Chapter 31

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"Surprise?" I try to smile, but it's clearly one that shows my anxiety and worry about everything.

Ansaldo looks back down at the test, then back to me. "We're going to see the pack doctor immediately." He carefully takes my arm, to show he's not angry.

"Are you mad?" I softly ask, walking next to him, without a choice honestly.

"I just need to know for sure. A drug store test can only say so much." He explains.

"But you're not mad?" I feel my eyes well up with tears that threatened to spill.

He stops walking and turns to face me, and he rests both hands on my shoulders. "I can never be mad at you. And you possibly being pregnant is something amazing, not something that should make me upset. Understood?"

I nod and blink back my tears, relieved that he isn't mad or upset at all.

He lets go of my arm and instead takes my hand, which makes me smile. "Let's go see the pack doctor now."


The doctor squeezes the weird blue gel on the bottom of my stomach, and my body involuntarily tenses up from the cold. "Sorry about the cold feeling, Luna." He apologizes.

"Don't worry about it. And please call me Liam." I wave off his apology. The doctor nods, and grabs the ultrasound wand, placing it on the blue gel and moving it around.

A few taps of keys here, a few mouse clicks there, and suddenly-

"See this little white dot? It's about the size of a grain of rice right now, but that's your baby." I follow the doctors finger that points at a small dot on the screen of the ultrasound machine.

I drown out the voices of Ansaldo and the doctor speaking, just focused on the screen. Worry rushes over me, and I swallow a lump that formed in my throat. I turn my head away from the screen and focused on my hand in Ansaldos.

He looked down at me, and immediately sensed something was off. After all, I should be excited to see our baby for the first time.

"Excuse us, Doctor Rossi, Liam and I need a moment." Ansaldo tells the dark skinned man.

Rossi nods in understanding. "I'll print out a few photos of the ultrasound in the meantime. Let me know when I can come back in." He presses a few keys on the machine before walking out of the room, leaving me and Ansaldo alone.

"Mio Tesoro, whats wrong?" His hand reaches over my head and runs his fingers through my curly dark brown hair comfortingly. "Are you not excited?"

I shake my head, and a tear slips down the side of my face. "I'm so excited, but I'm too afraid to get attached. The letter from Elizabeth has me scared shitless." I explain.

He takes his hand from my hair and brushes off the tears falling down my face. "Liam, I know what just happened with Elizabeth has us all panicked and worried out of our minds, but don't let what just happened overtake this moment right now. We only get this moment so many times in our lives. So let's enjoy it and be happy to the best of our abilities. We'll sorry about the threat later, alright? Others are focused on that so we can be focused on this."

Ansaldo made really great points. Ones that I can't argue with.

"I just want our baby to be safe." I choked out.

"And they will be. They already are. This pack doesn't have our reputation because we picked flowers and sang with butterflies, does it?" He smiles at me, and I chuckle. "Exactly. Elizabeth doesn't know what she got herself into. She just knows she wants revenge because she can't move on and find happiness with others like I did."

I take Ansaldos hand that I held and brought it up to my lips, kissing the back of it. "You're right. This is a moment where I shouldn't be worrying about anything else."

Ansaldo leans down and presses his lips to mine, in a short, sweet kiss. We pull away when a knock is heard on the door.

"Alpha? Luna? Would you like your ultrasound photos?" We hear Rossi from the other side of the door.

"Of course. Come back in." I call.

The door opens and Rossi walks back in, and he hands me and Ansaldo each a copy of our tiny bean. I don't think I have ever smiled so big in my life, but I was so genuinely happy and grateful for what me and Ansaldo could create.

"Do you have any comments? Questions? Concerns?" Rossi handed me a paper towel to wipe off the blue gel from my stomach, and I gratefully accept it.

"Isn't vomiting or whatever a common thing with pregnancy's? Because I haven't thrown up once." I ask.

"Yes it is a common sign, but not everyone feels the need to puke. Everyone is different, after all. So don't worry if you're not throwing up. You'll just show different signs later on." Rossi easily explains.

I nod. I haven't really experienced any signs besides a slight increase in emotion and some cramps in my stomach I hardly felt. I have been sleepy more though.

"When should I expect to start showing?" Is the last question that's on my mind.

"Maybe around 6-8 weeks. There will be a moment though where you 'pop' overnight. When that happens, don't worry. It happens with everyone." While Rossi explains this, I sit up and pull down my shirt, throwing away the towel into a trash bin that's in arms reach.

"When is a stopping point for sex?" Ansaldo blurts out. I blush profusely, and smack his arm.

Rossi doesn't laugh though, he takes it seriously. "A month or so before your due date is a good stopping point. Just know it doesn't in any way harm the baby. It's actually extremely healthy, so keeping up a sexual relationship is definitely something you two need to do."

I hide my red face in Ansaldos shoulder. "Thank you. I believe that's all the questions we have. I'll mindlink you any other questions if they come up." I hear him thank the doctor.

"Anytime. I have other things too attend too now, but once again, congratulations Alpha and Luna." Rossi tells us goodbye before he leaves the room.

"Are you ok?" Ansaldo picks me up, and I wrap my legs around his torso and cling onto him. "I'm tired." I close my eyes and nudge my nose a tiny bit against his neck, near his mark.

"Alright, let's go take a nap then."

I nod sleepily, exhausted after all the information I took in today, and we left the room.

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