Chapter 34

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Third Person

It would be an understatement to say the cobalt hedgehog was furious. No, Sonic was livid. This was not how he wanted his plan to go. Pesky heroes and their goody-two shoe nature. It didn't help how Chaos was also being stubborn. That was getting on his nerves too. So what if he is against all their beliefs? He wasn't a hero, he wasn't a villain, he was just doing what he believed and what he believed was just contradicting with their beliefs. It was as simple as that. Of course, there was going to be some bumps along the road. Nothing is ever as easy as it sounds. Why? Because living beings change. They adapt. And that is why Sonic is now sulking in his own self-pity for thinking he could get everything he ever wanted with a snap of his fingers.

With his back to the Master Emerald as it pulsed outwards with tremendous amounts of energy -surely Chaos's way of trying to push him off the island even though he knows how stubborn Sonic is- legs criss crossed and arms folded, Sonic had now chosen of all times to go over his plan. For precautions of course.

Mephiles aka the god of darkness was the first (besides Chaos) to be awakened. Mephiles was able to take them all on easily by trapping some of them in his tentacles but by the time Excalibur came back from his failed mission of getting the final Chaos Emerald, all nine hedgehogs were able to render the god of darkness unable to fight and had him tied against a tree unconscious. Speaking of Chaos Emerald, when Sonic had heard that Iblis aka the fire god (or goddess if you wanted to be formal) was now awake, he nearly lost his head. Three gods awake was NOT what Sonic wanted. At least Dark Gaia the dark god of balance and Light Gaia the light god of balance weren't awakened yet. Those two have to be the most annoying duo EVER. And that just leaves Eater -also named Time Eater- god of time and Infinite god of space.

When Sonic had felt the Master Emerald pulse again, he growled lowly while looking at it in pure hatred. Stupid Chao Lover... At that thought, he froze. When Chaos went on a rampage it was only because his little friends -the Chao's- had gotten hurt after the echidnas pushed them aside. His rage then grew from there. Even though Chaos was the god of destruction he was compelled to help innocent little creatures like the little Chao's. The cobalt hedgehog's gaze then moved to his brothers. All eight of them were forced to stay on the island for two days for Sonic's plan to work. Even though they were bored out of their minds, they didn't voice their opinions because they understand that in order for a plan to succeed, it must be looked over or else everything can go down the drain. He then looked at Adam and Eve. While Adam had still not woken up for a strange unknown reason, Eve on the other hand was wide-awake. And she did NOT like being held. On multiple occasions Eve had tried to escape and failed all those times.

The Master Emerald pulsed for a third time making Sonic come out of his thoughts just look back at the giant gem and was reminded of where he got his stubbornness. Anything could go wrong now.

"Chao!" Until he heard a tiny squeak. He looked towards the forest where the voice came from to see 5 Chao all looking at the hedgehogs in surprise. There was two Hero Chao, two Dark Chao and judging by the way they hid behind the one Neutral Chao, it was the leader. The blue Chao then looked into Sonic's eyes and the cobalt hedgehog then realized one thing. This Chao was Cheese.

A few months before all of this happened, Cheese had finally become an adult Chao. Cream was upset that her beloved old friend would leave her but was reminded that all Chao's must be let free once they grew up. It was the way of nature. Everyone was there that day to see Cheese off and that was also the day the gang had wondered what Sonic's past was like. The cobalt hedgehog was sure they were regretting all of their life choices up to now.

"Chao?" By the way Cheese had looked at Sonic and then at all of his brothers, he was utterly confused. "Chao." The blue Chao had looked back to the other four and pointed at the spot they were standing. Probably to stay put. Cheese then turned around and slowly flew past each and every hedgehog with a look of worry and confusion until he was just hovering over the steps to the altar.

The Master Emerald pulsed again but this time Sonic could feel a longing coming from it. Strange he thought Chaos had always kept or at least tried to keep his feelings out of every matter. And then an idea had hit Sonic harder than a boulder rolling down a cliff. Chaos was a friend to all Chao's. He was compelled to help all those who couldn't help themselves. The five Chao's must've come by to spend time with Chaos but because of what was going on, he was upset that he was forced to work and not spend time with his friends. The Chao's getting hurt that day is also what had caused Chaos to get angry in the first place. With a wicked smile, Sonic then thought of how his plan could come to fruition.

"Ch-Chao?" Seeing his smile, the blue Chao had begun to float away.

"Hey Cheese. Where are you going?" Sonic had said with a calm voice while waving towards his brothers to get up. "Why don't you stay? You want to see Chaos right? Well, I can make that happen." At this point, Sonic had stood up and slowly made his way down the steps. "We can all just play together if you stay here." From his peripheral vision, Cheese had seen he was being surrounded and with wide eyes looked towards his friends.

"CHAO!" At that command, the Chao's all scattered and Cheese was able to squeeze his way away from the hedgehogs and fly off.

"After those Chao's!" Sonic commanded but then another idea came to mind and he looked at Fleetway. If you want something done, you must do it yourself. "Hold on Fleetway." The golden demon had stopped and the cobalt hedgehog walked up to him. "Watch over Mephiles and the Master Emerald. I have a job to do." He bugun to walk away not bothering to wait for his answer until he realized who he was talking to. He looked over his shoulder and glared at Fleetway. "Don't mess this up. Or else." And with that, Sonic zipped off.

Mortals never understood life. They are all just greedy bastards that take for themselves and never give back. Humans and Mobians didn't deserve the life that they were given. And with those thoughts Sonic had finally thought that everything was going to go his way. With a smirk he finally knew he was going to win. Once and for all.

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