Chapter 9

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I brought my hand to my mark in shock.

I looked up to Moretti, tears now clouding my vision. I saw his eyes change from a black to his normal sea green.

It wasn't even him who marked me, it was his wolf.

I pushed him off of me, and he allowed me too.

"Lia-" he very quickly began

"Don't." I snarled. "Stay away from me. You monster."

I walked to the door and walked out of the room, Moretti not making a move to stop me.

I felt a tear run down my face, but I quickly wiped it away.

Vessel was whining in the back of my head, but I blocked him out.

I wander around the halls, not sure where to go to, or where I was. Because goddess, this place was massive.

"Need any help?" I turned around and saw Malik.

"No?" I asked.

"Was that an answer or a question?" He says, confused.

I shrug. "Can you just lead me to a room I can use? That no one else is using?" I really did not want to be back in Moretti's room.

Malik nodded. "Yeah sure, follow me."

Praise the goddess he wasn't acting like a child right now.

I followed him to another floor level and down another hall until he finally stopped in front of a door.

"You can use this room."

I nod and open the door.

I was met with a simple room. A bed and a dresser, with an attached bathroom. The bed looked about king size, which was more than I needed. Beige walls with a wood accent made up the room. This definitely wasn't the one I woke up in this morning, so I knew it wasn't Moretti's. I was very thankful and relieved for that.

I turn and look at Malik. "Uh, thanks. I guess."

He just nods. "I'll bring you lunch around noon."

I shake my head. "I'm not hungry."

"You might not be now, but you will be later." He crosses his arms.

"No, I won't be eating. Not until I can go home."

"A food strike? Really?" He laughs. "That won't last long."

I scowl. "I just want to go home. I won't eat until I do."

Malik just rolls his eyes. "Sure. Whatever. I'll be back at 12."

I didn't respond and watched him as he closed the door. As soon as he closed it, I walked over and locked the door from the inside.

I was not allowing anyone in.

I go to the bed and plop down with a sigh. I curl up like a ball under the sheets, and let sleep overtake me.

Curse jet lag.


The boys hands landed roughly on my shoulders and pushed me down.

"There's no way you're the Alphas only son! You're too small!" The boy teased.

Ah, an old memory.

I feel my eyes water. They weren't wrong, I was too small to be an Alphas only son.

"Aw, is the little omega crying now?" The boy, who I remember as Beau, mocked.

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