Chapter 11

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Shadow's p.o.v.

I don't even know what exactly happened back there. It was a normal race and even though it was dark, I could see just fine. But how in the name of hell could he have beaten me!? With the way things were going, I should be the one gloating instead of him! Maybe... maybe he tricked me. Its not the first time Faker had tried to trick me but I was always able trick him back and we would still end in ties. Sometimes I would win and sometimes he would win but now, now it seems like this has gone from the easy little fights to a monstrous race. This is the hedgehog's mind we are in after all so I wouldn't be overly surprised if he had something up his sleeve. Heck, the hedgehog I was racing against looks almost like Faker for crying out loud! Except for the main difference of their eyes, teeth, hands and slightly darker fur, I would almost mistaken them for each other. But now isn't the time to whine and complain, now I have a hedgehog to grill... and I think I know exactly what to do.

I sat up from the spot I was laying in and looked towards the forms to see them all lounging about. Another rule that the golden hedgehog graciously snuck in was that we can't move on without having to beat Faker's lookalike. Why didn't he say that before is something I want to find out but can't. I knew what happened last time with him looking like he wanted to kill me and I don't really feel like that riling up the golden hedgehog anymore would be a good idea. I glared at that hedgehog then turned my gaze towards the one I was racing. How exactly does he look like Faker anyway? Some weird gimmick or something? I shook my head and stood up, walking over to everyone else.

"Hey Sunshine. Finally calmed down?" Rouge asked me and I nodded

"Yeah. Hey Rouge?"


"Was there anything strange when Faker's look alike came before me?" she placed a hand on her chin.

"Hmm... I don't know. There didn't seem to be anything weird or otherwise." I sighed and sat beside her. "Sorry I couldn't help."

"No, its fine."

"What's this I hear about strange?" we both looked up to see echidna walking towards us.

"Just wondering if the race seemed... off somehow."

"Other then the fact Exe completely dominated you, no I don't think anything was off." he shook his head and I growled. "But..."

"But, what?"

"I sensed some Chaos energy that was used." I blinked then stood up and stomped over to Faker's lookalike.

"Oh that dirty, rotten, cheater!" once I was in front of him, he opened one eye then closed.

"So the ultimate life-form has come back? Are you going to admit that I'm better than you in every way?" I grabbed him by his neck and made him look me in the eyes.

"I want a rematch and I want one now." I growled and he smirked.

"Calm your jets emo. If its a race you want, then you got one." I let him go and we both stood on the starting line. "To the end-"

"And back, I know." I interrupted him and we both took off like rockets. I kept a keen eye on him until I saw his legs not even touch the ground anymore. "You cheater!" he looked at me then smirked

"Thats me." he punched me in the face, gave a mock salute then took off. I growled and once I caught sight of him again, I threw a Chaos spear and gained the lead.

"I don't like cheaters." I saw him come into my side view and frown at me.

"That hurt."

"Sucks to be you." I threw another spear and rounded the end. Now I just need to get back to the starting line again and claim my victory. I heard him growl and when I looked back, he was glaring at me.

"Now, I'm mad." he attacked me sending us both to the ground and he scratched me across the stomach. I was able to kick him away and send a bunch of Chaos spears his way. He growled while stalking me and I smirked.

"Do you want to do this the easy way," I got into a fighting stance "or the hard way?" he chuckled and copied me.

"Hard all the way, baby." we charged at each other and we tumbled across the ground. He kept on scratching me and kicking me while I was able to do just as much damage to him. As I kicked him in the stomach, I was able to get far enough away to race towards the starting line with him on my tail. I heard him growl and when I looked back, he had a real crazy look in his eyes.

"You don't give up, do you?" he glared and smirked

"No I don't." I kicked him one last time before I crossed the line first followed by him.

"HA! I win and you lose!" I laughed in his face but he glared at me.

"Did you really, Shadow?" I frowned and he pointed behind me. When I looked, I saw the gang all surrounded by the forms we've beaten but they all had a crazy look in their eyes. A blur came by and Faker stopped, looking at all of us then glared at goldie.

"Super, where's Tails and Hyper?" he asked in a dangerous tone and the golden hedgehog shrugged.

"I swore that he was right- there he is." a white blur came over and the white hedgehog had not only a crazy look in his eyes as well but a fearful one too.

"Tails is at the lab." he said while pointing behind him. Faker blinked then snarled.

"That little freak! I'm going to fucking kill him!" he raced away and I was tossed to the others.

"What's happening Shadow?" Rose whispered to me and I shrugged.

"No clue but I have a bad feeling."

"Your not the only one." Rouge said but got smacked in the head by the hedgehog with no eyes of mouth.

"Be quiet." she growled and was about to attack him when a sword was against her throat.

"You'll be first if you try any funny stuff, bat." the armored hedgehog said and she lowered her head. We all went silent after that

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