Chapter 40

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I was leaned back in Ansaldos office chair, one hand resting on the desk, my fingers fiddling with my bronze ring. I chewed on my bottom lip nervously.

As I waited for some news, my mind wandered over to the dreams I had long ago. The ones with beau, and Kyle.

Reflecting on why I had that, and why each set was so different from each other, it dawned on me. The more I got to know my mate, and love him, the more he replaced Kyle. Was it my subconscious trying to tell me that I loved Sal more than Kyle? Possibly. We will never know. I never had the same dream repeat itself again. But now it makes so much more sense.

The door opened, and in walked Ansaldo. I stop leaning back on the chair, and I got up and made my way over to him.

He put his hands on the top of my arms, and smiled. "We finally have a small lead on where she's located. And we need to check it out right away, before whoever her inside job is can find out."

I nod. "I'm coming with." I tell him.

He opens his mouth to protest, but I glare at him. "I'll be in the back defenses. I can't miss something like this, Sal. Not after she tried to rip us apart. Not after she murdered my best friend."

He hesitates, before shaking his head. "I can't believe you're refusing to stay here."

"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm incapable of fighting."

"Uh, actually-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Annie." I growl.

His eyes flicker black, and I knew I hit a nerve.

"You're so lucky that I love you." He huffs in frustration, and I smile knowingly.

"I'm not going to be stupid and jump into a bloodbath. You trust me, right?" I take both of his hands in mind, and look into his eyes.

He leans down and captures my mouth with his softly. I respond back, and before we can go deep into the kiss, he pulls back.

"Let's go get everyone." He leads me out the door, as we go to get backup.

We found Malik spending time with his daughter in her room. He was dressed in all black, and honestly, the outfit suited him.

He looks up as we enter, and Ansaldo smiles. "We found her."


Ansaldo parked the car, and the other black vans followed suit. We hopped out on the side of the road, and we all came together, looking at the steep downhill slope just two feet ahead of us.

"Malik, you lead your group west, my group will go East." My mate stood tall, and radiated off such a type of confidence I had never felt from him before.

The beta nods, and the people in his group follow suit.

Now it's just me, Sal, Kyle, Cameron and Arina, with many pack warriors. We weren't playing any fun games.

"Alright guys, shift, and follow my lead. Liam, you stay towards the back with Kyle and Cameron. Arina, you're with me."

My older sister briskly nods, and shifts quickly into her maple brown colored wolf.

'it's your time to shine Vessel.' I speak to my wolf.

I felt him push forward as I close my eyes. I also open up a link to the two groups and everyone in them. Thoughts immediately flooded into my mind, but at least I was able to know what the other group was doing, and that they were safe.

When I open my eyes again, I see things through my wolfs perspective, and we're running silently through the thick veil of trees around us.

'Liam, can you hear Hannah?' Kay mindlinks me.

'Let me check.' I sent back, and concentrated on finding Hannah in the sea of voices.

I hear Kay, Kyle, Arina, Easton, Enzo, and Cameron at the moment. I try to push deeper, but that's all that was pushing through. I try again and again every few moments, but I can't hear her.

Eventually I mindlink my sister back about her mate, and explained to her I couldn't hear her.

'Should I be concerned on why she's not on the link?'

'No, she told me she was pretty sick today and couldn't possibly do this mission. I hope she's just resting.' Kay responded back.

'Is she ok? Werewolves don't get sick too easily?' I narrow my eyes in concern.

'She'll be fine, just don't worry about it too much. Thanks for letting me know.' And then she hid her link from the main connection.

Getting to distracted and caught up mindlinking everyone, I come to an abrupt halt by accidentally crashing into kyles wolf.

'Dude, seriously?' His wolf came through the link.

'Sorry.' Vessel responded to him, and rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed at his attitude.

'Follow me slowly, and spread out.' Ansaldo instructed.

I strain my head and look up, seeing a decent sized abandoned home just a few meters ahead of us. Couching low, I stay behind Kyle, as he is the closest wolf to me, and we slowly creep up towards the house, where there were more broken windows than anything.

'It doesn't look like much from up here, but underground it's around four times larger than what you see above.' Malik's voice comes through.

Everyone's attention snaps to seeing two figures in a room from one of the very many broken windows. Like they were coming up from above the ground.

Everyone tenses up, and the energy surrounding us all stiffens.

It's her.

Vessel sends me a signal of him with a satisfied expression on his face. He's stoked that we finally found the bitch.

Her brown hair was pulled back tightly into a bun that was pinned on the back of her head, her bangs framing her face with her naturally pale complexion.

But who comes out next, and who is with her, has everyone try their hardest to hold back a snarl.

That traitor. I fucking knew it.

I look over at Kyle, who's face has visibly dropped to one of complete and utter betrayal.

Everyone else slowly turns to look at him, but he doesn't seem to notice as all of his focus and attention was on one thing, and one thing only.

And that was-

Why the hell is Easton with Elizabeth?


(Wow! It's been an entire decade since I've updated! Sorry about the slack y'all  ),:

But anyways, hope y'all are satisfied as fuck, cause I know I am.)

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