Chapter 28

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I practically jumped out of Ansaldo and I's bed when Malik nursed through the bedroom door early in the morning with a pie.

"Happy birthday Annie!"


I gasped out of shock and laughter when my mates face was covered with pie and whipped cream.

My hand went to cover my mouth as Ansaldo growled, and wiped the sugary food off his eyes so he could see.

"Malik, I swear to the goddess, I am going to murder you." He roared.

I grabbed ahold of his arm before he could jump out of the bed.

"Sal, no murdering people on your birthday. If anyone should be murdering people here, it's me. You didn't tell me today was your birthday." I butted in.

Malik gasped. "My babe didn't know? Shame on you, Annie."

"Yeah, shame on you." I playfully narrowed my eyes.

Ansaldo turned to me, and quickly put his hand on the back of my head so I couldn't pull away when he attacked my face with his.

"Ew gross! Get off me!" I slap his shoulders, but he quiets my shrieks with his lips.

Even though I hate whipped cream, and my face was currently covered in it now as well, it was one of the best kisses ever.


"We have to do something for you." I follow Ansaldo around the back yard, almost pouting like a seven year old.

"It's just my birthday, mio teisoro. It's not a big deal." He writes in his notebook after examining a group.

"Not a big deal? Sal, this is the first birthday I get to celebrate with you." I sassily retort. "Please let me take you to do something fun tonight."

Ansaldo sighs and turns back to look at me. "Alright, fine." He gives in.

I jump up and down and clap my hands excitedly. "Oh my goddess thank you! I lo-appreciate you letting me do this." I almost catch my slip up, and it seems like Ansaldo doesn't notice.

He just admires me before leaning down to plant another kiss on my lips. Which I don't mind.

"I'm looking forward to tonight, Tesoro." Is all he says, before turning to walk to the next training group.

Smiling, I practically skip back into the pack house to plan the perfect night.


"You can't take the blindfold off yet." I scold my mate, and slap his hand away from the blindfold that covered his eyes.

"I've been blindfolded for twenty minutes now. When can I take it off?" He questions.

I lead him forward a few more steps into the building I took him too. I'm not sure how it's going to go, but I hope he likes it.

"Alright, you can take it off." I smile at him.

He gives out a sigh of relief and takes off the blindfold. His eyes widen at everything around us.

"Axe throwing!" I take the blindfold from his hands and pocket it. "And dinner at home afterwords. I figured you wouldn't want to be out in public more then we already are."

He pulls me into him, and nuzzles my mark. I gasp at the waves of sudden pleasure shooting throughout my body. "Thank you." He quietly mutters.

My smile softens, and I wrap my arms around him.

We stay in this position for a few more moments until I pull away. "Alright, what axe do you want? You get first pick." I take his hand and lead him to the wall of the weapons.

He squeezes my hand before letting go to grab one with a blade that was easily bigger than my head.

"This one will do." He sends me a 'pretending to be innocent' type of smile, before walking back to his post and setting up his target.

I grab an axe of my own, that's not as big as Ansaldos, and walk to my post next to his.

I see him carefully spread his legs into shoulder width, and raising his arms with a good angle. He throws it hard at the target, and it lands in a great spot at the target.

I gap at his throw.

He turns to look at me and gives me a smile. "Did I tell you I'm great at all things that deal with weapons?"

Honestly, I wasn't surprised.


"So your little sister was your younger twin?" I take a bite from the cake in front of me.

Ansaldo nods. "She was, yes. Very opposite of me as well, but somehow we got along really well and were inseparable."

"May I ask her name?" I carefully ask him.

"Annabella. We all called her Bell though." He smiles fondly at the old memory.

I finish my cake. "I wish I could've met her."

"I wish you could've met her as well. She would have loved you." He turns to look at me.

I blush and set my plate on the nightstand next to the bed.

Yes, we ate cake in bed. Per Ansaldos request.

"You have some frosting on the corner of your mouth." He points to where it was on his face.

My eyes widen and I try to lick it off. "Is it gone?"

He shakes his head, and I try again. "How about now?"

"No. Let me just..." he leans into me and kisses the corner of my mouth, which turned into a heated make-out session.

He bites my bottom lip and I don't let him in. He growls and I pull away and break the kiss. His lips travel down to my mark.

Starting to feel hot, I whine and tug at the end of my shirt. He notices and pulls away, and helps me tug my shirt off.

He attacks my neck again, and I whine.

"Sal," I start. He stops and looks at me, worry in his eyes.

"I need to mark you. Please." I lock gazes with him.

He kisses me quickly again. "Of course." Is all he says.

I start to kiss his neck, traveling down to where his shoulder and neck meet, and where I would lay my mark.

Quickly, I feel my canines come out, and I bite down.

I feel him tense up, and suddenly relax very fast.

I pull away and lick the mark, sealing it. "Are you ok?" I gently ask him

He nods, lust clearly clouding his gaze. "You better be ready to not walk tomorrow."

My eyes widen, but I smile.

"Bring it."

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