Chapter 35

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Third Person

The royal family was tense. But who could blame them? Being summoned to the one hedgehog who made their lives a living hell is not something they wanted to participate in. In fact, it was kinda strange. From the time Havoc had ruled their kingdom, he never asked for anyone besides his brothers to come forth and see him. What could the cobalt hedgehog want? Sally in particular had millions of ideas running through her head at once. Are they going to die? Be tortured? Suffer a fate that's worse than death? She hoped it was none of those.

Forced to walk in a line, she could only stare at the back of her brother's head. Without moving her head she could easily see how tense Elias was. You could easily suffocate. Couldn't blame him. She felt her muscles might never relax in her posture. Leaning slightly to the left trying hard not to give herself away to the six foot hedgehog behind her, she spotted her father in the front right behind the violet hedgehog. It wasn't hard to also see that her father was tense. A giant hand from behind her had smacked her upright once again. Looking from her peripheral vision, Beast was giving her a look that basically said 'you won't need your legs if you don't walk straight.' Why oh why did she have to be so curious? All she wanted that day was to see what life was like outside of the castle. Then again, her father did warn her that if anyone outside of the castle ever found out that she was a princess and she got captured, they would most likely use her for their own devilish deeds just to get what they want.

Turning around the corner she had memorized so many times, the chipmunks finally came upon the throne room. As soon as they got close, Sally could only stare into Havoc's emeralds. Then a strange thought came to her mind. Was Havoc bored? Is that why they were here? Just to be jesters that if they didn't do their jobs, they would be executed? Her mind was torn as she tried to figure the cobalt one out. The more she stared, the harder it seemed to get past his borders. To see what lies within. If she could do it, she might be able to figure out his weakness. Whatever that was. Sally was snapped out of her thoughts once she was forced to kneel in front of Havoc. The cobalt hedgehog glared at each of them but his eyes seemed to linger longer on her as emeralds met light blue.

"So." Havoc began once he dragged his eyes away from Sally's. "You are probably wondering why I have summoned you. Well, wonder no more." He stood up from his seat moving towards the chipmunks at a slow and steady pace. "I have been told of what's going on around here and I have to say," he placed his arms behind his back and eyes narrowed in concentration. He practiced this speech and if his plan was to work, he needed to get every single part of it right. "I'm not impressed." He then sighed and turned his head away. "You can speak freely."

"What do you want from us?" Elias hissed as he didn't waste a second in getting his point across. Havoc looked directly at him.

"I have realized that my time as ruler of your kingdom isn't what I expected. It has been dull and awfully boring. I need some excitement." He then looked at Maxmillian. "And that is why I have called you here. I have watched your family from afar before I made myself known. I seen how much you treasure your family and I envy you. Sure my brothers have personalities of their own but let's be reasonable. They have only been taught to do their job and nothing more. They wouldn't even give it a second thought." Havoc had moved one hand to scratch the side of his head as he looked at the floor. "Basically what I am saying is that you're no longer my prisoners. Do your worst." He folded his hands behind his back once more as he closed his eyes still looking at the ground. All was silent in the room. No one dared to speak, no one dared to move. The royal family could only stare at the cobalt hedgehog, look at each other then let their eyes roam about the room. They only just realized now that Havoc's brothers were all standing the same way the cobalt one was and were also off to the sides. Sally was the first to move as she stood up and began to close in on Havoc but she glided across the floor in a graceful approach; one that didn't show any fear.

1 Body, 1 Soul, 1 Life, 8 MindsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin