really have a ring. I didn't expect to ask you today." Ansaldo embarrassingly spoke up.

I just roll my eyes, and look down at my right hand ring finger, and take off the promise ring he gave me, and switch it over to my left.

"Yes you do. You've always had a ring on me, stupid."

He looks down as I switched where the ring was, and looks back up at me. "You're absolutely perfect, in every way."

I smile even more at his cheesy reply, but I can do even cheesier.

"I wouldn't be who I am without you."


(Y'all, I woke up to 240 notifications, and this book being #1 in three different huge tags, #2 in one of the biggest tags on wattpad, and gained over 4K reads all in one night. (It went from 41k to 45k. Just three days ago this was at like 25k so what in the world? 😂) Like I'm so grateful for this, but so confused? 😂 Anyways, thank you. You all mean the world to me and I'm so so overwhelmed (in a good way) about the response this story is getting. You guys are truly the best, and reading all of your comments on my chapters make my day!

Anyways, enough sappy stuff. But thank you. I'll see you in the next one ;) )

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