Chapter 16

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Exe's p.o.v.

I looked up as Hyper had floated down to me. I smiled and he smirked.

"Find anyone yet, Exe?" I shook my head and he looked around. "Alright, I guess I can do most of the work." I placed my hands on my hips and raised an eye ridge.

"Hmm? Oh, don't give me that!" he started swimming away and I rolled my eyes then followed him. The thing with me and Hyper is that out of everyone, I can hold my breath the longest but is also the fastest swimmer. I think it was over 2 hours last I checked. But with Hyper, he had somehow gained a pair of gills and is some sort of fish/hedgehog mix. I think it was when he was watching some fish or something and had been able to breath underwater ever since. Not to mention talk but even he can be so annoying at times. Though, he can also be deadly if the right strings are pulled.

"Hey Exe, if your done daydreaming, then get over here!" I didn't realize that I stopped swimming until I saw that Hyper was a few feet in front of me. Once I caught up to him, he snickered then pointed ahead of us. "If you were paying attention, then you would see that I found them before you." I looked to where he was pointing and saw that somehow, they were inside a... bubble? How did that happen? I looked at Hyper confused and he shrugged.

"Hey, don't look at me. I don't just make bubbles for anyone." he started swimming towards them I shook my head. Of all the crazy things Hyper can do, I always forget that he can make bubbles just in case if someone does end up not making it to the surface in time. But seriously though, I always did wonder how many abilities Hyper did have...

"Hyper!?" I looked back over at Hyper as Sonic's used to be friends looked at him shocked.

"Thats my name, don't wear it out! Hehe." he smiled and they stared at him.

"How can you talk underwater!?" Amy had spoken up and he chuckled.

"I just can, that's how." I swam up to him and poked his shoulder. "Hmm?" I nodded towards them and he nodded. "Oh, okay." he looked back at them and floated closer to the bubble. "Exe said that we can kill you now." he smiled innocently at them and their faces paled.

"Now, hold on Hyper! Maybe we can talk this out-" Hyper chuckled interrupting whatever Knuckles was saying and looked at me.

"I don't think so. And now, I will pop this bubble and turn you into a screw." he held a finger up and Silver looked at him confused.

"A screw? What about a screw?" he asked and Shadow face-palmed.

"You idiot. Hyper meant that we are screwed."

"Oh." Shadow rolled his eyes and Hyper pressed against the edge of the bubble, slightly pushing on it.

"You know, I'm really going to miss you." he smiled innocently and Rouge cooed.

"Aww... I'll miss you to-"

"You were so much fun to torment." his smile turned into an insane one and the bat frowned. Hyper looked at me and winked. I rolled my eyes. He always did like tricking others into thinking that he is just a happy hedgehog when he might actually be more demented then all of us put together. I faced that one the hard way. "Oh! And one last thing." he looked at them

"What is it now?" Shadow asked impatiently with his arms crossed.

"Hehe... oh... you know..."

"Know what?" Blaze questioned with a raised eye ridge and I'm sure she asked the question on everyone's mind at the moment. Hyper giggled.

"I hope that your souls will see what Sonic truly is." they stared at him and I rolled my eyes. He can be so dramatic at times... huh... that sounds a lot like someone... whatever. I watched as his finger made a dent in the bubble and before he popped it, I saw that all of Sonic's friends were huddling around Shadow. I raised an eye ridge but before I could do anything, a cat-like claw came out of Hyper's finger, popping the bubble and flash of white light had blinded the both of us. When the light died down, they were gone.

"What!? Where did they go!?" Hyper looked at me and I shrugged. He sighed and started to swim away. "I guess we have to tell Dark the bad news." I took one last look at the spot they were and swam up to it. Huh... I felt that there seemed to be some sort of power distortion... I stuck my tongue out just past my mouth then when I pulled it back in, I widened my eyes and quickly swam towards Hyper. I know exactly where they went.

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